Sublime Text can not run ahk script

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Sublime Text can not run ahk script

Post by joshatt » 29 Jun 2016, 04:20

Just heard ST3, so I gave it a try, wonderful, ahk package installed, but I can not run ahk from ST3.-------
I just tried "TOOL----Run", nothing happened, also tried "TOOL----AUTOHOTKEY-RUN". With ctrl+` I can see "TypeError: list indices must be integers, not str".
I guess I should specify my autohotkey.exe filepath as mentioned:"For the build system and ahkrun, ahkrunpiped, and ahkcompile commands, if you have a non-default installation then you will need to set your specific path to AutoHotkey.exe and Ahk2Exe.exe in a file named AutoHotkey.sublime-settings in your User folder. You can access these settings file from the Menu Preferences > Package Settings > AutoHotkey. You should make a copy of AutoHotkey Settings - Default at AutoHotkey Settings - User and modify there since then any settings defined in your User folder will take precedence and the package can still update itself without overwriting your custom settings."
But what syntax should I use, trying to "set your specific path to AutoHotkey.exe and Ahk2Exe.exe....." ?

Anyway, I searched here and found this thread: ... =2009#p675
But "" file seems lost in the server.
Any idea?

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Re: Sublime Text can not run ahk script

Post by boiler » 27 Jul 2016, 16:07

Try this location:

It looks to have been updated in the last few months as opposed to the other links that seem to be a few years old. It worked for me, although I had to use the manual approach, downloading the zip file putting the files from that zip file in "...AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\AutoHotkey", creating the AutoHotkey directory myself.

It works when I run a saved script, but "Autohotkey - Run As Piped Buffer" doesn't work. It gives me an error message. I was going to post in the other script about it so it might ping those users that there was an update to their thread.

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Re: Sublime Text can not run ahk script

Post by joshatt » 14 Aug 2016, 09:07

boiler wrote:Try this location:

It looks to have been updated in the last few months as opposed to the other links that seem to be a few years old. It worked for me, although I had to use the manual approach, downloading the zip file putting the files from that zip file in "...AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\AutoHotkey", creating the AutoHotkey directory myself.

It works when I run a saved script, but "Autohotkey - Run As Piped Buffer" doesn't work. It gives me an error message. I was going to post in the other script about it so it might ping those users that there was an update to their thread.
Thanks for your help.
After several days, I turned to SciTE4AHK again, because of debug functions.

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