New version v1.2 (requires AHK 1.1.20+).
- Changed the class to support new instances per control instead of attaching them to the prototype.
- Added individual message handling per instance which doesn't interfere with other message handlers for WM_NOTIFY messages.
- Replaced subclassing with message handlers for WM_COMMAND and WM_HOTKEY messages.
- Changed SetColumns() method to accept variadic parameters.
- Revised code.
- Adjusted sample script.
It took more time than expected to realize step 2:
- v1.0: Class LV_InCellEdit, but now the basic version seems to work stable. The Listviews refused obstinately to disclose what they are doing during editing and I'm not able to debug scripts. Finally I had to prevent the handling of EN_UPDATE notifications to get things working. This implicates some nasty side-effects and I had to do more off the stuff manually than originally planned. So the difference to the other scripts is a bit less than favored, but it is still a new concept.
- v1.1: Navigate thru cells with tab and arrow keys while editing. It was really hard work for me, but now all seems to work reasonably stable.
Change History
Update 1.2 .02(2015-12-14):
- Added support for centered columns.
- Fixed bug causing wrong position of the edit control if the user types very fast.
- Added EditUserFunc option.
Code: Select all
; EditUserFunc - The name of a user-defined funtion to be called from ; LVN_BEGINEDITLABEL and LVN_ENDEDITLABEL. ; The function must accept at least 6 Parameters: ; State - The state of the edit operation: BEGIN / END ; HLV - The handle to the ListView. ; HED - The handle to the edit control. ; Row - The row number of the edited item. ; Col - The column number of the edited item. ; Text - The edited item's text before / after editing. ; To avoid the loss of messages the function should return as soon as possible.
- Added source code.
- Using new AHK 1.1.20+ features:
- Changed the class to support new instances per control instead of attaching them to the prototype.
- Added individual message handling per instance which doesn't interfere with other message handlers for WM_NOTIFY messages.
- Replaced subclassing with message handlers for WM_COMMAND and WM_HOTKEY messages.
- Changed SetColumns() method to accept variadic parameters.
- Revised code.
- Adjusted sample script.
- Added method EditCell() to start editing of a specified cell by direct call.
- Updated script and sample.
- Added back option BlankSubItem for method Attach.
- Updated script and sample.
- Added public method SetColumns to permit editing for certain columns only.
- Updated script and sample.
- Solved my problems with multiple selection ListViews, style won't be changed anymore.
- Updated script below and download script.
- Removed options BlankSubItem and UseColWidth.
- Added option HiddenCol1.
- Added cell navigation with Tab (next cell), Shift+Tab (previous cell), Down (one cell down), and Up (one cell up) for continuous editing.
- Added property Changed to gather informations about changed cells.
- Changed sample script.
- For details look at the inline documentation, please.
View sources on GitHub:Code: Select all
; ======================================================================================================================
; Namespace: LV_InCellEdit
; Function: Support for in-cell ListView editing.
; Tested with: AHK (1.1.20+ required)
; Tested on: Win 10 Pro (x64)
; Change History: me - Bug fix and support for centered columns.
; me - Added EditUserFunc option.
; me - New version based on AHK 1.1.20+ features.
; me - Added method EditCell
; me - Added back option BlankSubItem for method Attach
; me - Added method SetColumns
; me
; ======================================================================================================================
; CLASS LV_InCellEdit
; Unlike other in-cell editing scripts, this class is using the ListViews built-in edit control.
; Advantage:
; You don't have to care about the font and the GUI, and most of the job can be done by handling common ListView
; notifications.
; Disadvantage:
; I've still found no way to prevent the ListView from blanking out the first subitem of the row while editing
; another subitem. The only known workaround is to add a hidden first column.
; The class provides methods to restrict editing to certain columns, to directly start editing of a specified cell,
; and to deactivate/activate the built-in message handler for WM_NOTIFY messages (see below).
; The message handler for WM_NOTIFY messages will be activated for the specified ListView whenever a new instance is
; created. As long as the message handler is activated a double-click on any cell will show an Edit control within this
; cell allowing to edit the current content. The default behavior for editing the first column by two subsequent single
; clicks is disabled. You have to press "Esc" to cancel editing, otherwise the content of the Edit will be stored in
; the current cell. ListViews must have the -ReadOnly option to be editable.
; While editing, "Esc", "Tab", "Shift+Tab", "Down", and "Up" keys are registered as hotkeys. "Esc" will cancel editing
; without changing the value of the current cell. All other hotkeys will store the content of the edit in the current
; cell and continue editing for the next (Tab), previous (Shift+Tab), upper (Up), or lower (Down) cell. You cannot use
; the keys for other purposes while editing.
; All changes are stored in MyInstance.Changed. You may track the changes by triggering (A_GuiEvent == "F") in the
; ListView's gLabel and checking MyInstance["Changed"] as shown in the sample scipt. If "True", MyInstance.Changed
; contains an array of objects with keys "Row" (row number), "Col" (column number), and "Txt" (new content).
; Changed is one of the two keys intended to be accessed directly from outside the class.
; If you want to temporarily disable in-cell editing call MyInstance.OnMessage(False). This must be done also before
; you try to destroy the instance. To enable it again, call MyInstance.OnMessage().
; To avoid the loss of Gui events and messages the message handler might need to be 'critical'. This can be
; achieved by setting the instance property 'Critical' to the required value (e.g. MyInstance.Critical := 100).
; New instances default to 'Critical, Off'. Though sometimes needed, ListViews or the whole Gui may become
; unresponsive under certain circumstances if Critical is set and the ListView has a g-label.
; ======================================================================================================================
Class LV_InCellEdit {
; Instance properties -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; META FUNCTIONS ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; ===================================================================================================================
; __New() Creates a new LV_InCellEdit instance for the specified ListView.
; Parameters: HWND - ListView's HWND
; Optional ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; HiddenCol1 - ListView with hidden first column
; Values: True / False
; Default: False
; BlankSubItem - Blank out subitem's text while editing
; Values: True / False
; Default: False
; EditUserFunc - The name of a user-defined funtion to be called from
; The function must accept at least 6 Parameters:
; State - The state of the edit operation: BEGIN / END
; HLV - The handle to the ListView.
; HED - The handle to the edit control.
; Row - The row number of the edited item.
; Col - The column number of the edited item.
; Text - The edited item's text before / after editing.
; To avoid the loss of messages the function should return as soon as possible.
; ===================================================================================================================
__New(HWND, HiddenCol1 := False, BlankSubItem := False, EditUserFunc := "") {
If (This.Base.Base.__Class) ; do not instantiate instances
Return False
If This.Attached[HWND] ; HWND is already attached
Return False
If !DllCall("IsWindow", "Ptr", HWND) ; invalid HWND
Return False
VarSetCapacity(Class, 512, 0)
DllCall("GetClassName", "Ptr", HWND, "Str", Class, "Int", 256)
If (Class <> "SysListView32") ; HWND doesn't belong to a ListView
Return False
If (EditUserFunc <> "") && (Func(EditUserFunc).MaxParams < 6)
Return False
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Set LVS_EX_DOUBLEBUFFER (0x010000) style to avoid drawing issues.
SendMessage, 0x1036, 0x010000, 0x010000, , % "ahk_id " . HWND ; LVM_SETEXTENDEDLISTVIEWSTYLE
This.HEDIT := 0
This.Item := -1
This.SubItem := -1
This.ItemText := ""
This.RowCount := 0
This.ColCount := 0
This.Cancelled := False
This.Next := False
This.Skip0 := !!HiddenCol1
This.Blank := !!BlankSubItem
This.Critical := "Off"
This.DW := 0
This.EX := 0
This.EY := 0
This.EW := 0
This.EH := 0
This.LX := 0
This.LY := 0
This.LR := 0
This.LW := 0
This.SW := 0
If (EditUserFunc <> "")
This.EditUserFunc := Func(EditUserFunc)
This.Attached[HWND] := True
; ===================================================================================================================
__Delete() {
This.Attached.Remove(This.HWND, "")
WinSet, Redraw, , % "ahk_id " . This.HWND
; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; PUBLIC INTERFACE ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; ===================================================================================================================
; EditCell Edit the specified cell, if possible.
; Parameters: Row - 1-based row number
; Col - 1-based column number
; Default: 0 - edit the first editable column
; Return values: True on success; otherwise False
; ===================================================================================================================
EditCell(Row, Col := 0) {
If !This.HWND
Return False
ControlGet, Rows, List, Count, , % "ahk_id " . This.HWND
This.RowCount := Rows - 1
ControlGet, ColCount, List, Count Col, , % "ahk_id " . This.HWND
This.ColCount := ColCount - 1
If (Col = 0) {
If (This["Columns"])
Col := This.Columns.MinIndex() + 1
ELse If This.Skip0
Col := 2
Col := 1
If (Row < 1) || (Row > Rows) || (Col < 1) || (Col > ColCount)
Return False
If (Column = 1) && This.Skip0
Col := 2
If (This["Columns"])
If !This.Columns[Col - 1]
Return False
VarSetCapacity(LPARAM, 1024, 0)
NumPut(Row - 1, LPARAM, (A_PtrSize * 3) + 0, "Int")
NumPut(Col - 1, LPARAM, (A_PtrSize * 3) + 4, "Int")
Return True
; ===================================================================================================================
; SetColumns Sets the columns you want to edit
; Parameters: ColNumbers* - zero or more numbers of column which shall be editable. If entirely omitted,
; the ListView will be reset to enable editing of all columns.
; Return values: True on success; otherwise False
; ===================================================================================================================
SetColumns(ColNumbers*) {
If !This.HWND
Return False
If (ColNumbers.MinIndex() = "")
Return True
ControlGet, ColCount, List, Count Col, , % "ahk_id " . This.HWND
Indices := []
For Each, Col In ColNumbers {
If Col Is Not Integer
Return False
If (Col < 1) || (Col > ColCount)
Return False
Indices[Col - 1] := True
This["Columns"] := Indices
Return True
; ===================================================================================================================
; OnMessage Activate / deactivate the message handler for WM_NOTIFY messages for this ListView
; Parameters: Apply - True / False
; Default: True
; Return Value: Always True
; ===================================================================================================================
OnMessage(Apply := True) {
If !This.HWND
Return False
If (Apply) && !This.HasKey("NotifyFunc") {
This.NotifyFunc := ObjBindMethod(This, "On_WM_NOTIFY")
OnMessage(0x004E, This.NotifyFunc) ; add the WM_NOTIFY message handler
Else If !(Apply) && This.HasKey("NotifyFunc") {
OnMessage(0x004E, This.NotifyFunc, 0) ; remove the WM_NOTIFY message handler
This.NotifyFunc := ""
WinSet, Redraw, , % "ahk_id " . This.HWND
Return True
; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; PRIVATE PROPERTIES ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; Class properties --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Static Attached := {}
Static OSVersion := DllCall("GetVersion", "UChar")
; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; PRIVATE METHODS +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; WM_COMMAND message handler for edit notifications
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Critical, % This.Critical
If (L = This.HEDIT) {
N := (W >> 16)
If (N = 0x0400) || (N = 0x0300) || (N = 0x0100) { ; EN_UPDATE | EN_CHANGE | EN_SETFOCUS
If (N = 0x0100) ; EN_SETFOCUS
SendMessage, 0x00D3, 0x01, 0, , % "ahk_id " . L ; EM_SETMARGINS, EC_LEFTMARGIN
ControlGetText, EditText, , % "ahk_id " . L
SendMessage, % (A_IsUnicode ? 0x1057 : 0x1011), 0, % &EditText, , % "ahk_id " . This.HWND
EW := ErrorLevel + This.DW
, EX := This.EX
, EY := This.EY
, EH := This.EH + (This.OSVersion < 6 ? 3 : 0) ; add 3 for WinXP
If (EW < This.MinW)
EW := This.MinW
If (EX + EW) > This.LR
EW := This.LR - EX
DllCall("SetWindowPos", "Ptr", L, "Ptr", 0, "Int", EX, "Int", EY, "Int", EW, "Int", EH, "UInt", 0x04)
If (N = 0x0400) ; EN_UPDATE
Return 0
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; WM_HOTKEY message handler
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
On_WM_HOTKEY(W, L, M, H) {
; LVM_CANCELEDITLABEL = 0x10B3, Hotkeys: 0x801B (Esc -> cancel)
If (H = This.HWND) {
If (W = 0x801B) { ; Esc
This.Cancelled := True
PostMessage, 0x10B3, 0, 0, , % "ahk_id " . H
Else {
This.Next := True
SendMessage, 0x10B3, 0, 0, , % "ahk_id " . H
This.Next := True
Return False
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; WM_NOTIFY message handler
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Critical, % This.Critical
If (H := NumGet(L + 0, 0, "UPtr") = This.HWND) {
M := NumGet(L + (A_PtrSize * 2), 0, "Int")
; BeginLabelEdit -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; EndLabelEdit ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Double click ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
If (M = -3) ; NM_DBLCLICK
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Static Indent := 4 ; indent of the Edit control, 4 seems to be reasonable for XP, Vista, and 7
If (This.Item = -1) || (This.SubItem = -1)
Return True
H := This.HWND
SendMessage, 0x1018, 0, 0, , % "ahk_id " . H ; LVM_GETEDITCONTROL
This.HEDIT := ErrorLevel
, VarSetCapacity(ItemText, 2048, 0) ; text buffer
, VarSetCapacity(LVITEM, 40 + (A_PtrSize * 5), 0) ; LVITEM structure
, NumPut(This.Item, LVITEM, 4, "Int")
, NumPut(This.SubItem, LVITEM, 8, "Int")
, NumPut(&ItemText, LVITEM, 16 + A_PtrSize, "Ptr") ; pszText in LVITEM
, NumPut(1024 + 1, LVITEM, 16 + (A_PtrSize * 2), "Int") ; cchTextMax in LVITEM
SendMessage, % (A_IsUnicode ? 0x1073 : 0x102D), % This.Item, % &LVITEM, , % "ahk_id " . H ; LVM_GETITEMTEXT
This.ItemText := StrGet(&ItemText, ErrorLevel)
; Call the user function, if any
If (This.EditUserFunc)
This.EditUserFunc.Call("BEGIN", This.HWND, This.HEDIT, This.Item + 1, This.Subitem + 1, This.ItemText)
SendMessage, 0x000C, 0, % &ItemText, , % "ahk_id " . This.HEDIT
If (This.SubItem > 0) && (This.Blank) {
Empty := ""
, NumPut(&Empty, LVITEM, 16 + A_PtrSize, "Ptr") ; pszText in LVITEM
, NumPut(0,LVITEM, 16 + (A_PtrSize * 2), "Int") ; cchTextMax in LVITEM
SendMessage, % (A_IsUnicode ? 0x1074 : 0x102E), % This.Item, % &LVITEM, , % "ahk_id " . H ; LVM_SETITEMTEXT
VarSetCapacity(RECT, 16, 0)
, NumPut(This.SubItem, RECT, 4, "Int")
SendMessage, 0x1038, This.Item, &RECT, , % "ahk_id " . H ; LVM_GETSUBITEMRECT
This.EX := NumGet(RECT, 0, "Int") + Indent
, This.EY := NumGet(RECT, 4, "Int")
If (This.OSVersion < 6)
This.EY -= 1 ; subtract 1 for WinXP
If (This.SubItem = 0) {
SendMessage, 0x101D, 0, 0, , % "ahk_id " . H ; LVM_GETCOLUMNWIDTH
This.EW := ErrorLevel
This.EW := NumGet(RECT, 8, "Int") - NumGet(RECT, 0, "Int")
This.EH := NumGet(RECT, 12, "Int") - NumGet(RECT, 4, "Int")
; Check the column alignement
VarSetCapacity(LVCOL, 56, 0)
, NumPut(1, LVCOL, "UInt") ; LVCF_FMT
SendMessage, % (A_IsUnicode ? 0x105F : 0x1019), % This.SubItem, % &LVCOL, , % "ahk_id " . H ; LVM_GETCOLUMN
If (NumGet(LVCOL, 4, "UInt") & 0x0002) { ; LVCFMT_CENTER
SendMessage, % (A_IsUnicode ? 0x1057 : 0x1011), 0, % &ItemText, , % "ahk_id " . This.HWND ; LVM_GETSTRINGWIDTH
EW := ErrorLevel + This.DW
If (EW < This.MinW)
EW := This.MinW
If (EW < This.EW)
This.EX += ((This.EW - EW) // 2) - Indent
; Register WM_COMMAND handler
This.CommandFunc := ObjBindMethod(This, "On_WM_COMMAND")
, OnMessage(0x0111, This.CommandFunc)
; Register hotkeys
If !(This.Next)
This.Cancelled := False
This.Next := False
Return False
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; LVN_ENDLABELEDIT notification
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
H := This.HWND
; Unregister WM_COMMAND handler
OnMessage(0x0111, This.CommandFunc, 0)
This.CommandFunc := ""
; Unregister hotkeys
If !(This.Next)
ItemText := This.ItemText
If !(This.Cancelled)
ControlGetText, ItemText, , % "ahk_id " . This.HEDIT
If (ItemText <> This.ItemText) {
If !(This["Changed"])
This.Changed := []
This.Changed.Insert({Row: This.Item + 1, Col: This.SubItem + 1, Txt: ItemText})
; Restore subitem's text if changed or blanked out
If (ItemText <> This.ItemText) || ((This.SubItem > 0) && (This.Blank)) {
VarSetCapacity(LVITEM, 40 + (A_PtrSize * 5), 0) ; LVITEM structure
, NumPut(This.Item, LVITEM, 4, "Int")
, NumPut(This.SubItem, LVITEM, 8, "Int")
, NumPut(&ItemText, LVITEM, 16 + A_PtrSize, "Ptr") ; pszText in LVITEM
SendMessage, % (A_IsUnicode ? 0x1074 : 0x102E), % This.Item, % &LVITEM, , % "ahk_id " . H ; LVM_SETITEMTEXT
If !(This.Next)
This.Item := This.SubItem := -1
This.Cancelled := False
This.Next := False
; Call the user function, if any
If (This.EditUserFunc)
This.EditUserFunc.Call("END", This.HWND, This.HEDIT, This.Item + 1, This.Subitem + 1, ItemText)
Return False
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; NM_DBLCLICK notification
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
H := This.HWND
This.Item := This.SubItem := -1
Item := NumGet(L + (A_PtrSize * 3), 0, "Int")
SubItem := NumGet(L + (A_PtrSize * 3), 4, "Int")
If (This["Columns"]) {
If !This["Columns", SubItem]
Return False
If (Item >= 0) && (SubItem >= 0) {
This.Item := Item, This.SubItem := SubItem
If !(This.Next) {
ControlGet, V, List, Count, , % "ahk_id " . H
This.RowCount := V - 1
ControlGet, V, List, Count Col, , % "ahk_id " . H
This.ColCount := V - 1
, NumPut(VarSetCapacity(WINDOWINFO, 60, 0), WINDOWINFO)
, DllCall("GetWindowInfo", "Ptr", H, "Ptr", &WINDOWINFO)
, This.DX := NumGet(WINDOWINFO, 20, "Int") - NumGet(WINDOWINFO, 4, "Int")
, This.DY := NumGet(WINDOWINFO, 24, "Int") - NumGet(WINDOWINFO, 8, "Int")
, Styles := NumGet(WINDOWINFO, 36, "UInt")
SendMessage, % (A_IsUnicode ? 0x1057 : 0x1011), 0, % "WWW", , % "ahk_id " . H ; LVM_GETSTRINGWIDTH
This.MinW := ErrorLevel
SendMessage, % (A_IsUnicode ? 0x1057 : 0x1011), 0, % "III", , % "ahk_id " . H ; LVM_GETSTRINGWIDTH
This.DW := ErrorLevel
, SBW := 0
If (Styles & 0x200000) ; WS_VSCROLL
SysGet, SBW, 2
ControlGetPos, LX, LY, LW, , , % "ahk_id " . H
This.LX := LX
, This.LY := LY
, This.LR := LX + LW - (This.DX * 2) - SBW
, This.LW := LW
, This.SW := SBW
, VarSetCapacity(RECT, 16, 0)
, NumPut(SubItem, RECT, 4, "Int")
SendMessage, 0x1038, %Item%, % &RECT, , % "ahk_id " . H ; LVM_GETSUBITEMRECT
X := NumGet(RECT, 0, "Int")
If (SubItem = 0) {
SendMessage, 0x101D, 0, 0, , % "ahk_id " . H ; LVM_GETCOLUMNWIDTH
W := ErrorLevel
W := NumGet(RECT, 8, "Int") - NumGet(RECT, 0, "Int")
R := LW - (This.DX * 2) - SBW
If (X < 0)
SendMessage, 0x1014, % X, 0, , % "ahk_id " . H ; LVM_SCROLL
Else If ((X + W) > R)
SendMessage, 0x1014, % (X + W - R + This.DX), 0, , % "ahk_id " . H ; LVM_SCROLL
PostMessage, % (A_IsUnicode ? 0x1076 : 0x1017), %Item%, 0, , % "ahk_id " . H ; LVM_EDITLABEL
Return False
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Next subItem
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NextSubItem(K) {
; Hotkeys: 0x8009 (Tab -> right), 0x8409 (Shift+Tab -> left), 0x8028 (Down -> down), 0x8026 (Up -> up)
; Find the next subitem
H := This.HWND
Item := This.Item
SubItem := This.SubItem
If (K = 0x8009) ; right
Else If (K = 0x8409) { ; left
If (SubItem = 0) && This.Skip0
Else If (K = 0x8028) ; down
Else If (K = 0x8026) ; up
IF (K = 0x8409) || (K = 0x8009) { ; left || right
If (This["Columns"]) {
If (SubItem < This.Columns.MinIndex())
SubItem := This.Columns.MaxIndex(), Item--
Else If (SubItem > This.Columns.MaxIndex())
SubItem := This.Columns.MinIndex(), Item++
Else {
While (This.Columns[SubItem] = "") {
If (K = 0x8009) ; right
If (SubItem > This.ColCount)
Item++, SubItem := This.Skip0 ? 1 : 0
Else If (SubItem < 0)
SubItem := This.ColCount, Item--
If (Item > This.RowCount)
Item := 0
Else If (Item < 0)
Item := This.RowCount
If (Item <> This.Item)
SendMessage, 0x1013, % Item, False, , % "ahk_id " . H ; LVM_ENSUREVISIBLE
VarSetCapacity(RECT, 16, 0), NumPut(SubItem, RECT, 4, "Int")
SendMessage, 0x1038, % Item, % &RECT, , % "ahk_id " . H ; LVM_GETSUBITEMRECT
X := NumGet(RECT, 0, "Int"), Y := NumGet(RECT, 4, "Int")
If (SubItem = 0) {
SendMessage, 0x101D, 0, 0, , % "ahk_id " . H ; LVM_GETCOLUMNWIDTH
W := ErrorLevel
W := NumGet(RECT, 8, "Int") - NumGet(RECT, 0, "Int")
R := This.LW - (This.DX * 2) - This.SW, S := 0
If (X < 0)
S := X
Else If ((X + W) > R)
S := X + W - R + This.DX
If (S)
SendMessage, 0x1014, % S, 0, , % "ahk_id " . H ; LVM_SCROLL
Point := (X - S + (This.DX * 2)) + ((Y + (This.DY * 2)) << 16)
SendMessage, 0x0201, 0, % Point, , % "ahk_id " . H ; WM_LBUTTONDOWN
SendMessage, 0x0202, 0, % Point, , % "ahk_id " . H ; WM_LBUTTONUP
SendMessage, 0x0203, 0, % Point, , % "ahk_id " . H ; WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK
SendMessage, 0x0202, 0, % Point, , % "ahk_id " . H ; WM_LBUTTONUP
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Register/UnRegister hotkeys
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RegisterHotkeys(Register = True) {
; WM_HOTKEY := 0x0312, MOD_SHIFT := 0x0004
; Hotkeys: 0x801B (Esc -> cancel, 0x8009 (Tab -> right), 0x8409 (Shift+Tab -> left)
; 0x8028 (Down -> down), 0x8026 (Up -> up)
H := This.HWND
If (Register) { ; Register
DllCall("RegisterHotKey", "Ptr", H, "Int", 0x801B, "UInt", 0, "UInt", 0x1B)
, DllCall("RegisterHotKey", "Ptr", H, "Int", 0x8009, "UInt", 0, "UInt", 0x09)
, DllCall("RegisterHotKey", "Ptr", H, "Int", 0x8409, "UInt", 4, "UInt", 0x09)
, DllCall("RegisterHotKey", "Ptr", H, "Int", 0x8028, "UInt", 0, "UInt", 0x28)
, DllCall("RegisterHotKey", "Ptr", H, "Int", 0x8026, "UInt", 0, "UInt", 0x26)
, This.HotkeyFunc := ObjBindMethod(This, "On_WM_HOTKEY")
, OnMessage(0x0312, This.HotkeyFunc) ; WM_HOTKEY
Else { ; Unregister
DllCall("UnregisterHotKey", "Ptr", H, "Int", 0x801B)
, DllCall("UnregisterHotKey", "Ptr", H, "Int", 0x8009)
, DllCall("UnregisterHotKey", "Ptr", H, "Int", 0x8409)
, DllCall("UnregisterHotKey", "Ptr", H, "Int", 0x8028)
, DllCall("UnregisterHotKey", "Ptr", H, "Int", 0x8026)
, OnMessage(0x0312, This.HotkeyFunc, 0) ; WM_HOTKEY
, This.HotkeyFunc := ""
} ... er/Sources
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