Using a timer in pulover

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Joined: 08 Apr 2024, 12:47

Using a timer in pulover

Post by sachalamp » 26 Apr 2024, 14:44

I have an infinite loop that links to various other macros.

I would like to add one or more calls to other macros but that would only trigger every hour for example. I tried settimer but that interrupts anything that was happening in the loop and i do not want that.

An example of what i am looking for would be

Code: Select all


do 1 (and finish doing 1)

wait 2 seconds

do 2 (and finish doing 2)

wait 2 seconds

do 3 only once every hour (wait for 1 and 2 to finish and only then start 3. if an hour did not pass yet, start the loop again)

[Mod edit: Added codebox.]

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