AHK MIDI OUT adding another port

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AHK MIDI OUT adding another port

Post by TOTAL » 08 Jan 2022, 15:54


I have managed to get autohotkey to send out midi messages to a music program via a midi chanel on windows. Here is how the code in case anyone needs it.

It uses the second of two channels available, the first one being some generic windows one not showing in the app.

All good so far but some additional messages should be sent via still another midi channel. the vDevice variable would be 2 for this new thing.
Any ideas?

Code: Select all

hModule := DllCall("kernel32\LoadLibrary", "Str","winmm", "Ptr")

vDeviceID := 1, hMIDIOutputDevice := 0 ; vdeviceid is the choice of midi channel
if DllCall("winmm\midiOutOpen", "Ptr*",hMIDIOutputDevice, "UInt",vDeviceID, "UPtr",0, "UPtr",0, "UInt",0, "UInt")

hDev := hMIDIOutputDevice
vChan := 0 


AW:= A_IsUnicode? "W": "A", A_CharSize:= A_IsUnicode? 2: 1
hWinMM:= DllCall("kernel32\LoadLibrary" AW, "Str", "Winmm.dll", "Ptr")
NumDevs:= DllCall("Winmm\midiOutGetNumDevs"), sz:= 20+32*A_CharSize
Loop, % NumDevs	{
    VarSetCapacity(DevCaps, sz, 0)
    DllCall("Winmm\midiOutGetDevCaps" AW, "UInt", id:=A_Index-1,   "Ptr", &DevCaps,   "UInt", sz)
    Name:= StrGet(&DevCaps+8)
    DevName%A_Index%:= Name
    DevNames.= id ": " Name "`n"
StringTrimRight, DevNames, DevNames, 1
MsgBox % DevNames

send, ^s    


#if (WinActive("ahk_class AbletonVstPlugClass") or WinActive("ahk_class Ableton Live Window Class") or WinActive("ahk_class Ableton Live 10 Suite.exe")) 

alt & esc:: space
^s:: return
Lwin up:: return
m:: return
Lwin:: return

note = 100	 						; launch clip  mackie 
MidiNoteOn(hDev, vChan, note, 127)
MidiNoteOff(hDev, vChan, note, 127)

note = 101	 						; launch scene  mackie 
MidiNoteOn(hDev, vChan, note, 127)
MidiNoteOff(hDev, vChan, note, 127)

note = 98
MidiNoteOn(hDev, vChan, note, 127)	 						; prev / next track  mackie 
MidiNoteOff(hDev, vChan, note, 127)

note = 99
MidiNoteOn(hDev, vChan, note, 127)
MidiNoteOff(hDev, vChan, note, 127)

note = 96
MidiNoteOn(hDev, vChan, note, 127)	 						; prev / next scene mackie
MidiNoteOff(hDev, vChan, note, 127)

note = 97
MidiNoteOn(hDev, vChan, note, 127)
MidiNoteOff(hDev, vChan, note, 127)

/:: ;                                  solo workaround mackie
send m
send s
send m

printscreen::                              ; arm track workaround mackie
send m
send c
send m

ctrl & delete:: 
Send {Ctrl Down}{pgdn}{Ctrl Up} 
send {right}

; MidiNoteOn(hDev, vChan, 76, 127)      ; delete a scene 
; MidiNoteOn(hDev, vChan, 86, 127)   ;          Loop song
; MidiNoteOn(hDev, vChan, 87, 127)   ;          punch in switch
; MidiNoteOn(hDev, vChan, 88, 127)   ;          punch out switch
; MidiNoteOn(hDev, vChan, 95, 127)   ;          record

; MidiNoteOn(hDev, vChan, 120, 127)   ;          start/stop clip

,:: Click, 349 85  ; switch to matrix
.:: Click, 349 503  ; switch to gear panel
!m:: Click, 180 65  ; metronome 

MidiNoteOn(hDev, vChan, 96, 127)
MidiNoteOff(hDev, vChan, 96, 127)

MidiNoteOn(hDev, vChan, 97, 127)
MidiNoteOff(hDev, vChan, 97, 127)

lwin & insert::
loop 40				; first scene
MidiNoteOn(hDev, vChan, 96, 127)
MidiNoteOff(hDev, vChan, 96	, 127)





DllCall("winmm\midiOutClose", "Ptr",hMIDIOutputDevice, "UInt")
DllCall("kernel32\FreeLibrary", "Ptr",hModule)


MidiNotePlay(hMIDIOutputDevice, vChannel, vNote, vVelocity, vDuration)
	MidiNoteOn(hMIDIOutputDevice, vChannel, vNote, vVelocity)
	Sleep, % vDuration
	MidiNoteOff(hMIDIOutputDevice, vChannel, vNote, 0)

MidiNoteOn(hMIDIOutputDevice, vChannel, vNote, vVelocity)
	DllCall("winmm\midiOutShortMsg", "Ptr",hMIDIOutputDevice, "UInt",0x90 | vChannel | (vNote << 8) | (vVelocity << 16), "UInt")

MidiNoteOff(hMIDIOutputDevice, vChannel, vNote, vVelocity)
	DllCall("winmm\midiOutShortMsg", "Ptr",hMIDIOutputDevice, "UInt",0x80 | vChannel | (vNote << 8) | (vVelocity << 16), "UInt")


MidiControlChange(hMIDIOutputDevice, Channel, ControlNo, Value)
    DllCall("winmm\midiOutShortMsg", "UInt", hMIDIOutputDevice, "UInt", 0xB0 | Channel
                                                          | (ControlNo << 8) | (Value << 16)) ;"Control Change" event

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