Need help with controlclick2

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Posts: 42
Joined: 13 Feb 2021, 18:51

Need help with controlclick2

Post by jollyjoe » 21 Jan 2022, 01:39

Is there any way I can make this function run using ahk_id instead of window title?

I want to do this (doesnt work)

Code: Select all

ControlClick2(387, 376, "ahk_id %id%")
Instead of this

Code: Select all

ControlClick2(387, 376, "Window title")
What should i change here?

Code: Select all

ControlClick2(X, Y, WinTitle="", WinText="", ExcludeTitle="", ExcludeText="") 
  hwnd:=ControlFromPoint(X, Y, WinTitle, WinText, cX, cY 
                             , ExcludeTitle, ExcludeText) 
  PostMessage, 0x201, 0, cX&0xFFFF | cY<<16,, ahk_id %hwnd% ; WM_LBUTTONDOWN 
  PostMessage, 0x202, 0, cX&0xFFFF | cY<<16,, ahk_id %hwnd% ; WM_LBUTTONUP 
  PostMessage, 0x203, 0, cX&0xFFFF | cY<<16,, ahk_id %hwnd% ; WM_LBUTTONDBLCLCK 
  PostMessage, 0x202, 0, cX&0xFFFF | cY<<16,, ahk_id %hwnd% ; WM_LBUTTONUP 

ControlFromPoint(X, Y, WinTitle="", WinText="", ByRef cX="", ByRef cY="", ExcludeTitle="", ExcludeText="") 
    static EnumChildFindPointProc=0 
    if !EnumChildFindPointProc 
        EnumChildFindPointProc := RegisterCallback("EnumChildFindPoint","Fast") 
    if !(target_window := WinExist(WinTitle, WinText, ExcludeTitle, ExcludeText)) 
        return false 
    VarSetCapacity(rect, 16) 
    VarSetCapacity(pah, 36, 0) 
    NumPut(X + NumGet(rect,0,"int"), pah,0,"int") 
    NumPut(Y + NumGet(rect,4,"int"), pah,4,"int") 
    control_window := NumGet(pah,24) ? NumGet(pah,24) : target_window 
    cX:=NumGet(pah,0,"int"), cY:=NumGet(pah,4,"int") 
    return control_window 

; Ported from AutoHotkey::script2.cpp::EnumChildFindPoint() 
EnumChildFindPoint(aWnd, lParam) 
    if !DllCall("IsWindowVisible","uint",aWnd) 
        return true 
    VarSetCapacity(rect, 16) 
    if !DllCall("GetWindowRect","uint",aWnd,"uint",&rect) 
        return true 
    pt_x:=NumGet(lParam+0,0,"int"), pt_y:=NumGet(lParam+0,4,"int") 
    rect_left:=NumGet(rect,0,"int"), rect_right:=NumGet(rect,8,"int") 
    rect_top:=NumGet(rect,4,"int"), rect_bottom:=NumGet(rect,12,"int") 
    if (pt_x >= rect_left && pt_x <= rect_right && pt_y >= rect_top && pt_y <= rect_bottom) 
        center_x := rect_left + (rect_right - rect_left) / 2 
        center_y := rect_top + (rect_bottom - rect_top) / 2 
        distance := Sqrt((pt_x-center_x)**2 + (pt_y-center_y)**2) 
        update_it := !NumGet(lParam+24) 
        if (!update_it) 
            rect_found_left:=NumGet(lParam+8,0,"int"), rect_found_right:=NumGet(lParam+8,8,"int") 
            rect_found_top:=NumGet(lParam+8,4,"int"), rect_found_bottom:=NumGet(lParam+8,12,"int") 
            if (rect_left >= rect_found_left && rect_right <= rect_found_right 
                && rect_top >= rect_found_top && rect_bottom <= rect_found_bottom) 
                update_it := true 
            else if (distance < NumGet(lParam+28,0,"double") 
                && (rect_found_left < rect_left || rect_found_right > rect_right 
                 || rect_found_top < rect_top || rect_found_bottom > rect_bottom)) 
                 update_it := true 
        if (update_it) 
            NumPut(aWnd, lParam+24) 
            NumPut(distance, lParam+28, 0, "double") 
    return true 
Thanks in advance for the replies!

Posts: 655
Joined: 09 Oct 2021, 15:43

Re: Need help with controlclick2

Post by amateur+ » 21 Jan 2022, 03:10

Code: Select all

ControlClick2(387, 376,  "ahk_id" . id)
Have found any drawback in my code or approach? Please, point it out. /The moderator ordered to remove the rest of the signature, I had obeyed.
And I really apologize for our russian president. Being a citizen of an aggressor country is very shameful. Personally I tried to avoid this trying to defend elections from fraud being a member of the election commission of one of the precincts but only was subjected to a hooligan attack and right before the vote count was illegally escorted from the polling station and spent the night behind bars (in jail) in a result of illegal actions of corrupt policemen.

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