Hiding GUI by lbutton and it disables lbutton Topic is solved

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Hiding GUI by lbutton and it disables lbutton

Post by mahdi » 10 May 2021, 11:03

HI! Sorry if my question is so basic. I tried plenty of ways and checked documentation but I couldn't solve my issue.

I'm new to this program and community, I've download a GUI and it only dissappears by pressing the default hotkey that I set (>!Space) which it's for opening GUI too but I've added lbutton to hide GUI and it works but after it hides GUI the Lbutton (or any ohter hotkey key ) won't work.

Code: Select all

if gui_state != closed 
        ; If the GUI is already open, close it.
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Re: Hiding GUI by lbutton and it disables lbutton

Post by mikeyww » 10 May 2021, 11:13

You could use OnMessage (Example #1) instead.
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Re: Hiding GUI by lbutton and it disables lbutton

Post by mahdi » 10 May 2021, 12:11

mikeyww wrote:
10 May 2021, 11:13
You could use OnMessage (Example #1) instead.
Thank you! But it seems doesn't work can you say what exactly I should write
And I mean I want to hide GUI by left click in any area of the screen not only the GUI area
I'll put my the GUI.AHK
thanks in advance!
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Re: Hiding GUI by lbutton and it disables lbutton  Topic is solved

Post by Smile_ » 10 May 2021, 13:01

@mahdi Try this version

Code: Select all

    ; Tomorrow Night Color Definitions:
    cBackground := "c" . "1d1f21"
    cCurrentLine := "c" . "282a2e"
    cSelection := "c" . "373b41"
    cForeground := "c" . "c5c8c6"
    cComment := "c" . "fedd00"
    cRed := "c" . "cc6666"
    cOrange := "c" . "de935f"
    cYellow := "c" . "f0c674"
    cGreen := "c" . "b5bd68"
    cAqua := "c" . "8abeb7"
    cBlue := "c" . "81a2be"
    cPurple := "c" . "b294bb"

    gui_control_options := "xm w220 " . cForeground . " -E0x200"
    ; -E0x200 removes border around Edit controls

    ; Initialize variable to keep track of the state of the GUI
    gui_state = closed

    ; Initialize search_urls as a variable set to zero
    search_urls := 0
    Gui, +HwndMyGUI

Gui, Add, Text,, Click anywhere in this window.
Gui, Add, Edit, w200 vMyEdit
Gui, Show

If WinExist("ahk_id " MyGUI)
    WinHide, % "ahk_id " MyGUI


    if gui_state != closed
        ; If the GUI is already open, close it.

    gui_state = main

    Gui, Margin, 16, 16
    Gui, Color, 1d1f21, 282a2e
    Gui, +AlwaysOnTop -SysMenu +ToolWindow -caption +Border
    Gui, Font, s11, Segoe UI
    Gui, Add, Text, %gui_control_options% vgui_main_title, 📈✨Perfect Search Tool📁🔍
    Gui, Font, s10, Segoe UI
    Gui, Add, Edit, %gui_control_options% vPedersen gFindus
    Gui, Show,, myGUI
; Automatically triggered on Escape key:  

; The callback function when the text changes in the input field.
    Gui, Submit, NoHide
    #Include %A_ScriptDir%\GUI\UserCommands.ahk

; gui_destroy: Destroy the GUI after use.
gui_destroy() {
    global gui_state
    global gui_search_title

    gui_state = closed
    ; Forget search title variable so the next search does not re-use it
    ; in case the next search does not set its own:
    gui_search_title =

    ; Clear the tooltip
    Gosub, gui_tooltip_clear

    ; Hide GUI
    Gui, Destroy

    ; Bring focus back to another window found on the desktop

gui_change_title(message,color = "") {
    ; If parameter color is omitted, the message is assumed to be an error
    ; message, and given the color red.
    If color =
        global cRed
        color := cRed
    GuiControl,, gui_main_title, %message%
    Gui, Font, s11 %color%
    GuiControl, Font, gui_main_title
    Gui, Font, s10 cffffff ; reset

; gui_search_add_elements: Add GUI controls to allow typing of a search query.
    Gui, Add, Text, %gui_control_options% %cYellow%, %gui_search_title%
    Gui, Add, Edit, %gui_control_options% %cYellow% vgui_SearchEdit -WantReturn
    Gui, Add, Button, x-10 y-10 w1 h1 +default ggui_SearchEnter ; hidden button
    GuiControl, Disable, Pedersen
    Gui, Show, AutoSize

gui_search(url) {
    if gui_state != search
        gui_state = search
        ; if gui_state is "main", then we are coming from the main window and
        ; GUI elements for the search field have not yet been added.
        Gosub, gui_search_add_elements

    ; Assign the url to a variable.
    ; The variables will have names search_url1, search_url2, ...

    search_urls := search_urls + 1
    search_url%search_urls% := url

    Gui, Submit
    query_safe := uriEncode(gui_SearchEdit)
    Loop, %search_urls%
        StringReplace, search_final_url, search_url%A_Index%, REPLACEME, %query_safe%
        run %search_final_url%
    search_urls := 0
; The tooltip shows all defined commands, along with a description of what
; each command does. It gets the description from the comments in UserCommands.ahk.
; The code was improved and fixed for Windows 10 with the help of schmimae.

    ; hidden GUI used to pass font options to tooltip:
    CoordMode, Tooltip, Screen ; To make sure the tooltip coordinates is displayed according to the screen and not active window
    Gui, 2:Font,s10, Lucida Console
    Gui, 2:Add, Text, HwndhwndStatic

    tooltiptext =
    maxpadding = 0
    StringCaseSense, Off ; Matching to both if/If in the IfInString command below
    Loop, read, %A_ScriptDir%/GUI/UserCommands.ahk
        ; search for the string If Pedersen =, but search for each word individually because spacing between words might not be consistent. (might be improved with regex)
        If Substr(A_LoopReadLine, 1, 1) != ";" ; Do not display commented commands
            If A_LoopReadLine contains if
                IfInString, A_LoopReadLine, Pedersen
                    IfInString, A_LoopReadLine, =
                        StringGetPos, setpos, A_LoopReadLine,=
                        StringTrimLeft, trimmed, A_LoopReadLine, setpos+1 ; trim everything that comes before the = sign
                        StringReplace, trimmed, trimmed, `%A_Space`%,{space}, All
                        tooltiptext .= trimmed
                        tooltiptext .= "`n"

                        ; The following is used to correct padding:
                        StringGetPos, commentpos, trimmed,`;
                        if (maxpadding < commentpos)
                            maxpadding := commentpos
    tooltiptextpadded =
    Loop, Parse, tooltiptext,`n
        line = %A_LoopField%
        StringGetPos, commentpos, line, `;
        spaces_to_insert := maxpadding - commentpos
        Loop, %spaces_to_insert%
            StringReplace, line, line,`;,%A_Space%`;
        tooltiptextpadded .= line
        tooltiptextpadded .= "`n"
    Sort, tooltiptextpadded
    ToolTip %tooltiptextpadded%, 3, 3, 1
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Re: Hiding GUI by lbutton and it disables lbutton

Post by mikeyww » 10 May 2021, 13:04

Similar alternative:

Code: Select all

Gui, New, +Hwnduid
Gui, Font, s10
Gui, Add, Text,, Text
Gui, Show, w220, Test
#If WinExist("ahk_id " uid)
LButton::Gui, %uid%:Destroy
If needed, you can Hide instead of Destroy.
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Re: Hiding GUI by lbutton and it disables lbutton

Post by mahdi » 10 May 2021, 13:22

Smile_ wrote:
10 May 2021, 13:01
@mahdi Try this version

Code: Select all

    ; Tomorrow Night Color Definitions:
    cBackground := "c" . "1d1f21"
    cCurrentLine := "c" . "282a2e"
    cSelection := "c" . "373b41"
    cForeground := "c" . "c5c8c6"
    cComment := "c" . "fedd00"
    cRed := "c" . "cc6666"
    cOrange := "c" . "de935f"
    cYellow := "c" . "f0c674"
    cGreen := "c" . "b5bd68"
    cAqua := "c" . "8abeb7"
    cBlue := "c" . "81a2be"
    cPurple := "c" . "b294bb"

    gui_control_options := "xm w220 " . cForeground . " -E0x200"
    ; -E0x200 removes border around Edit controls

    ; Initialize variable to keep track of the state of the GUI
    gui_state = closed

    ; Initialize search_urls as a variable set to zero
    search_urls := 0
    Gui, +HwndMyGUI

Gui, Add, Text,, Click anywhere in this window.
Gui, Add, Edit, w200 vMyEdit
Gui, Show

If WinExist("ahk_id " MyGUI)
    WinHide, % "ahk_id " MyGUI


    if gui_state != closed
        ; If the GUI is already open, close it.

    gui_state = main

    Gui, Margin, 16, 16
    Gui, Color, 1d1f21, 282a2e
    Gui, +AlwaysOnTop -SysMenu +ToolWindow -caption +Border
    Gui, Font, s11, Segoe UI
    Gui, Add, Text, %gui_control_options% vgui_main_title, 📈✨Perfect Search Tool📁🔍
    Gui, Font, s10, Segoe UI
    Gui, Add, Edit, %gui_control_options% vPedersen gFindus
    Gui, Show,, myGUI
; Automatically triggered on Escape key:  

; The callback function when the text changes in the input field.
    Gui, Submit, NoHide
    #Include %A_ScriptDir%\GUI\UserCommands.ahk

; gui_destroy: Destroy the GUI after use.
gui_destroy() {
    global gui_state
    global gui_search_title

    gui_state = closed
    ; Forget search title variable so the next search does not re-use it
    ; in case the next search does not set its own:
    gui_search_title =

    ; Clear the tooltip
    Gosub, gui_tooltip_clear

    ; Hide GUI
    Gui, Destroy

    ; Bring focus back to another window found on the desktop

gui_change_title(message,color = "") {
    ; If parameter color is omitted, the message is assumed to be an error
    ; message, and given the color red.
    If color =
        global cRed
        color := cRed
    GuiControl,, gui_main_title, %message%
    Gui, Font, s11 %color%
    GuiControl, Font, gui_main_title
    Gui, Font, s10 cffffff ; reset

; gui_search_add_elements: Add GUI controls to allow typing of a search query.
    Gui, Add, Text, %gui_control_options% %cYellow%, %gui_search_title%
    Gui, Add, Edit, %gui_control_options% %cYellow% vgui_SearchEdit -WantReturn
    Gui, Add, Button, x-10 y-10 w1 h1 +default ggui_SearchEnter ; hidden button
    GuiControl, Disable, Pedersen
    Gui, Show, AutoSize

gui_search(url) {
    if gui_state != search
        gui_state = search
        ; if gui_state is "main", then we are coming from the main window and
        ; GUI elements for the search field have not yet been added.
        Gosub, gui_search_add_elements

    ; Assign the url to a variable.
    ; The variables will have names search_url1, search_url2, ...

    search_urls := search_urls + 1
    search_url%search_urls% := url

    Gui, Submit
    query_safe := uriEncode(gui_SearchEdit)
    Loop, %search_urls%
        StringReplace, search_final_url, search_url%A_Index%, REPLACEME, %query_safe%
        run %search_final_url%
    search_urls := 0
; The tooltip shows all defined commands, along with a description of what
; each command does. It gets the description from the comments in UserCommands.ahk.
; The code was improved and fixed for Windows 10 with the help of schmimae.

    ; hidden GUI used to pass font options to tooltip:
    CoordMode, Tooltip, Screen ; To make sure the tooltip coordinates is displayed according to the screen and not active window
    Gui, 2:Font,s10, Lucida Console
    Gui, 2:Add, Text, HwndhwndStatic

    tooltiptext =
    maxpadding = 0
    StringCaseSense, Off ; Matching to both if/If in the IfInString command below
    Loop, read, %A_ScriptDir%/GUI/UserCommands.ahk
        ; search for the string If Pedersen =, but search for each word individually because spacing between words might not be consistent. (might be improved with regex)
        If Substr(A_LoopReadLine, 1, 1) != ";" ; Do not display commented commands
            If A_LoopReadLine contains if
                IfInString, A_LoopReadLine, Pedersen
                    IfInString, A_LoopReadLine, =
                        StringGetPos, setpos, A_LoopReadLine,=
                        StringTrimLeft, trimmed, A_LoopReadLine, setpos+1 ; trim everything that comes before the = sign
                        StringReplace, trimmed, trimmed, `%A_Space`%,{space}, All
                        tooltiptext .= trimmed
                        tooltiptext .= "`n"

                        ; The following is used to correct padding:
                        StringGetPos, commentpos, trimmed,`;
                        if (maxpadding < commentpos)
                            maxpadding := commentpos
    tooltiptextpadded =
    Loop, Parse, tooltiptext,`n
        line = %A_LoopField%
        StringGetPos, commentpos, line, `;
        spaces_to_insert := maxpadding - commentpos
        Loop, %spaces_to_insert%
            StringReplace, line, line,`;,%A_Space%`;
        tooltiptextpadded .= line
        tooltiptextpadded .= "`n"
    Sort, tooltiptextpadded
    ToolTip %tooltiptextpadded%, 3, 3, 1
Thanks It works! but for the first time
when I want to open GUI again It takes a little time to load and when I want to hide it doesn't work and I have to reload the scirpt
Last edited by mahdi on 10 May 2021, 13:52, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hiding GUI by lbutton and it disables lbutton

Post by mahdi » 10 May 2021, 13:40

Smile_ wrote:
10 May 2021, 13:01
@mahdi Try this version
Thanks a lot! it works but for the first time,
when I oepn GUI again I should reload the script.
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Re: Hiding GUI by lbutton and it disables lbutton

Post by mahdi » 10 May 2021, 13:42

mikeyww wrote:
10 May 2021, 13:04
Similar alternative:

Code: Select all

Gui, New, +Hwnduid
Gui, Font, s10
Gui, Add, Text,, Text
Gui, Show, w220, Test
#If WinExist("ahk_id " uid)
LButton::Gui, %uid%:Destroy
If needed, you can Hide instead of Destroy.
The code that smile__sent works but needs to reload script for using the next time and I dno't know where I should put these lines.
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Re: Hiding GUI by lbutton and it disables lbutton

Post by Smile_ » 10 May 2021, 14:07

The code that smile__sent works
@mikeyww's also works.

Code: Select all

DetectHiddenWindows, Off
    ; Tomorrow Night Color Definitions:
    cBackground := "c" . "1d1f21"
    cCurrentLine := "c" . "282a2e"
    cSelection := "c" . "373b41"
    cForeground := "c" . "c5c8c6"
    cComment := "c" . "fedd00"
    cRed := "c" . "cc6666"
    cOrange := "c" . "de935f"
    cYellow := "c" . "f0c674"
    cGreen := "c" . "b5bd68"
    cAqua := "c" . "8abeb7"
    cBlue := "c" . "81a2be"
    cPurple := "c" . "b294bb"

    gui_control_options := "xm w220 " . cForeground . " -E0x200"
    ; -E0x200 removes border around Edit controls

    ; Initialize variable to keep track of the state of the GUI
    gui_state = closed

    ; Initialize search_urls as a variable set to zero
    search_urls := 0
    Gui, +HwndMyGUI

Gui, Add, Text,, Click anywhere in this window.
Gui, Add, Edit, w200 vMyEdit
Gui, Show

    If WinExist("ahk_id " MyGUI)
        WinHide, % "ahk_id " MyGUI
        WinShow, % "ahk_id " MyGUI


    if gui_state != closed
        ; If the GUI is already open, close it.

    gui_state = main

    Gui, Margin, 16, 16
    Gui, Color, 1d1f21, 282a2e
    Gui, +AlwaysOnTop -SysMenu +ToolWindow -caption +Border
    Gui, Font, s11, Segoe UI
    Gui, Add, Text, %gui_control_options% vgui_main_title, 📈✨Perfect Search Tool📁🔍
    Gui, Font, s10, Segoe UI
    Gui, Add, Edit, %gui_control_options% vPedersen gFindus
    Gui, Show,, myGUI
; Automatically triggered on Escape key:  

; The callback function when the text changes in the input field.
    Gui, Submit, NoHide
    #Include %A_ScriptDir%\GUI\UserCommands.ahk

; gui_destroy: Destroy the GUI after use.
gui_destroy() {
    global gui_state
    global gui_search_title

    gui_state = closed
    ; Forget search title variable so the next search does not re-use it
    ; in case the next search does not set its own:
    gui_search_title =

    ; Clear the tooltip
    Gosub, gui_tooltip_clear

    ; Hide GUI
    Gui, Destroy

    ; Bring focus back to another window found on the desktop

gui_change_title(message,color = "") {
    ; If parameter color is omitted, the message is assumed to be an error
    ; message, and given the color red.
    If color =
        global cRed
        color := cRed
    GuiControl,, gui_main_title, %message%
    Gui, Font, s11 %color%
    GuiControl, Font, gui_main_title
    Gui, Font, s10 cffffff ; reset

; gui_search_add_elements: Add GUI controls to allow typing of a search query.
    Gui, Add, Text, %gui_control_options% %cYellow%, %gui_search_title%
    Gui, Add, Edit, %gui_control_options% %cYellow% vgui_SearchEdit -WantReturn
    Gui, Add, Button, x-10 y-10 w1 h1 +default ggui_SearchEnter ; hidden button
    GuiControl, Disable, Pedersen
    Gui, Show, AutoSize

gui_search(url) {
    if gui_state != search
        gui_state = search
        ; if gui_state is "main", then we are coming from the main window and
        ; GUI elements for the search field have not yet been added.
        Gosub, gui_search_add_elements

    ; Assign the url to a variable.
    ; The variables will have names search_url1, search_url2, ...

    search_urls := search_urls + 1
    search_url%search_urls% := url

    Gui, Submit
    query_safe := uriEncode(gui_SearchEdit)
    Loop, %search_urls%
        StringReplace, search_final_url, search_url%A_Index%, REPLACEME, %query_safe%
        run %search_final_url%
    search_urls := 0
; The tooltip shows all defined commands, along with a description of what
; each command does. It gets the description from the comments in UserCommands.ahk.
; The code was improved and fixed for Windows 10 with the help of schmimae.

    ; hidden GUI used to pass font options to tooltip:
    CoordMode, Tooltip, Screen ; To make sure the tooltip coordinates is displayed according to the screen and not active window
    Gui, 2:Font,s10, Lucida Console
    Gui, 2:Add, Text, HwndhwndStatic

    tooltiptext =
    maxpadding = 0
    StringCaseSense, Off ; Matching to both if/If in the IfInString command below
    Loop, read, %A_ScriptDir%/GUI/UserCommands.ahk
        ; search for the string If Pedersen =, but search for each word individually because spacing between words might not be consistent. (might be improved with regex)
        If Substr(A_LoopReadLine, 1, 1) != ";" ; Do not display commented commands
            If A_LoopReadLine contains if
                IfInString, A_LoopReadLine, Pedersen
                    IfInString, A_LoopReadLine, =
                    StringGetPos, setpos, A_LoopReadLine,=
                    StringTrimLeft, trimmed, A_LoopReadLine, setpos+1 ; trim everything that comes before the = sign
                    StringReplace, trimmed, trimmed, `%A_Space`%,{space}, All
                    tooltiptext .= trimmed
                    tooltiptext .= "`n"

                    ; The following is used to correct padding:
                    StringGetPos, commentpos, trimmed,`;
                    if (maxpadding < commentpos)
                        maxpadding := commentpos
    tooltiptextpadded =
    Loop, Parse, tooltiptext,`n
        line = %A_LoopField%
        StringGetPos, commentpos, line, `;
        spaces_to_insert := maxpadding - commentpos
        Loop, %spaces_to_insert%
            StringReplace, line, line,`;,%A_Space%`;
        tooltiptextpadded .= line
        tooltiptextpadded .= "`n"
    Sort, tooltiptextpadded
    ToolTip %tooltiptextpadded%, 3, 3, 1
Try this
Same LButton button used to hide or show.
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Re: Hiding GUI by lbutton and it disables lbutton

Post by mahdi » 10 May 2021, 14:33

Smile_ wrote:
10 May 2021, 14:07
The code that smile__sent works
@mikeyww's also works.

Code: Select all

DetectHiddenWindows, Off
    ; Tomorrow Night Color Definitions:
    cBackground := "c" . "1d1f21"
    cCurrentLine := "c" . "282a2e"
    cSelection := "c" . "373b41"
    cForeground := "c" . "c5c8c6"
    cComment := "c" . "fedd00"
    cRed := "c" . "cc6666"
    cOrange := "c" . "de935f"
    cYellow := "c" . "f0c674"
    cGreen := "c" . "b5bd68"
    cAqua := "c" . "8abeb7"
    cBlue := "c" . "81a2be"
    cPurple := "c" . "b294bb"

    gui_control_options := "xm w220 " . cForeground . " -E0x200"
    ; -E0x200 removes border around Edit controls

    ; Initialize variable to keep track of the state of the GUI
    gui_state = closed

    ; Initialize search_urls as a variable set to zero
    search_urls := 0
    Gui, +HwndMyGUI

Gui, Add, Text,, Click anywhere in this window.
Gui, Add, Edit, w200 vMyEdit
Gui, Show

    If WinExist("ahk_id " MyGUI)
        WinHide, % "ahk_id " MyGUI
        WinShow, % "ahk_id " MyGUI


    if gui_state != closed
        ; If the GUI is already open, close it.

    gui_state = main

    Gui, Margin, 16, 16
    Gui, Color, 1d1f21, 282a2e
    Gui, +AlwaysOnTop -SysMenu +ToolWindow -caption +Border
    Gui, Font, s11, Segoe UI
    Gui, Add, Text, %gui_control_options% vgui_main_title, 📈✨Perfect Search Tool📁🔍
    Gui, Font, s10, Segoe UI
    Gui, Add, Edit, %gui_control_options% vPedersen gFindus
    Gui, Show,, myGUI
; Automatically triggered on Escape key:  

; The callback function when the text changes in the input field.
    Gui, Submit, NoHide
    #Include %A_ScriptDir%\GUI\UserCommands.ahk

; gui_destroy: Destroy the GUI after use.
gui_destroy() {
    global gui_state
    global gui_search_title

    gui_state = closed
    ; Forget search title variable so the next search does not re-use it
    ; in case the next search does not set its own:
    gui_search_title =

    ; Clear the tooltip
    Gosub, gui_tooltip_clear

    ; Hide GUI
    Gui, Destroy

    ; Bring focus back to another window found on the desktop

gui_change_title(message,color = "") {
    ; If parameter color is omitted, the message is assumed to be an error
    ; message, and given the color red.
    If color =
        global cRed
        color := cRed
    GuiControl,, gui_main_title, %message%
    Gui, Font, s11 %color%
    GuiControl, Font, gui_main_title
    Gui, Font, s10 cffffff ; reset

; gui_search_add_elements: Add GUI controls to allow typing of a search query.
    Gui, Add, Text, %gui_control_options% %cYellow%, %gui_search_title%
    Gui, Add, Edit, %gui_control_options% %cYellow% vgui_SearchEdit -WantReturn
    Gui, Add, Button, x-10 y-10 w1 h1 +default ggui_SearchEnter ; hidden button
    GuiControl, Disable, Pedersen
    Gui, Show, AutoSize

gui_search(url) {
    if gui_state != search
        gui_state = search
        ; if gui_state is "main", then we are coming from the main window and
        ; GUI elements for the search field have not yet been added.
        Gosub, gui_search_add_elements

    ; Assign the url to a variable.
    ; The variables will have names search_url1, search_url2, ...

    search_urls := search_urls + 1
    search_url%search_urls% := url

    Gui, Submit
    query_safe := uriEncode(gui_SearchEdit)
    Loop, %search_urls%
        StringReplace, search_final_url, search_url%A_Index%, REPLACEME, %query_safe%
        run %search_final_url%
    search_urls := 0
; The tooltip shows all defined commands, along with a description of what
; each command does. It gets the description from the comments in UserCommands.ahk.
; The code was improved and fixed for Windows 10 with the help of schmimae.

    ; hidden GUI used to pass font options to tooltip:
    CoordMode, Tooltip, Screen ; To make sure the tooltip coordinates is displayed according to the screen and not active window
    Gui, 2:Font,s10, Lucida Console
    Gui, 2:Add, Text, HwndhwndStatic

    tooltiptext =
    maxpadding = 0
    StringCaseSense, Off ; Matching to both if/If in the IfInString command below
    Loop, read, %A_ScriptDir%/GUI/UserCommands.ahk
        ; search for the string If Pedersen =, but search for each word individually because spacing between words might not be consistent. (might be improved with regex)
        If Substr(A_LoopReadLine, 1, 1) != ";" ; Do not display commented commands
            If A_LoopReadLine contains if
                IfInString, A_LoopReadLine, Pedersen
                    IfInString, A_LoopReadLine, =
                    StringGetPos, setpos, A_LoopReadLine,=
                    StringTrimLeft, trimmed, A_LoopReadLine, setpos+1 ; trim everything that comes before the = sign
                    StringReplace, trimmed, trimmed, `%A_Space`%,{space}, All
                    tooltiptext .= trimmed
                    tooltiptext .= "`n"

                    ; The following is used to correct padding:
                    StringGetPos, commentpos, trimmed,`;
                    if (maxpadding < commentpos)
                        maxpadding := commentpos
    tooltiptextpadded =
    Loop, Parse, tooltiptext,`n
        line = %A_LoopField%
        StringGetPos, commentpos, line, `;
        spaces_to_insert := maxpadding - commentpos
        Loop, %spaces_to_insert%
            StringReplace, line, line,`;,%A_Space%`;
        tooltiptextpadded .= line
        tooltiptextpadded .= "`n"
    Sort, tooltiptextpadded
    ToolTip %tooltiptextpadded%, 3, 3, 1
Try this
Same LButton button used to hide or show.
No! I checked everything but it doesn't work and surprisingly also after a few seconds when I click left button it loads the GUI
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Re: Hiding GUI by lbutton and it disables lbutton

Post by Smile_ » 10 May 2021, 15:00

Same LButton button used to hide or show.
That means whenever you click LButton if the GUI is shown will hide it otherwise will show it.

You can customize showing the GUI with other hotkey than LButton I just wanted to show you example.
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Re: Hiding GUI by lbutton and it disables lbutton

Post by mahdi » 10 May 2021, 15:22

Smile_ wrote:
10 May 2021, 15:00
Same LButton button used to hide or show.
That means whenever you click LButton if the GUI is shown will hide it otherwise will show it.

You can customize showing the GUI with other hotkey than LButton I just wanted to show you example.
when I received your reply I tried and worked on it but there is still an issue that is after the first time hiding it doesn't hide the GUI next time until I reload the GUI
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Re: Hiding GUI by lbutton and it disables lbutton

Post by Smile_ » 10 May 2021, 15:57

Check this out:
Ctrl + Alt + H to hide.
Ctrl + Alt + H to show.

Code: Select all

DetectHiddenWindows, Off
    ; Tomorrow Night Color Definitions:
    cBackground := "c" . "1d1f21"
    cCurrentLine := "c" . "282a2e"
    cSelection := "c" . "373b41"
    cForeground := "c" . "c5c8c6"
    cComment := "c" . "fedd00"
    cRed := "c" . "cc6666"
    cOrange := "c" . "de935f"
    cYellow := "c" . "f0c674"
    cGreen := "c" . "b5bd68"
    cAqua := "c" . "8abeb7"
    cBlue := "c" . "81a2be"
    cPurple := "c" . "b294bb"

    gui_control_options := "xm w220 " . cForeground . " -E0x200"
    ; -E0x200 removes border around Edit controls

    ; Initialize variable to keep track of the state of the GUI
    gui_state = closed

    ; Initialize search_urls as a variable set to zero
    search_urls := 0
    Gui, +HwndMyGUI

Gui, Add, Text,, Click anywhere in this window.
Gui, Add, Edit, w200 vMyEdit
Gui, Show

    If WinExist("ahk_id " MyGUI)
        WinHide, % "ahk_id " MyGUI
    If !WinExist("ahk_id " MyGUI) && (MyGUI)
        WinShow, % "ahk_id " MyGUI


    if gui_state != closed
        ; If the GUI is already open, close it.

    gui_state = main

    Gui, Margin, 16, 16
    Gui, Color, 1d1f21, 282a2e
    Gui, +AlwaysOnTop -SysMenu +ToolWindow -caption +Border
    Gui, Font, s11, Segoe UI
    Gui, Add, Text, %gui_control_options% vgui_main_title, 📈✨Perfect Search Tool📁🔍
    Gui, Font, s10, Segoe UI
    Gui, Add, Edit, %gui_control_options% vPedersen gFindus
    Gui, Show,, myGUI
; Automatically triggered on Escape key:  

; The callback function when the text changes in the input field.
    Gui, Submit, NoHide
    #Include %A_ScriptDir%\GUI\UserCommands.ahk

; gui_destroy: Destroy the GUI after use.
gui_destroy() {
    global gui_state
    global gui_search_title

    gui_state = closed
    ; Forget search title variable so the next search does not re-use it
    ; in case the next search does not set its own:
    gui_search_title =

    ; Clear the tooltip
    Gosub, gui_tooltip_clear

    ; Hide GUI
    Gui, Destroy

    ; Bring focus back to another window found on the desktop

gui_change_title(message,color = "") {
    ; If parameter color is omitted, the message is assumed to be an error
    ; message, and given the color red.
    If color =
        global cRed
        color := cRed
    GuiControl,, gui_main_title, %message%
    Gui, Font, s11 %color%
    GuiControl, Font, gui_main_title
    Gui, Font, s10 cffffff ; reset

; gui_search_add_elements: Add GUI controls to allow typing of a search query.
    Gui, Add, Text, %gui_control_options% %cYellow%, %gui_search_title%
    Gui, Add, Edit, %gui_control_options% %cYellow% vgui_SearchEdit -WantReturn
    Gui, Add, Button, x-10 y-10 w1 h1 +default ggui_SearchEnter ; hidden button
    GuiControl, Disable, Pedersen
    Gui, Show, AutoSize

gui_search(url) {
    if gui_state != search
        gui_state = search
        ; if gui_state is "main", then we are coming from the main window and
        ; GUI elements for the search field have not yet been added.
        Gosub, gui_search_add_elements

    ; Assign the url to a variable.
    ; The variables will have names search_url1, search_url2, ...

    search_urls := search_urls + 1
    search_url%search_urls% := url

    Gui, Submit
    query_safe := uriEncode(gui_SearchEdit)
    Loop, %search_urls%
        StringReplace, search_final_url, search_url%A_Index%, REPLACEME, %query_safe%
        run %search_final_url%
    search_urls := 0
; The tooltip shows all defined commands, along with a description of what
; each command does. It gets the description from the comments in UserCommands.ahk.
; The code was improved and fixed for Windows 10 with the help of schmimae.

    ; hidden GUI used to pass font options to tooltip:
    CoordMode, Tooltip, Screen ; To make sure the tooltip coordinates is displayed according to the screen and not active window
    Gui, 2:Font,s10, Lucida Console
    Gui, 2:Add, Text, HwndhwndStatic

    tooltiptext =
    maxpadding = 0
    StringCaseSense, Off ; Matching to both if/If in the IfInString command below
    Loop, read, %A_ScriptDir%/GUI/UserCommands.ahk
        ; search for the string If Pedersen =, but search for each word individually because spacing between words might not be consistent. (might be improved with regex)
        If Substr(A_LoopReadLine, 1, 1) != ";" ; Do not display commented commands
            If A_LoopReadLine contains if
                IfInString, A_LoopReadLine, Pedersen
                    IfInString, A_LoopReadLine, =
                    StringGetPos, setpos, A_LoopReadLine,=
                    StringTrimLeft, trimmed, A_LoopReadLine, setpos+1 ; trim everything that comes before the = sign
                    StringReplace, trimmed, trimmed, `%A_Space`%,{space}, All
                    tooltiptext .= trimmed
                    tooltiptext .= "`n"

                    ; The following is used to correct padding:
                    StringGetPos, commentpos, trimmed,`;
                    if (maxpadding < commentpos)
                        maxpadding := commentpos
    tooltiptextpadded =
    Loop, Parse, tooltiptext,`n
        line = %A_LoopField%
        StringGetPos, commentpos, line, `;
        spaces_to_insert := maxpadding - commentpos
        Loop, %spaces_to_insert%
            StringReplace, line, line,`;,%A_Space%`;
        tooltiptextpadded .= line
        tooltiptextpadded .= "`n"
    Sort, tooltiptextpadded
    ToolTip %tooltiptextpadded%, 3, 3, 1
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Posts: 8
Joined: 10 May 2021, 10:02

Re: Hiding GUI by lbutton and it disables lbutton

Post by mahdi » 10 May 2021, 23:42

Smile_ wrote:
10 May 2021, 15:57
Check this out:
Ctrl + Alt + H to hide.
Ctrl + Alt + H to show.

Code: Select all

DetectHiddenWindows, Off
    ; Tomorrow Night Color Definitions:
    cBackground := "c" . "1d1f21"
    cCurrentLine := "c" . "282a2e"
    cSelection := "c" . "373b41"
    cForeground := "c" . "c5c8c6"
    cComment := "c" . "fedd00"
    cRed := "c" . "cc6666"
    cOrange := "c" . "de935f"
    cYellow := "c" . "f0c674"
    cGreen := "c" . "b5bd68"
    cAqua := "c" . "8abeb7"
    cBlue := "c" . "81a2be"
    cPurple := "c" . "b294bb"

    gui_control_options := "xm w220 " . cForeground . " -E0x200"
    ; -E0x200 removes border around Edit controls

    ; Initialize variable to keep track of the state of the GUI
    gui_state = closed

    ; Initialize search_urls as a variable set to zero
    search_urls := 0
    Gui, +HwndMyGUI

Gui, Add, Text,, Click anywhere in this window.
Gui, Add, Edit, w200 vMyEdit
Gui, Show

    If WinExist("ahk_id " MyGUI)
        WinHide, % "ahk_id " MyGUI
    If !WinExist("ahk_id " MyGUI) && (MyGUI)
        WinShow, % "ahk_id " MyGUI


    if gui_state != closed
        ; If the GUI is already open, close it.

    gui_state = main

    Gui, Margin, 16, 16
    Gui, Color, 1d1f21, 282a2e
    Gui, +AlwaysOnTop -SysMenu +ToolWindow -caption +Border
    Gui, Font, s11, Segoe UI
    Gui, Add, Text, %gui_control_options% vgui_main_title, 📈✨Perfect Search Tool📁🔍
    Gui, Font, s10, Segoe UI
    Gui, Add, Edit, %gui_control_options% vPedersen gFindus
    Gui, Show,, myGUI
; Automatically triggered on Escape key:  

; The callback function when the text changes in the input field.
    Gui, Submit, NoHide
    #Include %A_ScriptDir%\GUI\UserCommands.ahk

; gui_destroy: Destroy the GUI after use.
gui_destroy() {
    global gui_state
    global gui_search_title

    gui_state = closed
    ; Forget search title variable so the next search does not re-use it
    ; in case the next search does not set its own:
    gui_search_title =

    ; Clear the tooltip
    Gosub, gui_tooltip_clear

    ; Hide GUI
    Gui, Destroy

    ; Bring focus back to another window found on the desktop

gui_change_title(message,color = "") {
    ; If parameter color is omitted, the message is assumed to be an error
    ; message, and given the color red.
    If color =
        global cRed
        color := cRed
    GuiControl,, gui_main_title, %message%
    Gui, Font, s11 %color%
    GuiControl, Font, gui_main_title
    Gui, Font, s10 cffffff ; reset

; gui_search_add_elements: Add GUI controls to allow typing of a search query.
    Gui, Add, Text, %gui_control_options% %cYellow%, %gui_search_title%
    Gui, Add, Edit, %gui_control_options% %cYellow% vgui_SearchEdit -WantReturn
    Gui, Add, Button, x-10 y-10 w1 h1 +default ggui_SearchEnter ; hidden button
    GuiControl, Disable, Pedersen
    Gui, Show, AutoSize

gui_search(url) {
    if gui_state != search
        gui_state = search
        ; if gui_state is "main", then we are coming from the main window and
        ; GUI elements for the search field have not yet been added.
        Gosub, gui_search_add_elements

    ; Assign the url to a variable.
    ; The variables will have names search_url1, search_url2, ...

    search_urls := search_urls + 1
    search_url%search_urls% := url

    Gui, Submit
    query_safe := uriEncode(gui_SearchEdit)
    Loop, %search_urls%
        StringReplace, search_final_url, search_url%A_Index%, REPLACEME, %query_safe%
        run %search_final_url%
    search_urls := 0
; The tooltip shows all defined commands, along with a description of what
; each command does. It gets the description from the comments in UserCommands.ahk.
; The code was improved and fixed for Windows 10 with the help of schmimae.

    ; hidden GUI used to pass font options to tooltip:
    CoordMode, Tooltip, Screen ; To make sure the tooltip coordinates is displayed according to the screen and not active window
    Gui, 2:Font,s10, Lucida Console
    Gui, 2:Add, Text, HwndhwndStatic

    tooltiptext =
    maxpadding = 0
    StringCaseSense, Off ; Matching to both if/If in the IfInString command below
    Loop, read, %A_ScriptDir%/GUI/UserCommands.ahk
        ; search for the string If Pedersen =, but search for each word individually because spacing between words might not be consistent. (might be improved with regex)
        If Substr(A_LoopReadLine, 1, 1) != ";" ; Do not display commented commands
            If A_LoopReadLine contains if
                IfInString, A_LoopReadLine, Pedersen
                    IfInString, A_LoopReadLine, =
                    StringGetPos, setpos, A_LoopReadLine,=
                    StringTrimLeft, trimmed, A_LoopReadLine, setpos+1 ; trim everything that comes before the = sign
                    StringReplace, trimmed, trimmed, `%A_Space`%,{space}, All
                    tooltiptext .= trimmed
                    tooltiptext .= "`n"

                    ; The following is used to correct padding:
                    StringGetPos, commentpos, trimmed,`;
                    if (maxpadding < commentpos)
                        maxpadding := commentpos
    tooltiptextpadded =
    Loop, Parse, tooltiptext,`n
        line = %A_LoopField%
        StringGetPos, commentpos, line, `;
        spaces_to_insert := maxpadding - commentpos
        Loop, %spaces_to_insert%
            StringReplace, line, line,`;,%A_Space%`;
        tooltiptextpadded .= line
        tooltiptextpadded .= "`n"
    Sort, tooltiptextpadded
    ToolTip %tooltiptextpadded%, 3, 3, 1
Thank you for taking the trouble to help me .I do appreciate it. This code has some bugs and problems like Ctrl + Alt + H doesn't work and sometimes it changes interface theme to different colors.
I marked your first reply as answer and it works but it has the issue that I mentioned in the top.
something like auto reload after hiding GUI may help.
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