Pieces of GUI in functions, to stack in larger, conditional GUIs Topic is solved

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Pieces of GUI in functions, to stack in larger, conditional GUIs

Post by Qohen » 27 Oct 2021, 09:32


First of all, warm thanks to everyone taking the time to explain and fix scripts. Despite my brain being allergic to coding, I've managed to build something that answer my needs.

I would like however to optimize it and clean it a bit. Let me explain.

I'm building a tool to help my team write product descriptions (online retailer) in HTML format, using GUI windows with text input boxes, checkboxes, comboboxes, etc. To tailor the GUI to the type of product being processed, upon pressing the hotkey there spawns main GUI window ; according to which type of product is entered and submitted, then spawns one of seven (so far) different GUI windows : one for tees, one for sweaters, one for pants, etc. Once all the information on that 2nd window is entered and submitted, the script proceeds to edit a HTML template with said information. So far so good. The thing is that all these 7 secondary windows share the same "blocks" of GUI, for example : a group of boxes for the fit, another for the pockets, another for the neck, another for the print/embroidery, etc. These groups are the same across the 7 secondary windows, they just happen to display or not depending on relevance for a specific type of product.

Now to the problem at hand :oops: Instead of repeating those groups of edit/check/comboboxes each time they're needed, I'd like to store them somewhere once and simply call this_group() or that_group() in each secondary GUI. I found that storing GUI elements inside a function works, and the first, main GUI window works fine with part of it being regular Gui, Add elements, and the other part being GUI_Main(). However, and that's where I'm lost, if I call the GUI functions in the 2nd window, nothing shows up. I have no idea why.

I've tried plenty of things (I'm subscribed to the odd forgotten comma and the like), but to no avail. I'm posting part of the code below, it's a bit long. It's also probably ugly and patchworky, I apologize in advance!
Also English isn't my mothertongue so I might not be using the correct technical words.

Code: Select all

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
SendMode, Input
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen

#SingleInstance, force ; Evite la pop-up d'avertissement lors de relancement du script

WinGetTitle, title, Gestion des Produits
#IfWinActive, Gestion des Produits ; Restreint le fonctionnement du script à la fenêtre Gestion des Produits


WinWait, Gestion des Produits
UniqueID := WinExist("Gestion des Produits")

;-----Liste Catés et Tailles échantillon /!\ l'ordre importe
	Cat := "
 	;Abréviat.	Caté					Groupe
	ts ,		T-shirt,				HautIn
	sw ,		Sweat,					HautSw
	pull ,		Pull en maille,			HautIn
	card ,		Cardigan,				HautIn
	gil ,		Gilet,					HautIn
	doud ,		Doudoune,				HautOut
	park ,		Parka,					HautOut
	ves ,		Veste,					HautOut
	cpv ,		Coupe-vent,				HautOut
	bomb ,		Veste bomber,			HautOut
	bike ,		Veste biker,			HautOut
	blaz ,		Blazer,					HautOut
	blou ,		Blouson,				HautOut
	mant ,		Manteau,				HautOut
	ted ,		Teddy,					HautOut
	sjean ,		Short jean,				BasC
	schi ,		Short chino,			BasC
	sjog ,		Short jogging,			BasC
	sjj ,		Short joggjean,			BasC
	scargo ,	Short cargo,			BasC
	jean ,		Jean,					BasL
	pcar ,		Pantalon à carreaux,	BasL
	jogp ,		Jogger pant,			BasL
	pcargo ,	Pantalon cargo,			BasL
	chi ,		Pantalon chino,			BasL
	jj ,		JoggJean,				BasL
	sal ,		Salopette,				BasL
	bask ,		Baskets,				Shoe
	boot ,		Boots,					Shoe
	chel ,		Chelsea boots,			Shoe
	shoe ,		Chaussures,				Shoe
	tong ,		Tongs,					Shoe
	claq ,		Claquettes,				Shoe
	ens ,		Ensemble,				BasL
	jogg ,		Pantalon jogging,		BasL
	legg ,		Leggings,				BasL
	chem ,		Chemise,				HautIn
	polo ,		Polo,					HautIn
	swim ,		Short de bain,			BasC
	bras ,		Brassière,				Underwear
	box ,		Boxer,					Underwear
	string ,	String,					Underwear
	cul ,		Culotte,				Underwear
	slip ,		Slip,					Underwear
	body ,		Body,					HautIn
	scomb ,		Combishort,				HautIn
	comb ,		Combinaison,			HautIn
	vo ,		Veste outdoor,			HautOut
	déb ,		Débardeur,				HautIn
	top ,		Top,					HautIn
	moc ,		Mocassins,				Shoe
	rsw ,		Robe sweat,				HautIn
	rob ,		Robe,					HautIn
	rts ,		Robe t-shirt,			HautIn
	sur ,		Surchemise,				HautOut

;-----Liste groupes de Catés
	Haut := "top,déb,ts,sw,pull,card,gil,doud,park,ves,cpv,bomb,bike,blaz,blou,mant,ted,ens,chem,polo,swim,body,scomb,comb,vo"
	HautIn := "top,déb,ts,chem,polo,body"
	HautSw := "sw,pull,gil,card,comb"
	HautOut := "doud,park,blou,ves,cpv,bomb,bike,blaz,mant,ted,vo,sur"
	Bas := "jean,pcar,jogp,pcargo,chi,jj,sal,jogg,legg,sjean,schi,sjog,sjj,scargo,scar"
	BasL := "jean,pcar,jogp,pcargo,chi,jj,sal,jogg,legg"
	BasC := "sjean,sjog,schi,sjj,scargo,scar,scomb,swim"
	Underwear := "bras,box,string,cul,slip"
	Shoe := "bask,boot,chel,shoe,tong,claq,moc"

;-----Listes de détails pour ComboBox
	Style := "tendance|essentiel|urbain|premium|rétro|élégant|confortable|fluide|léger|fitté|casual|vintage|stylé|fashion|de sport|en denim|bicolore"
	Visu1 := "logo||logos|visuel|motif|patch|écusson"
	Visu2 := "camouflage|Renaissance|tie dye|dégradé|marbre|léopard|reptile|réfléchissant|à rayures|marinière"
	Visu3 := "imprimé||brodé|appliqué|gravé|en relief|en strass|en sequins|réfléchissant|imprimé all over|sur la manche|cousu"
	Poche1 := "latérales|avant|arrière|poitrine|ventrale"
	Poche2 := "zippées|à bouton pression|à bouton classique|à rabat|à velcro|cargo|décoratives|à rabat boutonné"
	Capuche1 := "boutonnée amovible |zippée amovible |dissimulée dans le col"
	Capuche2 := "avec fourrure synthétique|avec fourrure synthétique amovible|imprimée|doublée fourrure synthétique"
	Col := "rond|en V|zippé|classique boutonné|montant|montant zippé|mouton|cheminée|roulé|mao|officier|amplified|tunisien"
	Fermeture1 := "par zip métallique|boutonnée|zippée|par rabat|par rabat boutonné|par rabat velcro|par boutons cardigan|par zip asymétrique|par zip"
	Fermeture2 := "zip métallique|boutons|zip|rabat|rabat boutonné|bouton classique"
	Taille := "Intl||FR|US|IT|Unique"
	Entretien := "Lavable en machine à 30°||Lavable en machine à 40°|Lavage à la main|Nettoyage à sec|Entretien par un spécialiste"
	Coupe := "Coupe classique|Coupe slim|Coupe skinny|Coupe cintrée|Coupe ajustée|Coupe ample|Coupe oversize|Coupe crop|Coupe raglan"

	i9 := 2021 ; À changer fin octobre pour la suivante

;-----Blocs d'interface

	Gui, Add, Edit, xp y+5 wp+40 r1 vopt1,
	Gui, Add, Edit, xp y+5 wp r1 vopt2,

	Gui, Add, GroupBox, xp-10 y+20 wp+20 r3.2, Taille
	Gui, Add, Edit, xp+10 yp+18 wp-20 r1 vit1, taille normalement
	Gui, Add, ComboBox, xp y+5 wp r5 vit2, %Taille%
	Gui, 1:Add, GroupBox, x10 w260 r6
	Gui, 1:Add, Edit, xp+10 yp+18 w240 r1 vi0, Catégorie
	Gui, 1:Add, Edit, xp y+5 wp r1 vi1, Marque
	Gui, 1:Add, Edit, xp y+5 wp r1 vi2, Modèle
	Gui, 1:Add, Edit, xp y+5 w115 r1 vi8, Sexe
	Gui, 1:Add, Edit, xp+125 yp wp r1 vi3, Composition

;---------ENTREE INFOS PRINCIPALES-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;-----GUI Master
	Gui, Destroy


	Gui, 1:Add, GroupBox, x10 w260 r7.2
	Gui, 1:Add, ComboBox, xp+10 yp+18 w240 r17 Choose1 vi11, %Style%
	Gui, 1:Add, ComboBox, xp y+5 wp r17 vi11b, %Style%
	Gui, 1:Add, ComboBox, xp y+5 wp r5 vi4, %Visu1%
	Gui, 1:Add, ComboBox, xp y+5 wp r10 vi4b, %Visu2%
	Gui, 1:Add, ComboBox, xp y+5 wp r10 vi5, %Visu3%

	Gui, 1:Add, GroupBox, x10 w260 r1.7
	Gui, 1:Add, ComboBox, xp+10 yp+18 w240 r9 Choose1 vi6, %Coupe%

	Gui, 1:Add, GroupBox, x10 w260 r3.1
	Gui, 1:Add, Edit, xp+10 yp+18 w240 r1 vi7b, Ligue
	Gui, 1:Add, Edit, xp y+5 wp r1 vi7, Licence

	Gui, 1:Add, Button, x40 y+15 w80 h30 gBouton000, Nope
	Gui, 1:Add, Button, x160 yp w80 h30 gBouton1, OK
	Gui, 1:-SysMenu Owner%UniqueID% +LastFound
	Gui, 1:Show, w280, DescBox


	Gui, 1:Submit, Hide

;-----Lecture template
	If i0 in Shoe
		FileRead, Clipboard, L:\templates\a_sho.txt
		FileRead, Clipboard, L:\templates\a_vet.txt

;-----Bifurcation GUI#2 en fonction du groupe-caté
	WinWaitClose, DescBox
	If (i0 != "Catégorie") {
			If (i0 = "ens") {
					GoSub, Gui3
			Else if (InStr(HautIn,i0)) {
					GoSub, Gui2
			Else if (InStr(HautSw,i0)) {
					GoSub, Gui2b
			Else if (InStr(HautOut,i0)) {
					GoSub, Gui4
			Else if (InStr(Underwear,i0)) {
					GoSub, Gui5
			Else if (InStr(BasL,i0)) {
					GoSub, Gui6
			Else if (InStr(BasC,i0)) {
					GoSub, Gui7
			Else if (InStr(Shoe,i0)) { ;TEMPORARY
					GoSub, Gui7
	Else if (i0 = "")
		MsgBox, Catégorie manquante !
		Run, %A_AHKPath% "%A_ScriptDir%\DescBox_V2.2.ahk" ; Si caté manquante, ferme et relance DescBox

;---------GUI2 = HAUT INDOORS------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	Gui 2:Destroy
	Gui, 2:Add, GroupBox, x10 wp300 r1.7, Col
	If ((i0 = "ts") || (i0 = "déb") || (i0 = "top") || (i0 = "body")) {
		Gui, 2:Add, ComboBox, xp+10 yp+18 wp-20 r13 Choose1 vic3, %Col%
	Else if ((i0 = "chem") || (i0 = "polo")) {
		Gui, 2:Add, ComboBox, xp+10 yp+18 wp-20 r13 Choose4 vic3, %Col%

	;-----Détails puces
	If ((i0 = "ts") || (i0 = "déb") || (i0 = "top")) { ; affiche différents détails optionnels en fonction de la caté
		Gui, 2:Add, CheckBox, x20 y+20 w240 h20 vd1, %desc28%
	Else if (i0 = "chem") {
		Gui, 2:Add, CheckBox, x20 y+20 w240 h20 Checked vd1, %desc29%
		Gui, 2:Add, CheckBox, xp y+5 wp h20 Checked vd2, %desc7%
		Gui, 2:Add, CheckBox, xp y+5 wp h20 vd3, %desc26%
	Else if (i0 = "polo") {
		Gui, 2:Add, CheckBox, x20 y+20 w240 h20 vd1, %desc28%
		Gui, 2:Add, CheckBox, xp y+5 wp h20 vd2, %desc26%
	Else if (i0 = "body") {
		Gui, 2:Add, CheckBox, x20 y+20 w240 h20 vd1, %desc22%



	Gui, 2:Add, GroupBox, xp-10 y+20 wp+20 r1.7, Entretien
	Gui, 2:Add, ComboBox, xp+10 yp+18 wp-20 r5 vi10, %Entretien%
	Gui, 2:Add, Button, Hidden w0 h0 Default, Save
	Gui, 2:Add, Button, x130 y+15 w80 h30 gBouton2, Fini
	Gui, 2:-SysMenu Owner%UniqueID%
	Gui, 2:Show, w320, Détails Haut Indoor
	Gui, 2:+LastFound

	Gui, 2:Submit
	Gosub, Description


;--------EDITION DU TEMPLATE-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Description: ; SubRoutine
	WinWaitClose, LastFound

Thanks in advance for taking the time.

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Re: Pieces of GUI in functions, to stack in larger, conditional GUIs  Topic is solved

Post by mikeyww » 27 Oct 2021, 09:56

Testing this script is a challenge, but I think that you will want to include the GUI name (or number) for each of your GUI commands, unless you are using Default.

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Re: Pieces of GUI in functions, to stack in larger, conditional GUIs

Post by Qohen » 28 Oct 2021, 04:04

I had thought about that earlier, but I assumed that I would then have to duplicate each GUI function for each GUI window, as if each GUI name/number would tie it to its similarly-name or -numbered Subroutine ; like this :

Code: Select all

Gui, 2:Add
Gui, 2:Add
Gui, 3:Add
Gui, 3:Add
	Gui, 2:Add, SomeComboBox

	Gui, 3:Add, SomeComboBox
It turns out the Subroutine number and the GUI numbers are independant from each other, am I correct? I've tested this and it seems to work:

Code: Select all

Gui, 2:Add
Gui, 2:Add
	Gui, 2:Add, SomeComboBox

	Gui, 2:Add, SomeComboBox
In a word, I can have a first GUI window numbered 1:, and then a series of mutually exclusive, conditional GUI windows all sharing the number 2:, since only one is called in any run of the script. Did I understand correctly?

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Re: Pieces of GUI in functions, to stack in larger, conditional GUIs

Post by mikeyww » 28 Oct 2021, 05:50

I did not try it, but yes, that sounds correct. If it works, it's even better. :)

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Re: Pieces of GUI in functions, to stack in larger, conditional GUIs

Post by just me » 28 Oct 2021, 06:26


all Gui, Add, ... commands add controls to the current default Gui. If you want the functions to add controls to a specific Gui window, you only need to set the default Gui before you call the function.

Code: Select all

Gui, 2:Destroy
Gui, 2:Default
will add the controls to Gui 2.

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Re: Pieces of GUI in functions, to stack in larger, conditional GUIs

Post by Qohen » 28 Oct 2021, 07:07

Well that was easy, in the end :bravo:

Thanks a lot for your help!

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