Script crashing, assuming access violation, not sure. Topic is solved

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Script crashing, assuming access violation, not sure.

Post by KuroiLight » 25 Dec 2017, 23:06

Im trying to move my custom notification code into its own script so I can better manage how/when notifications popup from multiple scripts, heres where Im at:
Function included in calling scripts:

Code: Select all

Notify(message, timeout := 2500) {
    static NSW_WinName := "NotificationOperator - 0xF505 @ ZZ9PZA"
    NSW_ID := WinExist(NSW_WinName)

    if(!NSW_ID) {
        for i, v in Array("\lib\CNS.ahk", "\CNS.ahk", "\..\CNS.ahk") {
            if(FileExist(A_ScriptDir . v)) {
                Run, % A_ScriptDir . v, A_ScriptDir, UseErrorLevel, CNS_PID
                if(!ErrorLevel and CNS_PID) {
                    WinWait, %NSW_WinName%,,
                    NSW_ID := WinExist(NSW_WinName)
        if(!NSW_ID) {
            ToolTip, % message

    ;ToolTip, % SHOWNOTIFICATION . "`n" . message . "`n" . &message . "`n" . NSW_ID
    SendMessage, %SHOWNOTIFICATION%, &message, %timeout%,, ahk_id %NSW_ID%
The notification script:

Code: Select all

;Centralized Notification System
;Version: 1.0
;Author: KuroiLight/klomb

#SingleInstance, force


DetectHiddenWindows, On
global SCRIPT_TITLE := "NotificationOperator - 0xF505 @ ZZ9PZA"
WinSetTitle, ahk_id %A_ScriptHwnd%,, %SCRIPT_TITLE%

RemainingTick := 0
TickSize := 250
Notification_Visible := false
Notify_Window := 0x0

BgColor := "282828"
FrColor := "EEEEEE"
FontSize := "12"

OnMessage(SHOWNOTIFICATION, "Show_Notification")
SetTimer, Hide_Notification, %TickSize%



Initialize() {
    global base_x, base_y

    if(WinExist("ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd")) {
        WinGetPos, shell_x, shell_y, shell_w, shell_h, ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd
        base_x := shell_x + shell_w
        base_y := shell_y
    } else {
        SysGet, Primary_M, MonitorPrimary
        SysGet, Monitor_, Monitor, %Primary_M%
        base_x := Monitor_Right
        base_y := Monitor_Left

    base_x -= 10
    base_y -= 10

Hide_Notification() {
    global RemainingTick, Notification_Visible, Notify_Window, TickSize

    if(RemainingTick >= 1) {
        RemainingTick -= TickSize
    } else {
        if(Notification_Visible) {
            Gui, %Notify_Window%: Hide
            Notification_Visible := false

Show_Notification(ptr_message, lParam, msg, hwnd) {
    ;ToolTip, % ptr_message . "`n" . lParam . "`n" . msg
    if(!msg == SHOWNOTIFICATION or !ptr_message)
        return 0

    message := StrGet(ptr_message)

    global RemainingTick, Notification_Visible, Notify_Window, MainLbl, base_x, base_y
    global BgColor, FrColor, FontSize
    RemainingTick := lParam

    if(!Notify_Window) {
        Gui, New, +AlwaysOnTop +Border -Caption -Resize +ToolWindow +HwndNotify_Window, %SCRIPT_TITLE%
        Gui, %Notify_Window%: Color, %BgColor%
        Gui, %Notify_Window%: Font, c%FrColor% s%FontSize%
        Gui, %Notify_Window%: Margin, 5, 5
        Gui, %Notify_Window%: Add, Text, +HwndMainLbl, %message%
            Throw, "Failure to create GUI."
    } else {
        DllCall("User32\DestroyWindow", "UInt", MainLbl)
        Gui, %Notify_Window%: Add, Text, X5 Y5 +HwndMainLbl, %message%

    Gui, %Notify_Window%: Show, Hide AutoSize NoActivate
    WinGetPos,,, N_W, N_H, ahk_id %Notify_Window%
    New_X := base_x - N_W
    New_Y := base_y - N_H
    Gui, %Notify_Window%: Show, AutoSize NoActivate X%New_X% Y%New_Y%
    return (Notification_Visible := true)
I'm not sure but I assume its an access violation from StrGet, unfortunetly the script just crashes with the generic APPCRASH (in the event log) as soon as Notify is called.. Any ideas?
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Re: Script crashing, assuming access violation, not sure.

Post by Rindis » 26 Dec 2017, 03:35

what is the error message you get?
[edit] read the last line....

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Re: Script crashing, assuming access violation, not sure.

Post by teadrinker » 26 Dec 2017, 06:29

Hi, KuroiLight,

I suppose, the problem is here:

Code: Select all

SendMessage, %SHOWNOTIFICATION%, &message, %timeout%,, ahk_id %NSW_ID%
You are trying to send the pointer from one process to another. It doesn't make sence, since a pointer is only valid in its own process. If you want to send a string from one script to another, use WM_COPYDATA.

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Re: Script crashing, assuming access violation, not sure.

Post by KuroiLight » 26 Dec 2017, 17:30

teadrinker wrote:Hi, KuroiLight,

I suppose, the problem is here:

Code: Select all

SendMessage, %SHOWNOTIFICATION%, &message, %timeout%,, ahk_id %NSW_ID%
You are trying to send the pointer from one process to another. It doesn't make sence, since a pointer is only valid in its own process. If you want to send a string from one script to another, use WM_COPYDATA.
That's what I figured, strange that it's worked before, I'm guessing in this case the string is being disposed before StrGet can read it.
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Re: Script crashing, assuming access violation, not sure.

Post by KuroiLight » 26 Dec 2017, 18:03

Well updated to use a copy structure, but it still crashes on receive: :?
updated notify function:

Code: Select all

Notify(message, timeout := 2500) {
    static NSW_WinName := "NotificationOperator - 0xF505 @ ZZ9PZA"
    static script_local := "", SHOWNOTIFICATION := 0xF505
    A_DHW := A_DetectHiddenWindows
    DetectHiddenWindows, On

    if(!WinExist(NSW_WinName)) {
        if(!script_local) {
            for i, v in Array("\lib\CNS.ahk", "\CNS.ahk", "\..\CNS.ahk")
                if(FileExist(A_ScriptDir . v))
                    script_local := A_ScriptDir . v

        Run, %script_local%, UseErrorLevel, CNS_PID
        if(ErrorLevel or !CNS_PID) {
            ToolTip, %message%, 0, 0
        } else {
            WinWait, %NSW_WinName%

    ;build WM_COPYDATA structure
    VarSetCapacity(CDStruct, 3*A_PtrSize, 0)
    NumPut((StrLen(message) + 1) * (A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1), CDStruct, A_PtrSize)
    NumPut(&message, CDStruct, 2*A_PtrSize)

    SendMessage, %SHOWNOTIFICATION%, &CDStruct, %timeout%,, %NSW_WinName%
    MsgBox, % "SendMessage:`n" . SHOWNOTIFICATION . "`n" . &CDStruct . "`n" . timeout . "`n" . NSW_WinName . "`nResult: " . ErrorLevel
    DetectHiddenWindows, %A_DHW%
updated CNS script:

Code: Select all

;Centralized Notification System
;Version: 1.0
;Author: KuroiLight/klomb

#SingleInstance, force


DetectHiddenWindows, On
SCRIPT_TITLE := "NotificationOperator - 0xF505 @ ZZ9PZA"
WinSetTitle, ahk_id %A_ScriptHwnd%,, %SCRIPT_TITLE%

RemainingTick := 0
TickSize := 250
Notification_Visible := false
Notify_Window := 0x0

BgColor := "282828"
FrColor := "EEEEEE"
FontSize := "12"

OnMessage(SHOWNOTIFICATION, "Show_Notification")
SetTimer, Hide_Notification, %TickSize%



Initialize() {
    global base_x, base_y

    if(WinExist("ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd")) {
        WinGetPos, shell_x, shell_y, shell_w, shell_h, ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd
        base_x := shell_x + shell_w
        base_y := shell_y
    } else {
        SysGet, Primary_M, MonitorPrimary
        SysGet, Monitor_, Monitor, %Primary_M%
        base_x := Monitor_Right
        base_y := Monitor_Left

    base_x -= 10
    base_y -= 10

Hide_Notification() {
    global RemainingTick, Notification_Visible, Notify_Window, TickSize

    if(RemainingTick >= 1) {
        RemainingTick -= TickSize
    } else {
        if(Notification_Visible) {
            Gui, %Notify_Window%: Hide
            Notification_Visible := false

Show_Notification(ptr_message, lParam, msg, hwnd) {
    ToolTip, % ptr_message . "`n" . lParam . "`n" . msg
    if(!msg == SHOWNOTIFICATION or !ptr_message)
        return 0

    message := StrGet(NumGet(ptr_message + 2*A_PtrSize))

    global RemainingTick, Notification_Visible, Notify_Window, MainLbl, base_x, base_y
    global BgColor, FrColor, FontSize
    RemainingTick := lParam

    if(!Notify_Window) {
        Gui, New, +AlwaysOnTop +Border -Caption -Resize +ToolWindow +HwndNotify_Window, %SCRIPT_TITLE%
        Gui, %Notify_Window%: Color, %BgColor%
        Gui, %Notify_Window%: Font, c%FrColor% s%FontSize%
        Gui, %Notify_Window%: Margin, 5, 5
        Gui, %Notify_Window%: Add, Text, +HwndMainLbl, %message%
            Throw, "Failure to create GUI."
    } else {
        DllCall("User32\DestroyWindow", "UInt", MainLbl)
        Gui, %Notify_Window%: Add, Text, X5 Y5 +HwndMainLbl, %message%

    Gui, %Notify_Window%: Show, Hide AutoSize NoActivate
    WinGetPos,,, N_W, N_H, ahk_id %Notify_Window%
    New_X := base_x - N_W
    New_Y := base_y - N_H
    Gui, %Notify_Window%: Show, AutoSize NoActivate X%New_X% Y%New_Y%
    return (Notification_Visible := true)
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Re: Script crashing, assuming access violation, not sure.

Post by KuroiLight » 26 Dec 2017, 18:15

According to OnMessage Docs both this^ and the previous way I did it should work just fine? I don't understand. Is this another quirk/bug in AHK or just me?
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Re: Script crashing, assuming access violation, not sure.

Post by BoBo » 27 Dec 2017, 02:27

Is this another quirk/bug in AHK or just me?
[pun intented] Let's guess that our fellow AHK member just me can't be hold accountable for that thing. :lol: :mrgreen: [/pun intended]

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Re: Script crashing, assuming access violation, not sure.  Topic is solved

Post by teadrinker » 27 Dec 2017, 06:18

KuroiLight wrote:

Code: Select all

    ;build WM_COPYDATA structure
    VarSetCapacity(CDStruct, 3*A_PtrSize, 0)
    NumPut((StrLen(message) + 1) * (A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1), CDStruct, A_PtrSize)
    NumPut(&message, CDStruct, 2*A_PtrSize)

    SendMessage, %SHOWNOTIFICATION%, &CDStruct, %timeout%,, %NSW_WinName%
Why do you keep using SHOWNOTIFICATION instead of WM_COPYDATA? To send COPYDATASTRUCT you must only using WM_COPYDATA.
An example:

Code: Select all

DetectHiddenWindows, On
SetTitleMatchMode, 2

if !WinExist("Receiver1.ahk ahk_class AutoHotkey")  {
   Run, %A_ScriptDir%\Receiver1.ahk
   WinWait, Receiver1.ahk ahk_class AutoHotkey
hWnd := WinExist()

Notify("Hello from Sender1.ahk!", hWnd)

Notify(string, hWnd)  {
   VarSetCapacity(message, size := StrPut(string, "UTF-16")*2, 0)
   StrPut(string, &message, "UTF-16")
   VarSetCapacity(COPYDATASTRUCT, A_PtrSize*3)
   NumPut(size, COPYDATASTRUCT, A_PtrSize, "UInt")
   NumPut(&message, COPYDATASTRUCT, A_PtrSize*2)
   DllCall("SendMessage", Ptr, hWnd, UInt, WM_COPYDATA := 0x4A, Ptr, 0, Ptr, &COPYDATASTRUCT)

Code: Select all

OnMessage(0x4A, "WM_COPYDATA")

WM_COPYDATA(wp, lp)  {
; don't work with data here, only read it and immediately return true
   string := StrGet(NumGet(lp + A_PtrSize*2), "UTF-16")
   timer := Func("DataHandling").Bind(string)
   SetTimer, % timer, -10
   Return true

DataHandling(data)  {
   MsgBox, % data
However, you could send a pointer, like in your first script, but to get data, you need to read memory of the process, which contains it:

Code: Select all

DetectHiddenWindows, On
SetTitleMatchMode, 2

if !WinExist("Receiver2.ahk ahk_class AutoHotkey")  {
   Run, %A_ScriptDir%\Receiver2.ahk
   WinWait, Receiver2.ahk ahk_class AutoHotkey
hWnd := WinExist()

Notify("Hello from Sender2.ahk!", hWnd)

Notify(string, hWnd)  {
   static MyPID := DllCall("GetCurrentProcessId")
   VarSetCapacity(message, size := StrPut(string, "UTF-16")*2, 0)
   StrPut(string, &message, "UTF-16")
   DllCall("SendMessage", Ptr, hWnd, UInt, SHOWNOTIFICATION := 0xF505, Ptr, &message, Ptr, (size << 16)|MyPID)

Code: Select all

OnMessage(0xF505, "ReadData")

ReadData(wp, lp)  {
; don't work with data here, only read it and immidiately return true
   pData := wp
   senderPID := lp & 0xFFFF
   dataSize := lp >> 16
   if !hProcess := DllCall("OpenProcess", UInt, PROCESS_VM_READ := 0x10, UInt, 0, UInt, senderPID, Ptr)  {
      MsgBox, Failed to open process. Error: %A_LastError%
   VarSetCapacity(buff, dataSize, 0)
   if (!DllCall("ReadProcessMemory", Ptr, hProcess, Ptr, pData, Ptr, &buff, Ptr, dataSize, PtrP, read) && error := true)
      MsgBox, Failed to read process memory. Error: %A_LastError%
   DllCall("CloseHandle", Ptr, hProcess)
   if error
   string := StrGet(&buff, "UTF-16")
   timer := Func("SHOWNOTIFICATION").Bind(string)
   SetTimer, % timer, -10
   Return true

   MsgBox, % string

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Re: Script crashing, assuming access violation, not sure.

Post by KuroiLight » 27 Dec 2017, 13:52

The MSDN states "Contains data to be passed to another application by the WM_COPYDATA message., I guess I assumed this wasn't a hard requirement and I can't seem to find any info on whether or not the message codes are significant beyond being an identifier. Do you know of a doc/tutorial about this?
What you posted makes more sense, I will try that.
@BoBo lol
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Re: Script crashing, assuming access violation, not sure.

Post by KuroiLight » 27 Dec 2017, 14:55

Ok changing the message to WM_COPYDATA worked.
In-case anyone is wondering here's what I ended up with:

Code: Select all

;Centralized Notification System
;Version: 1.0
;Author: KuroiLight/klomb

#Include %A_ScriptDIr%\includes\CommonCode.ahk
#SingleInstance, force


DetectHiddenWindows, On
SCRIPT_TITLE := "NotificationOperator - 0xF505 @ ZZ9PZA"
WinSetTitle, ahk_id %A_ScriptHwnd%,, %SCRIPT_TITLE%

RemainingTick := 0
TickSize := 250
Notification_Visible := false
Notify_Window := 0x0

BgColor := "282828"
FrColor := "EEEEEE"
FontSize := "12"

SetTimer, Hide_Notification, %TickSize%



Initialize() {
    global base_x, base_y

    if(WinExist("ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd")) {
        WinGetPos, shell_x, shell_y, shell_w, shell_h, ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd
        base_x := shell_x + shell_w
        base_y := shell_y
    } else {
        SysGet, Primary_M, MonitorPrimary
        SysGet, Monitor_, Monitor, %Primary_M%
        base_x := Monitor_Right
        base_y := Monitor_Left

    base_x -= 10
    base_y -= 10

Hide_Notification() {
    global RemainingTick, Notification_Visible, Notify_Window, TickSize

    if(RemainingTick >= 1) {
        RemainingTick -= TickSize
    } else {
        if(Notification_Visible) {
            Gui, %Notify_Window%: Hide
            Notification_Visible := false

_WM_COPYDATA(wParam, lParam, msg, hwnd) {
    message_raw := StrGet(NumGet(lParam + 2*A_PtrSize))
    if(RegExMatch(message_raw, "iS)(?P<timeout>\d+)\:(?P<message>.+)", data_))
        AsyncFunction("Show_Notification", [data_message, data_timeout]*)
    return 1

Show_Notification(message, timeout) {
    if(!timeout or !message)
        return 0

    global RemainingTick, Notification_Visible, Notify_Window, MainLbl, base_x, base_y
    global BgColor, FrColor, FontSize
    RemainingTick := timeout

    if(!Notify_Window) {
        Gui, New, +AlwaysOnTop +Border -Caption -Resize +ToolWindow +HwndNotify_Window, %SCRIPT_TITLE%
        Gui, %Notify_Window%: Color, %BgColor%
        Gui, %Notify_Window%: Font, c%FrColor% s%FontSize%
        Gui, %Notify_Window%: Margin, 5, 5
        Gui, %Notify_Window%: Add, Text, +HwndMainLbl, %message%
            Throw, "Failure to create GUI."
    } else {
        DllCall("User32\DestroyWindow", "UInt", MainLbl)
        Gui, %Notify_Window%: Add, Text, X5 Y5 +HwndMainLbl, %message%

    Gui, %Notify_Window%: Show, Hide AutoSize NoActivate
    WinGetPos,,, N_W, N_H, ahk_id %Notify_Window%
    New_X := base_x - N_W
    New_Y := base_y - N_H
    Gui, %Notify_Window%: Show, AutoSize NoActivate X%New_X% Y%New_Y%
    return (Notification_Visible := true)
Notify function

Code: Select all

Notify(message, timeout := 2500) {
    static NSW_WinName := "NotificationOperator - 0xF505 @ ZZ9PZA", script_local := ""
    A_DHW := A_DetectHiddenWindows
    DetectHiddenWindows, On

    if(!WinExist(NSW_WinName)) {
        if(!script_local) {
            for i, v in Array("\lib\CNS.ahk", "\CNS.ahk", "\..\CNS.ahk")
                if(FileExist(A_ScriptDir . v))
                    script_local := A_ScriptDir . v

        Run, %script_local%, UseErrorLevel,
        if(ErrorLevel != 0) {
            ToolTip, %message%, 0, 0
        } else {
            WinWait, %NSW_WinName%,, 2
            if(ErrorLevel == 1) {
                ToolTip, %message%, 0, 0

    message := timeout . ":" . message
    VarSetCapacity(CDStruct, 3*A_PtrSize, 0)
    NumPut((StrLen(message) + 1) * (A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1), CDStruct, A_PtrSize)
    NumPut(&message, CDStruct, 2*A_PtrSize)
    SendMessage, %WM_COPYDATA%, %A_ScriptHwnd%, &CDStruct,, %NSW_WinName%

    DetectHiddenWindows, %A_DHW%
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Re: Script crashing, assuming access violation, not sure.

Post by teadrinker » 28 Dec 2017, 00:42

KuroiLight wrote:I guess I assumed this wasn't a hard requirement and I can't seem to find any info on whether or not the message codes are significant beyond being an identifier. Do you know of a doc/tutorial about this?
A message identifier defines what an application should do when receives that message, and what values of message parameters mean. You could read about messages here.

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