Is there a way to know why my script is blocked by Windows Defender?

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Is there a way to know why my script is blocked by Windows Defender?

Post by vertigoelectric » 27 Jan 2022, 12:58

A while back I created and compiled an AHK script for someone I worked for who is a school psychologist. He recently contacted me to tell me that the current school's computers are blocking the script and their IT admin won't do anything about it. I'm here just to see if there's any chance I might be able to modify the source code in some way that might circumvent the problem without breaking its functionality. I know it's a long shot, but I told him I'd try.

Thanks in advance.

Code: Select all

; AutoHotkey Version: 1.x
; Language:       English
; Platform:       Win9x/NT
; Author:         A.N.Other <[email protected]>
; Script Function:
;	Template script (you can customize this template by editing "ShellNew\Template.ahk" in your Windows folder)

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
#SingleInstance, Force

Sleep 1000
;MsgBox, 262144, PreFileHelper, test

Gui +LastFound +OwnDialogs +AlwaysOnTop
Gui, Font, s14, Verdana 
Gui, Add, Text,, Student ID:
Gui, Add, Edit, R1 vSIDInput gEdit1
Gui, Add, Text,, Fname:
Gui, Add, Edit, R1 vFnameInput gEdit2
Gui, Add, Text,, Lname:
Gui, Add, Edit, R1 vLnameInput gEdit3
;Gui, Add, Button, Default w80, Search
Gui, Add, Progress, w700 h10 cBlue vMyProgress, Range0-1000
Gui, Add, ListView, r10 w700, StudentID|Fname|Lname
Gui, Add, Button, Default w700 gSelect, Select Student
Gui, Show, NoActivate, PreFileHelper 

SetTimer, PerformSearch, 500


    ;MsgBox, You entered "%UserInput%"
	SetTimer, PerformSearch, 500

	Gui, Submit, NoHide
	GuiControl,, MyProgress, 0
	Loop, Files, %A_ScriptDir%\xml\*basicinfo.xml
			GuiControl,, MyProgress, +1
			xpath_load(xml, A_LoopFileLongPath)
			sid := xpath(xml,"/basicinfo/studentid/text()")
			fname := xpath(xml,"/basicinfo/fname/text()")
			lname := xpath(xml,"/basicinfo/lname/text()")
			If InStr(sid, SIDInput) AND InStr(fname, FnameInput) AND InStr(lname, LnameInput) AND (Trim(fname) <> "") AND (Trim(lname) <> "")
				LV_Add("", sid, fname, lname)
	GuiControl,, MyProgress, 0
	SetTimer, PerformSearch, Off

	;if A_GuiEvent = DoubleClick
		RowNumber := LV_GetNext()
		LV_GetText(SIDcol, RowNumber, 1)
		LV_GetText(Fnamecol, RowNumber, 2)
		LV_GetText(Lnamecol, RowNumber, 3)
		ControlSetText, TFormEditEx2, %Fnamecol%, PhraseExpress Form
		ControlSetText, TFormEditEx1, %Lnamecol%, PhraseExpress Form		


	Title: XPath Quick Reference

		- Version 3.14 <>
		- Dedicated to the public domain (CC0 1.0) <>

	Function: xpath
		Selects nodes and attributes from a standard xpath expression.

		doc - an xml object returned by xpath_load()
		step - a valid XPath 2.0 expression
		set - (optional) text content to replace the current selection

		The XML source of the selection.
		If the content was set to be modified the previous value will be returned.

		Since multiple return values are seperated with a comma,
		any found within the text content will be entity escaped as &#44;.
		To get or set the text content of a node use the text function,
		e.g. /root/node/text(); this behaviour is always assumed within predicates.
		For performance reasons count() and last() do not update with the creation of new nodes
		so you may need to alter the results accordingly.
xpath(ByRef doc, step, set = "") {
	static sc, scb = "" ; use EOT (\x04) as delimiter
	If step contains %scb% ; i.e. illegal character
	sid := scb . &doc . ":" ; should be unique identifier for current XML object
	If (InStr(step, "select:") == 1) { ; for quick selection
		stsl = 1
		StringTrimLeft, step, step, 7
	If (InStr(step, "/") == 1)
		str = 1 ; root selected
	Else {
		StringGetPos, p, sc, %sid% ; retrieve previous path
		If ErrorLevel = 1
			t = /
		Else StringMid, t, sc, p += StrLen(sid) + 1, InStr(sc, scb, "", p + 2) - p
		step = %t%/%step%
	; normalize path e.g. /root/node/../child/. becomes /root/child:
	step := RegExReplace(step, "(?<=^|/)(?:[^\[/@]+/\.{2}|\.)(?:/|$)|^.+(?=//)")
	If (str == 1 or stsl == 1) { ; if not relative path and no select:
		; remove last node and trailing attributes and functions:
		xpr := RegExReplace(step, (str == 1 and stsl != 1 ? "/(?:\w+:)?\w+(?:\[[^\]]*])?" : "")
			. "(?:/@.*?|/\w+\(\))*$")
		StringReplace, xpr, xpr, [-1], [1], All ; -1 become just 1
		StringReplace, xpr, xpr, [+1], [last()], All ; +1 becomes last()
		StringGetPos, p, sc, %sid%
		If ErrorLevel = 1
			sc = %sc%%sid%%xpr%%scb% ; add record or update as necessary:
		Else sc := SubStr(sc, 1, p += StrLen(sid)) . xpr . SubStr(sc, InStr(sc, scb, "", p))
	; for unions call each operand seperately and join results:
	If (InStr(step, "|")) {
		StringSplit, s, step, |, `n`t �`r
		Loop, %s0%
			res .= xpath(doc, s%A_Index%, set) . ","
		Return, SubStr(res, 1, -1)
	Else If (InStr(step, "//") == 1) { ; for wildcard selectors use regex searching mode:
		StringTrimLeft, step, step, 2
		re = 1
		rew = 1
		xp = /(?:(?:\w+:)?\w+)*/
	NumPut(160, doc, 0, "UChar") ; unmask variable
	; resolve xpath components to: absolute node path, attributes and predicates (if any)
	Loop, Parse, step, /
		s = %A_LoopField%
		If (InStr(s, "*") == 1) ; regex mode for wildcards
			re = 1
			s := "(?:\w+:)?\w+" . SubStr(s, 2)
		Else If (InStr(s, "@") == 1) { ; if current step is attribute:
			StringTrimLeft, atr, s, 1
		StringGetPos, p, s, [ ; look for predicate opening [...]
		If ErrorLevel = 0
			If s contains [+1],[-1] ; for child nodes record creation instructions in a list
				If A_Index = 2 ; root node creation
					StringLeft, t, s, p
					t = <%t%/:: ></%t%/>
					If (InStr(s, "+1")) {
						If doc =
							doc = .
						doc = %doc%%t%
					Else doc = .%t%%doc%
					StringLeft, s, s, InStr(s, "[") - 1
				Else {
					nw = %nw%%s%
			Else { ; i.e. for conditional predicates
				If (InStr(s, "last()")) { ; finding last node
					StringLeft, t, s, p
					t := "<" . SubStr(xp, 2) . t . "/:: "
					If re ; with regex:
						os = 0
							If (!os := RegExMatch(doc, t, "", 1 + os)) {
								t = %A_Index%
					Else { ; otherwise using StringReplace
						StringReplace, doc, doc, %t%, %t%, UseErrorLevel
						t = %ErrorLevel%
					If (RegExMatch(s, "i)last\(\)\s*\-\s*(\d+)", a)) ; i.e. [last() - 2]
						StringReplace, s, s, %a%, % t - a1
					Else StringReplace, s, s, last(), %t%
				; concat. the predicate to the list against the current absolute path:
				ax = %ax%%xp%%s%
				StringLeft, s, s, p
		Else If (InStr(s, "()")) { ; if step is function, add to list
			fn = %fn%+%s% ; use + prefix to prevent overlapping naming conflicts
		; finally, if step is not any of the above, assume it's the name of a child node
		xp = %xp%%s%/ ; ... and add to list, forming the absolute path
	If (xp == "" or xp == "/") ; i.e. error cases
	; remove initial root selector (/) as this is how the parser works by default:
	StringTrimLeft, xp, xp, 1
	StringTrimRight, ax, ax, 1
	StringTrimRight, nw, nw, 1
	ct = 0 ; counter
	os = 0 ; offset for main loop starts at zero
	Loop {
		; find offset of next element, and its closing tag offset:
		If re
			os := RegExMatch(doc, "<" . xp . ":: ", "", 1 + os)
				, osx := RegExMatch(doc, "</" . xp . ">", rem, os) + StrLen(rem)
		Else {
			StringGetPos, osx, doc, </%xp%>, , os := InStr(doc, "<" . xp . ":: ", true, 1 + os)
			osx += 4 + StrLen(xp)
		If os = 0 ; stop looping when no more tags are found
		; predicate parser:
		If ax !=
			sk = 0
			Loop, Parse, ax, ] ; for each predicate
				; split components to: (1) path, (2) selector, (3) operator, (4) quotation char, (5) operand
				If (!RegExMatch(A_LoopField, "/?(.*?)\[(.+?)(?:\s*([<>!=]{1,2})\s*(['""])?(.+)(?(4)\4))?\s*$", a))
				a1 = %a1%/
				If re
					RegExMatch(rem, "(?<=^</)" . a1, a1)
				If a2 is integer ; i.e. match only certain index
					StringGetPos, t, a1, /, R2
					StringMid, t, a1, 1, t + 1
					t := InStr(SubStr(doc, 1, os), "<" . t . ":: ", true, 0)
					; extract parent node:
					StringMid, sub, doc, t, InStr(doc, ">", "", os) - t
					xpf := "<" . a1 . ":: "
					; get index of current element within parent node:
					StringReplace, sub, sub, %xpf%, %xpf%, UseErrorLevel
					If a2 != %ErrorLevel%
						sk = 1
				StringReplace, xp, xp, /, /, UseErrorLevel
				t = %ErrorLevel%
				StringReplace, a1, a1, /, /, UseErrorLevel
				 ; extract result for deep analysis
				If t = %ErrorLevel% ; i.e. /root/node[child='test']
					StringMid, sub, doc, os, osx - os
				Else StringMid, sub, doc
					 	, t := InStr(SubStr(doc, 1, os), "<" . a1 . ":: ", true, 0)
					 	, InStr(doc, "</" . a1 . ">", true, t) + 1
				If a2 = position()
					sub = %i%
				Else If (InStr(a2, "@") == 1) ; when selector is an attribute:
				 RegExMatch(SubStr(sub, 1, InStr(sub, ">"))
						, a3 == "" ? "\b" . SubStr(a2, 2) . "=([""'])[^\1]*?\1"
						: "\b(?<=" . SubStr(a2, 2) . "=([""']))[^\1]+?(?=\1)", sub)
				Else ; otherwise child node:
					If a2 = . ; if selector is current node don't append to path:
						a2 = /
					Else a2 = %a2%/
					StringMid, sub, sub
						, t := InStr(sub, ">", "", InStr(sub, "<" . a1 . a2 . ":: ", true) + 1) + 1
						, InStr(sub, "</" . a1 . a2 . ">", true) - t
				; dynamic mini expression evaluator:
				sk += !(a3 == "" ? (sub != "")
					: a3 == "=" ? sub == a5
					: a3 == "!=" ? sub != a5
					: a3 == ">" ? sub > a5
					: a3 == ">=" ? sub >= a5
					: a3 == "<" ? sub < a5
					: a3 == "<=" ? sub <= a5)
			If sk != 0 ; if conditions were not met for this result, skip it
		If nw != ; for node creation
			If re
				nwp := SubStr(rem, 3, -1)
			Else nwp = %xp%
			Loop, Parse, nw, ]
				StringLeft, nwn, A_LoopField, InStr(A_LoopField, "[") - 1
				nwn = %nwn%/
				nwt = <%nwp%%nwn%:: ></%nwp%%nwn%>
				If (t := InStr(A_LoopField, "-1")
					? InStr(doc, ">", "", InStr(doc, "<" . nwp . ":: ", true, os) + 1) + 1
					: InStr(doc, "</" . nwp . ">", true, os))
					os := t
				StringLen, osx, nwt
				osx += os
				doc := SubStr(doc, 1, os - 1) . nwt . SubStr(doc, os)
				nwp = %nwp%%nwn%
			StringLen, t, nwp
			If (InStr(fn, "+text()") and atr == "")
				os += t + 5, osx -= t + 3
		If atr !=
			; extract attribute offsets, with surrounding declaration if text() is not used:
			If (t := RegExMatch(SubStr(doc, os, InStr(doc, ">", "", os) - os), InStr(fn, "+text()")
				? "(?<=\b" . atr . "=([""']))[^\1]*?(?=\1)"
				: "\b" . atr . "=([""'])[^\1]*?\1", rem))
				os += t - 1, osx := os + StrLen(rem)
			Else { ; create attribute
				os := InStr(doc, ">", "", os + 1)
					, doc := SubStr(doc, 1, os - 1) . " " . atr . "=""""" . SubStr(doc, os)
					, osx := ++os + StrLen(atr) + 3
				If (InStr(fn, "+text()"))
					osx := os += StrLen(atr) + 2
		Else If (InStr(fn, "+text()") and nw == "") ; for text content:
			os := InStr(doc, ">", "", os) + 1, osx := InStr(doc, re ? rem : "</" . xp . ">", true, os)
		If InStr(fn, "+index-of()") ; get index rather than content
			sub = %A_Index% 
		Else StringMid, sub, doc, os, osx - os ; extract result
		If (InStr(fn, "+count()")) ; increment counter if count() function is used
		Else res = %res%%sub%, ; ... and concat to list
		If (set != "" or InStr(fn, "+remove()")) ; modify or remove...
			setb = %setb%%os%.%osx%| ; mark for modification
	If setb !=
		If (InStr(set, "node:") == 1) {
			set := SubStr(xpath(doc, SubStr(set, 6) . "/rawsrc()"), 2)
			StringReplace, set, set, <, <%xp%, All
			StringReplace, set, set, <%xp%/, </%xp%, All
			NumPut(160, doc, 0, "UChar")
		StringTrimRight, setb, setb, 1
		Loop, Parse, setb, |
			StringSplit, setp, A_LoopField, .
			StringLen, t, xp
			If (InStr(fn, "+append()"))
				setp2 := setp1 := setp2 - t - 3
			Else If (InStr(fn, "+prepend()"))
				setp2 := setp1 := InStr(doc, ">", "", setp1) + 2
			doc := SubStr(doc, 1, setp1 - 1) . set . SubStr(doc, setp2) ; dissect then insert new value
	If (InStr(fn, "+count()"))
		res = %ct%, ; trailing char since SubStr is used below
	nsid := scb . &doc . ":" ; update sid as necessary
	If nsid != %sid%
		StringReplace, sc, sc, %sid%, %nsid%
	NumPut(0, doc, 0, "UChar") ; remask variable to prevent external editing
	StringTrimRight, res, res, 1
	If (InStr(fn, "+rawsrc()")) {
		StringTrimLeft, t, xpr, 1
		StringReplace, res, res, <%t%/, <, All
		StringReplace, res, res, </%t%, <, All
		StringReplace, res, res, `,, `,%scb%, All
		Return, scb . res
	; remove trailing comma and absolute paths from result before returning:
	Return, RegExReplace(res, "S)(?<=<)(\/)?(?:(\w+)\/)+(?(1)|:: )", "$1$2")

	Function: xpath_save
		Saves an XML document to file or returns the source.

		doc - an xml object returned by xpath_load()
		src - (optional) a path to a file where the XML document should be saved;
			if the file already exists it will be replaced

		False if there was an error in saving the document, true otherwise.
		If the src parameter is left blank the source code of the document is returned instead.
xpath_save(ByRef doc, src = "") {
	xml := RegExReplace(SubStr(doc, 2), "S)(?<=<)(\/)?(?:(\w+)\/)+(?(1)|:: )", "$1$2") ; remove metadata
	xml := RegExReplace(xml, "<([\w:]+)([^>]*)><\/\1>", "<$1$2 />") ; fuse empty nodes
	;xml := RegExReplace(xml, " (?=(?:\w+:)?\w+=['""])") ; remove prepending whitespace on attributes
	xml := RegExReplace(xml, "^\s+|\s+$") ; remove start and leading whitespace
	StringReplace, xml, xml, `r, , All ; normalize linefeeds:
	StringReplace, xml, xml, `n, `r`n, All
	sp := "  "
	StringLen, sl, sp
	s =
	VarSetCapacity(sxml, StrLen(xml) * 1.1)
	Loop, Parse, xml, <, `n`t 	�`r
		If A_LoopField =
		If (sb := InStr(A_LoopField, "/") == 1)
			StringTrimRight, s, s, sl
		sxml = %sxml%`n%s%<%A_LoopField%
		If sb
			StringTrimRight, s, s, sl
		If (InStr(A_LoopField, "?") != 1 and InStr(A_LoopField, "!") != 1
			and !InStr(A_LoopField, "/>"))
			s .= sp
	StringTrimLeft, sxml, sxml, 1
	sxml := RegExReplace(sxml, "(\n(?:" . sp . ")*<((?:\w+:)?\w+\b)[^<]+?)\n(?:"
		. sp . ")*</\2>", "$1</$2>")
	If InStr(xml, "<?xml") != 1 ; add processor instruction if there isn't any:
		xml = <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>`r`n%xml%
	If src = ; if save path not specified return the XML document:
		Return, sxml
	FileDelete, %src% ; delete existing file
	FileAppend, %sxml%, %src% ; create new one
	Return, ErrorLevel ; return errors, if any

	Function: xpath_load
		Loads an XML document.

		doc - a reference to the loaded XML file as a variable, to be used in other functions
		src - (optional) the document to load, this can be a file name or a string,
			if omitted the first paramter is used as the source

		False if there was an error in loading the document, true otherwise.
xpath_load(ByRef doc, src = "") {
	If src = ; if source is empty assume the out variable is the one to be loaded
		src = %doc%
	Else If FileExist(src) ; otherwise read from file (if it exists)
		FileRead, src, %src%
	If src not contains <,>
		Return, false
	; combined expressions slightly improve performance:
	src := RegExReplace(src, "<((?:\w+:)?\w+\b)([^>]*)\/\s*>", "<$1$2></$1>") ; defuse nodes
		, VarSetCapacity(doc, VarSetCapacity(xml, StrLen(src) * 1.5) * 1.1) ; pre-allocate enough space
	Loop, Parse, src, < ; for each opening tag:
		If (A_Index == 2 and InStr(A_LoopField, "?xml") == 1)
		Else If (InStr(A_LoopField, "?") == 1) ; ignore all other processor instructions
			xml = %xml%<%A_LoopField%
		Else If (InStr(A_LoopField, "![CDATA[") == 1) { ; escape entities in CDATA sections
			cdata := SubStr(A_LoopField, 9, -3)
			StringReplace, cdata, cdata, ", &quot;, All
			StringReplace, cdata, cdata, &, &amp;, All
			StringReplace, cdata, cdata, ', &apos;, All
			StringReplace, cdata, cdata, <, &lt;, All
			StringReplace, cdata, cdata, >, &gt;, All
			xml = %xml%%cdata% 
		Else If (!pos := RegExMatch(A_LoopField, "^\/?(?:\w+:)?\w+", tag)) ; if this isn't a valid tag:
			If A_LoopField is not space
				xml = %xml%&lt;%A_LoopField% ; convert to escaped entity value
		Else {
			StringMid, ex, A_LoopField, pos + StrLen(tag) ; get tag name
			If InStr(tag, "/") = 1 { ; if this is a closing tag:
				xml = %xml%</%pre%%ex% ; close tag
				StringGetPos, pos, pre, /, R2
				StringLeft, pre, pre, pos + 1
			Else {
				pre = %pre%%tag%/
				xml = %xml%<%pre%:: %ex%
	StringReplace, doc, xml, `,, &#44;, All ; entity escape commas (which are used as array delimiters)
	NumPut(0, doc := " " . doc, 0, "UChar") ; mask variable from text display with nullbyte
	Return, true ; assume sucessful load by this point

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Re: Is there a way to know why my script is blocked by Windows Defender?

Post by mikeyww » 27 Jan 2022, 13:04

My general understanding is that this is fairly common among compiled AHK scripts but depends on the antivirus program and its response. I would search the forum for how others have approached the problem. My recollection is that the main suggestion was to notify the antivirus software company, to see if they will enable an exclusion in the program. Most antivirus software also allows the user to set an exclusion for a program, process, file type, or directory (and Defender has such an exclusion feature as well). You could try not compressing the file, but there is no guarantee that it will help. Some antivirus programs refer to blacklists-- with possibility that you can get your program removed from a blacklist-- but I am not sure whether Defender uses that approach. I would not be very optimistic that modifying the script itself will have a great effect, but conducting a short test of a smaller script would be straightforward.

Posts: 6222
Joined: 11 Jan 2017, 17:59

Re: Is there a way to know why my script is blocked by Windows Defender?

Post by swagfag » 27 Jan 2022, 13:12

nothing out of the ordinary here. uve compiled a new binary Windows Defender has never before seen, its got 0 reputation, it hasnt been whitelisted(nor can it apparently ever be judging by ur IT's policies), so it gets quarantined. u can:
  • distribute the uncompiled .ahk script along with the base .exe version of the interpreter(which by now has probably built up enough reputation to bypass Defender). u can give both files identical names. that way doubleclicking the exe will launch the script(doubleclicking the script wont do jack, unless ahk is actually installed on the computer though)
  • get urself a $400/year EV code signing cert. sign ur binaries with it

Posts: 13
Joined: 28 Jan 2016, 20:06

Re: Is there a way to know why my script is blocked by Windows Defender?

Post by vertigoelectric » 28 Jan 2022, 05:25

Thanks for the replies.

Yeah I'm also doubtful that changing the code itself would help. I appreciate the feedback.

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