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minecraft and PixelGetColor issue

Posted: 21 May 2020, 23:19
by supeee
i am trying to get my player to face east using the f3 mene that tells you where you are facing. using PixelGetColor i find out of there is in "H" in South or north, then see if its north or south or move on to east or west using a similar method. then display the results on a msg box and it only worked when i ran it 2 times to fix this i added a loop and i added another loop called another one because for whatever reason it did not work without it. so now for my problem: it keeps the data from when i start the program, for example: if i start the script facing east nothing will happen as it should although when i face anywhere else and press numpad 5 again it still thinks it facing east as you can see i set all Northf3 southf3 ect to 0 several times any ideas?

ok i edited this and did more tests i believe that it has something to do with windowed minecraft any fixes?

Code: Select all


loop, 1		{           ;another one



hornot()	{		;  Northf3
	loop, 2		{                ; This loop here!
			Northf3 = 0
			Southf3 = 0
			Westf3 = 0
			Eastf3 = 0
	PixelGetColor, north1, 125, 232 ;a

	if ((north1 = 0x404040))	{
		; DllCall("mouse_event", "UInt", 0x01, "UInt", 400, "UInt", 0)\
		PixelGetColor, south1, 84, 233 
		if ((south1 = 0x404040)) {
			Northf3 = 0
			Southf3 = 1
			Westf3 = 0
			Eastf3 = 0
			DllCall("mouse_event", "UInt", 0x01, "UInt", -400, "UInt", 0)
			Northf3 = 0
			Southf3 = 0
			Westf3 = 0
			Eastf3 = 0
		}	else {
			Northf3 = 1
			Southf3 = 0
			Westf3 = 0
			Eastf3 = 0
			DllCall("mouse_event", "UInt", 0x01, "UInt", 400, "UInt", 0)
			Northf3 = 0
			Southf3 = 0
			Westf3 = 0
			Eastf3 = 0
	}}	else	{
		PixelGetColor, west1, 80, 225
		if ((west1 = 0x404040)) {
			Northf3 = 0
			Southf3 = 0
			Westf3 = 1
			Eastf3 = 0
			DllCall("mouse_event", "UInt", 0x01, "UInt", 800, "UInt", 0)
			Northf3 = 0
			Southf3 = 0
			Westf3 = 0
			Eastf3 = 0
		} else {
			Northf3 = 0
			Southf3 = 0
			Westf3 = 0
			Eastf3 = 1


;MsgBox, %Westf3%%Northf3%%Southf3%%Eastf3%
if ((Eastf3 = 1) && (Westf3 = 0) && (Northf3 = 0) && (Southf3 = 0))	{
else if ((Eastf3 = 0) && (Westf3 = 1) && (Northf3 = 0) && (Southf3 = 0))	{
DllCall("mouse_event", "UInt", 0x01, "UInt", 800, "UInt", 0)
else if ((Eastf3 = 0) && (Westf3 = 0) && (Northf3 = 1) && (Southf3 = 0))	{
DllCall("mouse_event", "UInt", 0x01, "UInt", 400, "UInt", 0)
else if ((Eastf3 = 0) && (Westf3 = 0) && (Northf3 = 0) && (Southf3 = 1))	{
DllCall("mouse_event", "UInt", 0x01, "UInt", -400, "UInt", 0)

;MsgBox, %Westf3%%Northf3%%Southf3%%Eastf3%
Northf3 = 0
Southf3 = 0
Westf3 = 0
Eastf3 = 0
;MsgBox, %Westf3%%Northf3%%Southf3%%Eastf3%



;MsgBox, %Westf3%%Northf3%%Southf3%%Eastf3%


[Mod edit: [code][/code] tags added]