Send keys when notification window pops up?

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Send keys when notification window pops up?

Post by osail » 31 May 2023, 15:26

Trying to get this code to work but to no avail. Trying to automate pairing joy-cons but it doesn't seem to want to send the keys on the new notification.
The hotkeys work by themselves. But not with the watcher. win spy gives me a few ideas to get it working. But no luck. The Win+Shift+V is the standard hotkey to select a notification on Windows so I don't need a select window or mouse click sort of a thing.

Code: Select all

counter := 0

SetTimer, CheckForNotificationWindow, 1000 ; checks every second

    counter += 1
    If counter > 30
        SetTimer, CheckForNotificationWindow, Off ; disables the timer after 30 checks
        IfWinExist, Add a device ahk_class Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindow ahk_exe ShellExperienceHost.exe
            Send, #+v ; Win+Shift+V
            Sleep, 100
            Send, {Enter}
            Sleep, 700
            Send, {Enter}
            Sleep, 700
            Send, {Enter}
            Sleep, 700
            Send, {Tab}
            Sleep, 700
            Send, {Enter}
            Sleep, 700
            Send, !{F4} ; Alt+F4
Help is appreciated thanks!
image (2).png
windows notification
image (2).png (45.99 KiB) Viewed 339 times
image (4).png
Winspy results
image (4).png (26.53 KiB) Viewed 339 times

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