REG class - wrapper for (a few) REG commands - 2021/06/21 - beta.1

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REG class - wrapper for (a few) REG commands - 2021/06/21 - beta.1

Post by TheArkive » 16 Oct 2020, 08:43





This class script, is not what i would call "amazing". It's more of a preference, with a few extra bells and whistles. I find when I am writing scripts that do moderate to heavy registry modification, this script makes writing and tracking those edits a little more fluid as well. Some of what this class script offers is redundant technically, so some of what I've added is for consistency, so you don't have to switch back and forth between this class and native AHK for registry operations.

I have implemented this class successfully in my AHK Portable Installer program. The many registry edits line up nice in code :D

Please read the included docs for detailed help and examples.

NOTE: As a general rule, if you need to do your own registry loop, don't use this class. Just use the native AHK functions.

  • The library is Static, so no need to create instances. All methods can be used just like functions.
  • Includes import() and export() methods to import and export .reg files.
  • The query() method dumps values/subkeys into an assoc array (map) and is optionally recursive.
  • Won't throw as many errors, for example when checking blank (Default) values. Lots off error data is captured in properties to narrow down if a truly critical error actually happened.
  • Adding support for COMPARE sub-command. Still figuring out the best way to handle the output. Suggestions are welcome!
  • Adding support for REG SAVE/RESTORE/LOAD/UNLOAD commands. SAVE and RESTORE work fine, but they are kind of useless without LOAD and UNLOAD, so they all have been removed for the time being.
Current issues:
  • REG LOAD / REG UNLOAD commands pretty much throw errors for the most part. I'm not sure of the context in which these are meant to be used. My user account on the test system does have admin privileges. I'm also getting "Access denied" in an elevated CMD prompt window when trying these commands manually. I'm still researching how to properly use these commands so I can fix it.
Currently there is no AHK v1 version, but doing such a conversion wouldn't be difficult. Let me know if there is interest for this in AHK v1.

Here is the script and docs:

Code: Select all

; ======================================================================================
; Reg class - wrapper for the REG command.
; ======================================================================================
; This was made to attempt making a wider set of functionality for interacting with the
; registry feel more "native" to AutoHotkey.  Also, less errors are thrown, for example
; when trying to read the (Default) value of a key, you will get "" if the data of the
; (Default) value is a zero-length string, or is unset.  But you can still check if the
; value is actually unset.  Read more below.
; Much of this class mirrors what AHK already does with registry related commands and
; functions, and of course adds to it.
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
; Methods
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;   reg.query(key, value := "", recurse := false)
;       - Similar to the REG QUERY command.
;       - If recurse = false, specify only a key to query all values, as well as a list
;         of keys (and their default values) in the specified key.  If you also specifify
;         a value, then only that value's data is returned.
;       - If recurse = true, specify only a key to query all values in all subkeys.  If
;         you also specify a value, then all instaces of that value in all subkeys is
;         queried.
;       - Output is a Map(), listing the key queried, and all subkeys.
;       - If value = "", that queries the (Default) value of a key/subkey.
;       Usage Examples:
;           string := reg.query("HKCU\My_key", "my_value")
;               -> Returns the data stored in "my_value" as a string in the same manner as RegRead().
;           assoc_array := reg.query("HKCU\My_key",,true)
;               -> Returns a Map() of all values and sub-keys.
;           assoc_array := reg.query("HKCU\My_key","My_value",true)
;               -> Returns a Map() of all instances of "My_value" in the specified key and subkeys.
;         + Getting data from an array after using reg.query()
;                my_data := arr["HKLM\sub_key"]["value"]["data"]
;           my_data_type := arr["HKLM\sub_key"]["value"]["data_type"]
;  (boolean) check_unset := arr["HKLM\sub_key"]["value"]["unset"]       ; only true when (Default) value is unset.
;            - ["unset"] will indicate if the return value of "" is zero-length or actually unset.
;   reg.add(key, value := "", data := "", rgType := "REG_SZ")
;       - Specify only a key, to add a registry key with the (Default) value unset.
;       - Specify a key and value, to write data to that value.
;       - The default data type is REG_SZ.
;       Usage Examples:
;           boolean := reg.add("HKCU\Software\my_key")
;               -> Attempts to add "my_key" subkey to the registry key "HKCU\Software".
;           boolean := reg.add("HKCU\Software\my_key","my_value")
;               -> Attempts to add "my_value" to the registry key "HKCU\Software\my_key"
;                  with no data (a zero-length string).
;           boolean := reg.add("HKCU\Software\my_key","my_value","some_data")
;               -> Attempts to add "my_value" to the registry key "HKCU\Software\my_key"
;                  with the string "some_data" as the string value.
;           boolean := reg.add("HKCU\Software\my_key","my_value","some_data`r`n more_data","REG_MULTI_SZ")
;               -> Attempts to add "my_value" to the registry key "HKCU\Software\my_key" with the
;                  string "some_data" as the data.  The data type "REG_MULTI_SZ" is specified.
;                  The default delimiter for REG_MULTI_SZ input is "`n" or "`r`n".
;   reg.delete(key, value := "", clearKey := false)
;       - Specify only a key to delete that key.
;       - Specify a key and value to delete the value.
;       - If clearKey = true, then the specified key's values are cleared.  All subkeys and
;         values in those subkeys are not touched.  If value is specified in this case, it
;         is ignored.
;           boolean := reg.delete("HKCU\Software\my_key")
;               -> Deletes registry key "HKCU\Software\my_key".
;           boolean := reg.delete("HKCU\Software\my_key",,true)
;               -> Deletes all values within the key "HKCU\Software\my_key".  All subkeys
;                  and values within subkeys are left intact, as well as the specified key.
;           boolean := reg.delete("HKCU\Software\my_key","my_value")
;               -> Delete value named "my_value" from registry key "HKCU\Software\my_key".
;   reg.export(key, file := "", overwrite := true)
;       - Exports the specified key to a .reg file.  If no file name is specified, then the name
;         of the specified subkey is used as the file name.  This may fail if the specified subkey
;         contains characters that are not valid for file names.  The default action is to overwrite
;         the .reg file if it exists in the destination directory.
;   reg.import(file)
;       - Imports the specified .reg file.
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
; Properties
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;   reg.view
;       - Default value = ""
;       - Other values = 32 or 64
;       - Specifies whether to look at the 32 or 64 bit side of the registry.  Changing
;         this value to 32 or 64 will invoke SetRegView.  Reading this value will return
;         the current contents of A_RegView, however if the current reg view is "Default"
;         then the returned value will be "".
;       - If the user attempts to apply any other value besides 32, 64, or "", then ""
;         is automatically applied (which is the same as "Default" for SetRegView).
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;       The .reason, .LastError, and .cmd properties are reset when a method() is called.
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;   reg.reason
;       - Contains text describing error message.  On no error, this value is blank.
;   reg.LastError
;       - Contains A_LastError code, or the most appropriate equivalent value.  A value of
;         zero indicates success.
;   reg.cmd
;       - Contains the full command line passed to RunWait() in case you want to double check it.
;   Usage Examples:
;       cur_reg_view := reg.view ; gets the current reg view
;       reg.view  := new_regView ; sets the new reg view (32, 64, or "")
;       error_reason := reg.reason ; gets error message, when reg.method() returns false.
;       err_code := reg.LastError
; ======================================================================================
; ======================================================================================
; #INCLUDE _JXON.ahk ;
; test := jxon_dump(reg.query("HKCR\*","AttributeMask",true),4) ; gets all data from values named "AttributeMask" in HKCR\* (recursive)
; A_Clipboard := test
; msgbox test
; ======================================================================================
; #INCLUDE _JXON.ahk ;
; test := jxon_dump(reg.query("HKCR\*","",true),4) ; gets all (Default) values from all subkeys (recursive)
; A_Clipboard := test
; msgbox test
; ======================================================================================
; #INCLUDE _JXON.ahk ;
; test := jxon_dump(reg.query("HKCR\*",""),4) ; gets all (Default) values from specified key and 1st level subkeys (not recursive)
; A_Clipboard := test
; msgbox test
; ======================================================================================
; output_array := reg.query("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*") ; looping through array returned by reg.query()
; msg_txt := ""
; For key, key_contents in output_array { ; looping through reg.query() output in a FOR loop
    ; msg_txt .= key "`r`n"
    ; For value, val_info in key_contents {
        ; msg_txt .= "    VALUE:  " value " (TYPE: " val_info["type"] ")`r`n"
        ; msg_txt .= "        DATA: " (val_info["unset"] ? "(value not set)" : val_info["data"]) "`r`n"
    ; }
; }
; msgbox msg_txt
; ======================================================================================
; test :="HKCU\*","") ; reads default value of key "HKCR\*" and doesn't throw an error
; msgbox "default value: " test "`r`nunset?  " (reg.unset ? "yes" : "no") ; check reg.unset for determining if a (Default) value is unset
; ======================================================================================
; reg.add("HKCU\Software\AutoHotkey\test1\test2")                       ; adds only a key
; reg.add("HKCU\Software\AutoHotkey\test1\test2","test3")               ; adds a blank value named "test3"
; reg.add("HKCU\Software\AutoHotkey\test1\test2","test3","value data")  ; adds value "test3" set to "value data"
; ======================================================================================
; reg.add("HKCU\Software\AutoHotkey\test1\test2\test3","","test")     ; add a simple test key with (Default) value data set
; reg.add("HKCU\Software\AutoHotkey\test1\test2\test3","test_value","data for test value") ; add test value
; Msgbox "test key, test value, and (Default) data set"
; reg.delete("HKCU\Software\AutoHotkey\test1\test2\test3","")         ; clears default value of test key
; msgbox "default value of test key cleared"
; reg.add("HKCU\Software\AutoHotkey\test1\test2\test3","test_value")  ; overwrite test_value with zero-length string
; msgbox "overwrites test value with zero-length string"
; reg.delete("HKCU\Software\AutoHotkey\test1\test2\test3","test_value") ; removes test_value
; msgbox "test value removed"
; reg.delete("HKCU\Software\AutoHotkey\test1")                        ; remove the key
; msgbox "test key removed"
; ======================================================================================
; msgbox "adding dummy test values"
; reg.add("HKCU\Software\AutoHotkey","","test")
; reg.add("HKCU\Software\AutoHotkey","poof1","test1")
; reg.add("HKCU\Software\AutoHotkey","poof2","test2")
; msgbox "now .delete() and set clearKey = true"
; reg.delete("HKCU\Software\AutoHotkey",,true)
; msgbox "now refresh the registry/RegEdit.  All test values should be cleared."
; ======================================================================================
; msgbox "WARNING:  Please move through this example SLOWLY."
; msgbox "EXPORTING`r`n`r`nzero means success: " reg.export("HKCU\Software\AutoHotkey","HKCU-Ahk-registry.reg") ; exports HKCR\* to a .reg file
; msgbox "reg hive exported`r`n`r`nCheck exported file contents if you wish.`r`n`r`nRename AutoHotkey in HKCU\Software to AutoHotkey2 now for this test"
; msgbox "IMPORTING`r`n`r`nzero means success: " reg.import("HKCU-Ahk-registry.reg") "`r`n`r`nManuall refresh registry/RegEdit now (F5)."
; msgbox "registry import done`r`n`r`nIt is safe to delete AutoHotkey2 key now."
; FileDelete "HKCU-Ahk-registry.reg"
; msgbox "test reg file deleted"
; ======================================================================================
; Examples testing error messages.
; ======================================================================================
; msgbox"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NetDrivers","") ; should be restricted
; msgbox "Error info: " reg.LastError " / " reg.reason "`r`n`r`nActual last error: " A_LastError
; msgbox reg.export("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NetDrivers","test.reg") ; should be restricted
; msgbox "Error info: " reg.LastError " / " reg.reason "`r`n`r`nActual last error: " A_LastError
; msgbox reg.add("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NetDrivers","","test data") ; should be restricted
; msgbox "Error info: " reg.LastError " / " reg.reason "`r`n`r`nActual last error: " A_LastError
; msgbox reg.delete("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NetDrivers","") ; should be restricted
; msgbox "Error info: " reg.LastError " / " reg.reason "`r`n`r`nActual last error: " A_LastError
; ======================================================================================
; The following .reg file contents should fail, this key should be restricted.
; Copy below contents to a error_test.reg file and place it in the same folder as
; this script.  Attempt to import with commands below to see error codes/messages.
; If for some reason you have access to this key, it is recommended you remove the
; default value from the specified key below.
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
; Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
; [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NetDrivers]
; @="testing"
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
; msgbox reg.import("error_test.reg")
; msgbox "Error info: " reg.LastError " / " reg.reason "`r`n`r`nActual last error: " A_LastError
; RegDelete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NetDrivers" ; ONLY run this if for some reason the above commands
;                                                                        ; actually write to this key's default value.
; ======================================================================================
; msgbox "result: " reg.export("HKCU\Software\AutoHotkey","overwrite_test.reg") ; overwrite test
; msgbox "should fail: " reg.export("HKCU\Software\AutoHotkey","overwrite_test.reg",false) ; should fail
; FileDelete "overwrite_test.reg" ; clean up test file
; ======================================================================================

class reg {
    Static null := Chr(3), cmd := "", unset := false, reason := "", LastError := 0
    Static query(key, value := "", recurse := false) { ; REG QUERY simulated
        this.unset := false, this.LastError := 0, this.result := "", this.cmd := ""
        If (this.access_test(key)) ; test for access denied - this is very appropriate here
            return this.LastError
        output := Map(), output.CaseSense := false, readValue := true                   ; init base array
        If (value = "") {                                                           ; only append first default value if (value = "")
            d := Map(), d.CaseSense := false, d["data"] := "", d["type"] := "REG_SZ"    ; init default value for base key
            Try d["data"] := RegRead(key,"")                                            ; try to look up first default key
            d["unset"] := (A_LastError = 2) ? true : false                              ; check if first default value is unset
            output[this.ExpandRoot(key)] := Map("(Default)",d)                          ; write first default value
        Loop Reg key, (recurse ? "VKR" : "VK")
            k := A_LoopRegKey, v := A_LoopRegName, t := A_LoopRegType, m := A_LoopRegTimeModified
            (t = "KEY") ? (k := k "\" v, v := "", t := "REG_SZ") : ""
            readValue := (value = this.null) ? true : (value = v) ? true : false ; read value based on params/filters
            If (readValue) {
                If !output.Has(k)
                    n := Map(), n.CaseSense := false, output[k] := n
                d := Map(), d.CaseSense := false, d["data"] := "", d["type"] := t
                Try d["data"] := RegRead(k,v)
                d["unset"] := (A_LastError = 2) ? true : false
                output[k][!v ? "(Default)" : v] := d
        this.LastError := 0, this.reason := ""
        return output
    Static read(key, value := "") {
        result := "", this.cmd := ""
        Try result := RegRead(key,value)
        this.LastError := A_LastError
        this.reason := this.validate_error(A_LastError)
        this.unset := (this.LastError = 2) ? true : false
        return result
    Static add(key, value := "", data := "", rgType := "REG_SZ") {
        this.unset := false, this.LastError := 0, this.result := "", this.cmd := ""
        If (value = this.null And data = "") {  ; write a blank vlaue
            Try RegWrite data, rgType, key
            If !A_LastError
                Try RegDelete key
        } Else                                  ; write a value
            Try RegWrite data, rgType, key, value
        this.reason := this.validate_error(A_LastError), this.LastError := A_LastError
        return this.LastError
    Static delete(key, value := "", clearKey := false) {
        this.unset := false, this.LastError := 0, this.result := "", this.cmd := "", curValue := ""
        If (value = this.null And !clearKey) {
            Try RegDeleteKey key
        } Else If (value = this.null And clearKey) {
            Loop Reg key
                curValue := A_LoopRegName
                Try RegDelete A_LoopRegKey, A_LoopRegName
                If A_LastError
            If !A_LastError
                curValue := ""
        } Else
            Try RegDelete key, value
        this.reason := this.validate_error(A_LastError) (curValue ? "`r`n`r`n   Key: " key "`r`nValue:  " curValue : "")
        this.LastError := A_LastError
        return this.LastError
    Static export(key, file := "", overwrite := true) {
        this.unset := false, this.LastError := 0, this.result := "", this.cmd := ""
        If (this.access_test(key)) ; test for access denied
            return this.LastError
        SplitPath key, endKey, pathKey
        file := (file="") ? endKey ".reg" : file   ; default file name is key name
        file := (SubStr(file,-4) != ".reg") ? file ".reg" : file
        v := this.validateFileName(file)    ; validate provided file/path
        If (!v) {
            this.reason := "Invalid Filename", this.LastError := 1
        } Else If (!overwrite And FileExist(file))
            this.reason := "File exists, no overwrite", this.LastError := 1
        Else {
            r := (this.view = 32) ? " /reg:32" : (this.view = 64) ? " /reg:64" : ""
            o := (overwrite ? " /y" : "")       ; check for overwrite, adjust command line
            this.cmd := "reg export " key " " Chr(34) file  Chr(34) o r
            result := RunWait(this.cmd)
            If A_LastError
                this.reason := this.validate_error(A_LastError), this.LastError := A_LastError
            Else If result
                this.reason := "Key may not exist", this.LastError := 1
        return this.LastError
    Static import(file, key := "") { ; specify key if you want to test for access first
        this.unset := false, this.LastError := 0, this.result := "", this.cmd := ""
        If (key And this.access_test(key))  ; test for access denied
            return this.LastError
        v := this.validateFileName(file)    ; validate provided file/path
        r := (this.view = 32) ? " /reg:32" : (this.view = 64) ? " /reg:64" : ""
        If !v
            this.LastError := 1, this.reason := "Invalid file name."
        if FileExist(file) {
            this.cmd := "reg import " Chr(34) file Chr(34) r
            result := RunWait(this.cmd)
            If A_LastError
                this.reason := this.validate_error(A_LastError), this.LastError := A_LastError
            Else If result
                this.reason := "Key may not exist, or access is denied", this.LastError := 1
        } Else
            this.LastError := 1, this.reason := "File does not exist."
        return this.LastError
    Static access_test(key) {
        Try test := RegRead(key,"")
        If (A_LastError = 5) {                                                          ; test for access rights / access denied
            this.LastError := A_LastError, this.reason := this.validate_error(A_LastError)
            return this.LastError
        } Else
            return 0
    Static validate_error(errNum) {
        If (errNum = 1)
            result := "General failure.  Key/value/file may not exist, or may not be invalid."
        Else If (errNum = 2)
            result := "File not found"
        Else if (errNum = 5)
            result := "Access Denied"
            result := errNum
        return result
    Static validateFileName(inPath) {
        If !inPath
            return false
        SplitPath inPath, outFile, outDir
        result := (outDir ? FileExist(outDir) : true), invalidChars := "><:/\|?*" Chr(34)
        Loop Parse invalidChars
            result := !result ? false : !InStr(outFile, A_LoopField)
        return result
    Static ExpandRoot(key) {
        key := RegExReplace(key,"i)^HKCR\\","HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\",,1) , key := RegExReplace(key,"i)^HKCU\\","HKEY_CURRENT_USER\",,1)
        key := RegExReplace(key,"i)^HKLM\\","HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\",,1), key := RegExReplace(key,"i)^HKU\\" ,"HKEY_USERS\",,1)
        key := RegExReplace(key,"i)^HKCC\\","HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG",,1), key := RegExReplace(key,"i)^HKPD\\","HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA",,1)
        return key
    Static CollapseRoot(key) {
        key := RegExReplace(key,"i)^HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\","HKCR\",,1)  , key := RegExReplace(key,"i)^HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\","HKCU\",,1)
        key := RegExReplace(key,"i)^HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\","HKLM\",,1) , key := RegExReplace(key,"i)^HKEY_USERS\\","HKU\",,1)
        key := RegExReplace(key,"i)^HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG\\","HKCC\",,1), key := RegExReplace(key,"i)^HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA\\","HKPD\",,1)
        return key
    Static view { ; handle reg view natively with AHK
        Set {
            SetRegView ((value = 32 Or value = 64) ? value : "Default" )
        Get {
            return ((A_RegView = "Default") ? "" : A_RegView)

As usual I'll appreciate any feedback to improve this class script.
Last edited by TheArkive on 25 Jul 2021, 06:11, edited 8 times in total.

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Re: REG class - wrapper for REG command - 2020/10/17 - a122

Post by TheArkive » 17 Oct 2020, 15:37

  • Full rewrite. The result is as fast as it should be (native AHK speed - and better than the previous version).
  • Added more error checking.
  • Using mostly native AHK methods, but arranged differently to throw less errors.
  • Implemented REG EXPORT / REG IMPORT as methods, .export() .import()
  • Implemented .query(), functions similar to REG QUERY.
  • Docs updated.
Lots of updates to the OP too.

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