Somehow MOSTLY disabled dragging...HELP (not hotkey related)

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Somehow MOSTLY disabled dragging...HELP (not hotkey related)

Post by gibenedek » 30 Nov 2021, 06:32

I dunno what the heck, I got a "hide the mouse pointer toggle" script, I dont have it anymore but could find if absolutely need to.

Anyway, I actuvated it, and it worked...but now I cannot drag. I can SOMETIMES VERY RARELY sometimes it will work. But cannot move windows (kde works tho) I cannot drag files...

IVE RESET MY PC AND ITS STILL HAPPENING. BEFORE AHK WAS EVEN REINSTALLED. So theres no possible way the script is somehow running.

To be clear, I literally activated a "if mouse not hidden" "then hide" else" "unhide function. Thats literally all I did. This is quite annoying plz hallp

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Re: Somehow MOSTLY disabled dragging...HELP (not hotkey related)

Post by mikeyww » 30 Nov 2021, 06:44

If the script is not running, then your result would not be from your script unless the earlier script modified a Windows setting or registry entry (for example). You can determine whether a script is running by examining the Windows Task Manager. Uncompiled scripts will appear under AutoHotkey.exe; compiled scripts would have other names according to the script name. Checking both startup folders (or Task Manager's Startup tab), and Windows Task Scheduler, may also be informative.

The following script will show your running scripts.

Code: Select all

DetectHiddenWindows, On
WinGet, win, List
Loop, %win% {
 WinGetClass, class, % winTitle := "ahk_id " win%A_Index%
 If !Instr(class, "AutoHotkey")
 WinGet, proc, ProcessName, %winTitle%
 WinGetTitle, ttitle, %winTitle%
 list .= (list ? "`n" : "") ttitle " (" proc ")"
Sort, list
MsgBox, 64, AHK windows, % StrReplace(list, "`n", "`n`n")

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