Pulover's Macro Creator v5.4.1 - The Complete Automation Tool

Advanced Macro Recorder/Editor.

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Pulover's Macro Creator v5.4.1 - The Complete Automation Tool

04 Oct 2013, 08:27


Create Macros & Scripts Faster and Easily!

Pulover's Macro Creator is a Free Automation Tool and Script Generator. It is based on AutoHotkey language and provides users with multiple automation functions, as well as a built-in recorder. Macros can be executed from the program itself or you can export them to AutoHotkey Script format or a standalone executable.

Pulover’s Macro Creator is very handy as a means of automating various tasks without possessing  programming knowledge.” -Softpedia.com
It’s more than a Macro Recorder!
You can add not only keystrokes and mouse actions to your scripts but also manage windows, controls, files, strings, search images/pixels and even create If/Else Statements to control the flow of your macros! From simple repetitive tasks to complex automation projects, Pulover’s Macro Creator will save you hours of monotonous work. Everything with a friendly and intuitive interface. Check out the video tutorials and see how. [continue reading]

Disclaimer: PMC is a third-party application and its executable installer DOES contain adwares or other content that AutoHotkey.com is NOT responsible for.
Current Version: 5.4.1
(also on GitHub)
Image Keywords: Free Macro Recorder, Macro Program, Keyboard Macro, Mouse Macro, Mouse Recorder, Macro Builder, Macro Generator, Macro Maker, Macro Editor, Automate Hot Key, Automate Tasks, Automation Utility, Auto Keyboard
Last edited by Pulover on 07 Aug 2016, 12:06, edited 17 times in total.
Rodolfo U. Batista
Pulover's Macro Creator - Automation Tool (Recorder & Script Writer)
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Re: Macro Creator v4.0.0 - Automation Tool (Recorder & Write

09 Oct 2013, 17:02

Wow! I discovered your software fairly recently and it's grown by leaps and bounds! In the past I had suggested it to absolute AHK beginners who don't know code, but it's definitely more than that.

Needless to say, you're an asset to the community. My one suggestion, if you'll bear it, is more tutorial videos. Your software already grew to point that it too is daunting for newbies and I don't think it needs to be. It does so much with very little & it's user friendly
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Re: Macro Creator v4.0.0 - Automation Tool (Recorder & Write

09 Oct 2013, 18:50

Hey Sergio, (it's getting kinda hot in here! :P )

Thanks for all your comments and support! I did put a lot of effort in this project and it's really nice to have always been praised for it.
When I found AutoHotkey I was amazed by how powerful it is and very happy that it's a freeware... I just thought it could use an interface. ;)

I'll be working on more tutorials. I already have one recorded that I must finish editing, and I have plans for many others. Unfortunately they might take a little longer to be released because of my lack of time for the fact that I have a desktop and a laptop malfunctioning at home atm... But there will be more versions and more videos. And I'm always open for suggestions!
Rodolfo U. Batista
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Re: Macro Creator v4.0.0 - Automation Tool (Recorder & Write

12 Oct 2013, 12:44

it's nice to have Macro Creator débuted over to this venue. :lol:
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Re: Macro Creator v4.0.0 - Automation Tool (Recorder & Write

17 Oct 2013, 17:42

Pulover, I want to start by thanking you, i've found your creator rather simple to use and it has done almost everything i wanted perfectly.

I have ran into 2 issues though so far. One of them has been a bit of a major hurdle. It fails to click alot. I'm not sure why but I have it set in place to find an image if it finds the image then i want it to move the mouse there and then click on it. I have tried doing the if found click option within the image search and that hasn't worked once, so instead i chose to use the move option and input a click right after. So i go into the mouse option choose click, and it won't click. I have tried doing the click down click up as well and that hasn't worked either.

the other issue is i'm using the pixel search part of the image search and i have noticed if i add additional items into the macro i have to go back to the original pixel search and open to edit it click apply then ok and then the macro will run fine. if i don't do this then the macro just sits there not doing anything. even though it was working perfectly fine before i added the item. and the item can be something as simple as a pause. so not sure if either of these things can be fixed or you can tell me what i'm doing wrong but it would be greatly appareciated.
Here is my current script...

Code: Select all

Loop  ; Start Big Loop
	CoordMode, Pixel, Window
	PixelSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 569, 555, 990, 672, 0x940000, 0, Fast RGB
	If ErrorLevel = 0
	Click, %FoundX%, %FoundY%, 0  ; Find Start button
	If ErrorLevel = 0
		Click, Left, , Down
		Sleep, 10
		Click, Left, , Up
		Sleep, 10
		Sleep, 2000
		Click, Left, , Down
		Sleep, 10
		Click, Left, , Up
		Sleep, 10
		Sleep, 2000
		Click, Left, , Down
		Sleep, 10
		Click, Left, , Up
		Sleep, 10
		Sleep, 2000
		Click, Left, , Down
		Sleep, 10
		Click, Left, , Up
		Sleep, 10
		Sleep, 2000
		Click, Left, , Down
		Sleep, 10
		Click, Left, , Up
		Sleep, 10
	CoordMode, Pixel, Window
	PixelSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 1468, 781, 1617, 952, 0xB37547, 0, Fast RGB  ; Start Battle Loop Check for Auto
	If ErrorLevel = 0
		Loop, 2  ; Skill Star Loop
				CoordMode, Pixel, Window
				PixelSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 279, 554, 1330, 845, 0xFFFE54, 5, Fast RGB
				If ErrorLevel = 0
				Click, %FoundX%, %FoundY%, 0  ; Find Skill Star 
			Until ErrorLevel = 0
			If ErrorLevel = 0
				Sleep, 1000
				Click, Left, , Down
				Sleep, 10
				Click, Left, , Up
				Sleep, 10
				CoordMode, Pixel, Window
				PixelSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 827, 561, 1130, 670, 0x23741D, 0, Fast RGB
				If ErrorLevel = 0
				Click, %FoundX%, %FoundY%, 0
				If ErrorLevel = 0
					Click, Left, , Down
					Sleep, 10
					Click, Left, , Up
					Sleep, 10
					Goto, Star
			CoordMode, Pixel, Window
			PixelSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 1440, 804, 1597, 952, 0xB87D51, 1, Fast RGB
			If ErrorLevel = 0
			Click, %FoundX%, %FoundY%, 0  ; Find Auto Button
			If ErrorLevel = 0
				Click, Left, , Down
				Sleep, 10
				Click, Left, , Up
				Sleep, 10
				Sleep, 6000
				CoordMode, Pixel, Window
				PixelSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 1440, 804, 1597, 952, 0xB87D51, 1, Fast RGB
				If ErrorLevel = 0
				Click, %FoundX%, %FoundY%, 0
				If ErrorLevel = 0
					Goto, Star

Last edited by SgtGooba on 19 Oct 2013, 07:22, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Macro Creator v4.0.0 - Automation Tool (Recorder & Write

18 Oct 2013, 06:23

You're welcome, SgtGooba! Thanks for the feedback.

A common source of confusion for the ImageSearch command is that it doesn't click at the center of the found image, but at the top left part of, and this usually causes errors. I explain that, as well as a workaround, in the video tutorial I've recorded for this command but I haven't finished editing it yet. I'll see if I can have some time today to post it.

About the bug with pixel search, I could not reproduce it here. Can you tell me the exact steps so I can check if there's a bug?
Rodolfo U. Batista
Pulover's Macro Creator - Automation Tool (Recorder & Script Writer)
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Re: Macro Creator v4.0.0 - Automation Tool (Recorder & Write

20 Oct 2013, 16:14

Yea my problem is it not finding the image I want it to find it just say image not found. maybe it's because the image capture saves as .png not .bmp? Also it would be great if the image/pixle finder could also do send keys when the image is found. Edit* got it to work but it wont keep looking for the images in loop it just looks 1 time and wont loop
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Re: Macro Creator v4.0.0 - Automation Tool (Recorder & Write

23 Oct 2013, 07:18

chris114 wrote:Yea my problem is it not finding the image I want it to find it just say image not found. maybe it's because the image capture saves as .png not .bmp? Also it would be great if the image/pixle finder could also do send keys when the image is found. Edit* got it to work but it wont keep looking for the images in loop it just looks 1 time and wont loop
Hi Chris,

Sorry for the late reply, I've been very busy at work these days. I'll try to finish the tutorial for image search this week, but you can find some help in the FAQ.

About the loop, you can use the Loop command, the Repeat counter in the ImageSearch window or the 'Repeat until' option. Post here if you still have problems.
Rodolfo U. Batista
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Re: Macro Creator v4.0.0 - Automation Tool (Recorder & Write

25 Oct 2013, 12:22

Well, I finally finished the Image and Pixel Search tutorial! Not the best tutorial ever, but I hope it will help with the concepts.

http://www.macrocreator.com/new-tutoria ... el-search/
Rodolfo U. Batista
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Re: Macro Creator v4.0.0 - Automation Tool (Recorder & Write

25 Oct 2013, 18:47

Hey thx I got it working
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Re: Macro Creator v4.0.0 - Automation Tool (Recorder & Write

26 Oct 2013, 11:59

I need some help as I am totally unfamiliar with writing scripts or adding commands etc. What I want to do is use a macro to calculate the routes in a games mission editor.

It looks like this:


When I open a route it looks like this:


I recorded a macro for the first route and played it back and it will do the required mouse movements and clicks, but each route will open in a different vertical position.

I would like to be able to somehow designate what position the macro will run from each time and I am guessing the actions would have to be offset from the first mouse position rather than coordinates.

This is what it would look like:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1sGSZtfF ... e=youtu.be

Is this possible and can someone help me figure out how to do it?
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Re: Macro Creator v4.0.0 - Automation Tool (Recorder & Write

28 Oct 2013, 05:47

jimson wrote:I need some help as I am totally unfamiliar with writing scripts or adding commands etc. What I want to do is use a macro to calculate the routes in a games mission editor.

I recorded a macro for the first route and played it back and it will do the required mouse movements and clicks, but each route will open in a different vertical position.

I would like to be able to somehow designate what position the macro will run from each time and I am guessing the actions would have to be offset from the first mouse position rather than coordinates.

Is this possible and can someone help me figure out how to do it?
Hello, jimson!

The best way I see for you to do that is using Relative mouse movements. This option is in the mouse command window, below the coordinate boxes, it makes the values in the X and Y become an offset from the current position. The static clicks on the other screen will make it a little more difficult, but you can save the coords and move the mouse to the position where it was before you entered that screen.
Here's an example for you to follow:

Code: Select all

[PMC Code]|F3||1|Window|1|Macro1
1|[Assign Variable]|MousePosX := 90|1|0|Variable|||Set initial coordinates.||
2|[Assign Variable]|MousePosY := 100|1|0|Variable|||Set initial coordinates.||
4|Move|%MousePosX%, %MousePosY%, 0|1|500|Click|||Move to starting coordinates.||
5|Left Move & Click|Rel -40, 25 Left, 1|1|500|Click|||First click to unfold line (relative to the last position).||
6|Left Move & Click|Rel 40, 25 Left, 1|1|500|Click|||Second click to select item (relative to last position).||
7|MouseGetPos|MousePosX, MousePosY|1|500|MouseGetPos|||Save current coordinates on the same initial variables.||
8|Left Move & Click|225, 433 Left, 1|1|500|Click|||Clicks inside the other screen.||
9|Left Move & Click|485, 463 Left, 1|1|500|Click|||Clicks inside the other screen.||
10|Left Move & Click|317, 558 Left, 1|1|500|Click|||Clicks inside the other screen.||
And how it looks in AHK.:

Code: Select all

MousePosX := 90  ; Set initial coordinates.
MousePosY := 100  ; Set initial coordinates.
Loop, 10
	Click, %MousePosX%, %MousePosY%, 0  ; Move to starting coordinates.
	Sleep, 500
	Click, Rel -40, 25 Left, 1  ; First click to unfold line (relative to the last position).
	Sleep, 500
	Click, Rel 40, 25 Left, 1  ; Second click to select item (relative to last position).
	Sleep, 500
	MouseGetPos, MousePosX, MousePosY  ; Save current coordinates on the same initial variables.
	Sleep, 500
	Click, 225, 433 Left, 1  ; Clicks inside the other screen.
	Sleep, 500
	Click, 485, 463 Left, 1  ; Clicks inside the other screen.
	Sleep, 500
	Click, 317, 558 Left, 1  ; Clicks inside the other screen.
	Sleep, 500
Of course you'll have to adjust coordinates, sleeps and loop count, but you get the idea.
Rodolfo U. Batista
Pulover's Macro Creator - Automation Tool (Recorder & Script Writer)
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Re: Macro Creator v4.0.0 - Automation Tool (Recorder & Write

28 Oct 2013, 11:06

Thanks I'll check it out. I have something almost finished that will work while I learn how to do the things suggested.
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Re: Macro Creator v4.0.0 - Automation Tool (Recorder & Write

28 Oct 2013, 13:48

Version update!

Version 4.1.0
  • Added tool to schedule macros in Windows Task Scheduler.
  • Added shortcuts to insert built-in variables in command windows context-menu.
  • Added Filter by type button in Run command window.
  • Added Right-Click-Drag Move/Copy menu.
  • Added Play Sound option to Image/Pixel Search result actions.
  • Added Launcher to portable version (automatically updates INI and selects between x86 and x64 based on Windows version).
  • Fixed issues with command line parameters.
  • Fixed bugs.
Rodolfo U. Batista
Pulover's Macro Creator - Automation Tool (Recorder & Script Writer)
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Re: Macro Creator v4.0.0 - Automation Tool (Recorder & Write

29 Oct 2013, 18:29

BUG REPORT Version 4.1.0.

When you attempt to stop a playing macro with hotkey F8 or when you attempt to pause it F12, the editor closes completely.

When a macro playback finishes, editor closes completely.
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Re: Macro Creator v4.0.0 - Automation Tool (Recorder & Write

29 Oct 2013, 18:45

jimson wrote:BUG REPORT Version 4.1.0.

When you attempt to stop a playing macro with hotkey F8 or when you attempt to pause it F12, the editor closes completely.

When a macro playback finishes, editor closes completely.
Hello, jimson! Can't reproduce this bug here. Does it happen with any macro played or a specif one?

There's an option in the shutdown options to close the application but it should start off on every launch. It's the button on the options toolbar that looks like windows shutdown icon, it turns red when it's active.

Can you give me more details, please?
Rodolfo U. Batista
Pulover's Macro Creator - Automation Tool (Recorder & Script Writer)
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Re: Macro Creator v4.0.0 - Automation Tool (Recorder & Write

30 Oct 2013, 00:43

Ah, My mistake. Just checked and it doesn't close it just minimizes totally off my toolbar, it's still open in my tray.
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Re: Macro Creator v4.0.0 - Automation Tool (Recorder & Write

30 Oct 2013, 06:50

I noticed that MacroCreatorPortable.exe has been added to 4.1 and was not included with 4.0 portable version.
What is the purpose of this since there is already macrocreator.exe in x86/x64?

Also, previously -s was not working and it now works with the new macrocreator.exe in x86, but it does not work with
MacroCreatorPortable.exe. It is so silent that nothing is displayed at all.. :mrgreen:

If I run MacroCreatorPortable.exe without the -s the gui pops up displaying the macro. If I use -s the macro doesn't run.
I see the icon in the systray and when I open it, the gui is empty.

I'm still not sure why you have the two versions.
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Re: Macro Creator v4.0.0 - Automation Tool (Recorder & Write

30 Oct 2013, 07:51

jimson wrote:Ah, My mistake. Just checked and it doesn't close it just minimizes totally off my toolbar, it's still open in my tray.
No problem! :mrgreen:
click-click wrote:I noticed that MacroCreatorPortable.exe has been added to 4.1 and was not included with 4.0 portable version.
What is the purpose of this since there is already macrocreator.exe in x86/x64?
I apologize, I should have given some more explanation about it. MacroCreatorPortable (it was named Launcher.exe on the time of release but I've renamed to avoid it being mistaken for a trojan or virus) launches MacroCreator.exe x86 or x64 based on the version of the OS, also updating the ini file to the last one used. It simply selects the suitable version for the computer you're running it on, and also allows you to use a program to associate a pmc file with one single portable executable.
click-click wrote:Also, previously -s was not working and it now works with the new macrocreator.exe in x86, but it does not work with
MacroCreatorPortable.exe. It is so silent that nothing is displayed at all.. :mrgreen:

If I run MacroCreatorPortable.exe without the -s the gui pops up displaying the macro. If I use -s the macro doesn't run.
I see the icon in the systray and when I open it, the gui is empty.
I did program the portable launcher to forward all parameters to the target executable, but I must confess I didn't test all command line parameters. I've been very busy lately and with little time to dedicate to this project. I did this update without enough tests because it had some bug fixes and new features I had added so I didn't want to postpone it for too long. But I'll test the command line parameters with the portable launcher and release a fix in the next version.

I'll just wait a week or two to see if any other bug shows up. All reports are wellcome! :D
Rodolfo U. Batista
Pulover's Macro Creator - Automation Tool (Recorder & Script Writer)
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Re: Macro Creator v4.1.0 - Automation Tool (Recorder & Write

03 Nov 2013, 08:02

Okay, thanks.

If I were you, I wouldn't bother with the launcher. Anyone downloading the portable version should know if he wants to use x86 or x64. It's just an additional front-end program that needs to be tested and IMHO isn't worth the trouble for what it does. Now that I know its purpose, I will just use the macrocreator.exe in x86/x64.

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