AutoGUI - Script Editor, GUI Designer, Debugger and Tools

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AutoGUI - Script Editor, GUI Designer, Debugger and Tools

05 Nov 2015, 15:15

AutoGUI is an Integrated Development Environment for AutoHotkey which combines a script editor with a GUI designer, debugger and tools.


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Script Editor Features:
  • Multi-tabbed editor
  • Syntax highlighting
  • Autocompletion
  • Code tooltips (calltips)
  • Insertion of parameters
  • Highlight identical text
  • Line numbering
  • Code folding
  • Find/Replace
  • Find in Files
  • Mark line and text
  • Show white spaces
  • Load/Save Session
  • Auto-save and Backup
  • Integrated help

GUI Designer Features:
  • Support for all control types
  • Drag and drop positioning of controls
  • Alignment, positioning and sizing commands
  • Window/control properties
  • GUI importation methods
  • Menu editor
  • Toolbar editor

Debugger Features
  • Start, Stop, Pause
  • Step Into/Over/Out
  • Breakpoints
  • List of variables
  • Call stack
  • Attach to a running script

Tools included with AutoGUI:
  • MagicBox: message box generator
  • Expressive: regular expression test tool
  • Constantine: Windows API constants explorer
  • A_Variables: list of built-in variables
  • Scripts Manager: list of running scripts
  • COM Inspector: information about COM interfaces
  • Structor: structure offsets and size
  • Verifier: check the value of constants
  • ErrorView: list of system error messages

Some other tools for development:
  • WinSpy: window information tool

GUI Designer Usage:
  • Choose a control type in the sidebar and then click the desired location in the preview window.
  • Controls can be resized with the resizing grippers or by holding Shift while dragging.
  • Right-click a control to show the context menu.
  • Click and drag on an empty area of the preview window to draw a selection rectangle around multiple controls.
  • To select a control, hold the Ctrl key while clicking on it. Ctrl+A selects all controls.
  • The arrow keys can be used to make fine adjustments in the position/size of the controls.
  • Press F9 to run the script. See the Run menu for more options.
  • F12 switches between Design Mode and Editor Mode.
AutoGUI in Design Mode (old version):
  • AutoHotkey Unicode v1.1.23 or higher. Tested on Windows XP, 7, 10.
Last edited by Alguimist on 01 Sep 2018, 01:34, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: AutoGUI - GUI Designer and Script Editor

05 Nov 2015, 15:52

Very Impressive! Looking forward to the advancement of this script!! Awesome!
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Re: AutoGUI - GUI Designer and Script Editor

05 Nov 2015, 18:21

brilliant job, it's the true visual gui designer.

btw, am I the only one having an error msg ?, had to change it manually :shock:

'AutoGUI-1.0.0-2\AutoGUI\Lib\Scintilla.ahk (246) : ==> Built-in variables must not be declared.
Specifically: null:=0'
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Re: AutoGUI - GUI Designer and Script Editor

06 Nov 2015, 00:45

Looks impressive.

@Soft: null is a built-in variable only for AutoHotkey_H, not AutoHotkey.
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Re: AutoGUI - GUI Designer and Script Editor

06 Nov 2015, 01:22

looks very well done, one of the most polished scripts ive seen

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Re: AutoGUI - GUI Designer and Script Editor

06 Nov 2015, 02:30

oh, thnx Lexikos!
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Re: AutoGUI - GUI Designer and Script Editor

07 Nov 2015, 08:55

Damn, looks pretty good, I'll follow the advancements for sure.
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Re: AutoGUI - GUI Designer and Script Editor

07 Nov 2015, 14:37

Looks great and works pretty good :)

great job so far.
rawr. fear me.
Is it December 21, 2012 yet?
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Re: AutoGUI - GUI Designer and Script Editor

07 Nov 2015, 17:41

Middle-click a control to access its properties.
I haven't tried out your program yet, but it looks good. I just want to say here that you should try not to restrict any features to middle-clicking. You may have other ways to access the properties that weren't documented in this post, so I apologize if you've already taken care of this. As a laptop user, I need to plug in an external mouse to access middle click, or use AHK to remap a key to middle click. If you haven't included an alternative way to access the properties of a control (Beyond manual edits in the code), might I suggest including that in the context-menu from a right click?
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Re: AutoGUI - GUI Designer and Script Editor

08 Nov 2015, 11:53

Exaskryz wrote:You may have other ways to access the properties that weren't documented in this post...
The properties dialog can be accessed from the Control menu (which is also the context menu), from the toolbar, or by pressing F10.
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Re: AutoGUI - GUI Designer and Script Editor

08 Nov 2015, 12:00

Version 1.0.1 fixes the following issue: a script cannot be run from the saved location if there are spaces in the filename.

The keyboard shortcuts to run a script are:
  • F9: runs the script from the Temp folder.
  • Ctrl+F9: runs the script from the saved location.
  • Shift+F9: runs the script with AHK x64.
  • Alt+F9: runs the script through a named pipe.
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Re: AutoGUI - GUI Designer and Script Editor

08 Nov 2015, 16:52

thanks for this, it seems very useful

can you give me some guidance via examples please?

eg. how do I make a GUI with a button to click and do stuff?
and a drop down menu that will list results from a list of possible results, as you type into the text box?
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Re: AutoGUI - GUI Designer and Script Editor

09 Nov 2015, 21:35

the "samples" folder has some amazing examples!
Great job Alguimist! I've yet to truly build a lot in depth but, overall, this is quite amazing! :)
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Re: AutoGUI - GUI Designer and Script Editor

10 Nov 2015, 00:54

nice looking project, well done, even though I'm used to use a resource editor and "CLONE" as you call it I call it "STEAL".
it's the best out there and the coding is very nice, and can be understood and followed to some extent, well done.
thanks for sharing.

would be you be interested in implementing a different sizing and moving technique like resource editors?
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Re: AutoGUI - GUI Designer and Script Editor

10 Nov 2015, 03:26

Sorry, Im having Problems with adding a menu bar.

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Re: AutoGUI - GUI Designer and Script Editor

10 Nov 2015, 09:11

you could explain what you were doing exactly, and move the message dialog away from the menu widow to see what's going on since it's hard to reproduce the error.
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Re: AutoGUI - GUI Designer and Script Editor

10 Nov 2015, 09:27

I just added "Add Menu" Test. When then I clicked on Ok, the message was shown.

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Re: AutoGUI - GUI Designer and Script Editor

10 Nov 2015, 10:23

Add at least one item to the menu.

Please notice that the Menu Editor is at an early stage of implementation. It will probably be completely redesigned.
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Re: AutoGUI - GUI Designer and Script Editor

10 Nov 2015, 10:31

Yes I know that is in an early stage. I just wanted to tell.
Btw. seems to become a great Editor!
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Re: AutoGUI - GUI Designer and Script Editor

10 Nov 2015, 11:17

MJs wrote:you could explain what you were doing exactly, and move the message dialog away from the menu widow to see what's going on since it's hard to reproduce the error.
sorry about that since I just added items.
Please notice that the Menu Editor is at an early stage of implementation. It will probably be completely redesigned.
deleting separators must be handled differently since the delete the command requires the menu name, my be not deleting the items from the menu on editing but on submitting.

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