need help modifying this script made by someone else

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Ulfric Stormcloak
Posts: 39
Joined: 28 Apr 2017, 23:26

need help modifying this script made by someone else

17 Nov 2017, 22:28

This a tool that help you see which commands work in your game ... -tool-v32/

Code: Select all

if not A_IsAdmin
  Run *RunAs "%A_ScriptFullPath%"
; ========================
#SingleInstance, force
DetectHiddenWindows, On
CoordMode, Mouse, Relative ; needed for mouseclickdrag
CoordMode, Tooltip, Screen
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
SetKeyDelay, 200,200
SetWinDelay, 300
SetControlDelay, 300
SetBatchLines, 300ms
Version := "v4.1"
RunHotkey := 0 ; Hotkeys disabled until run button pressed.
; ========================================================================================
Gui, Main:Add, Tab2, x5  y5 w510 h520, Info | Config
; Info Tab
Gui, Main:Add, Text, x170 y35  w180 h20, Send And Click Test Tool %Version%
Gui, Main:Add, Text, x25  y67  w400 h20, Make sure that Click and Send Tool is running as Administrator or it will NOT work!
Gui, Main:Add, Text, x25  y97  w470 h20, Also make sure that the game or program is running in Window mode to get the best results.
Gui, Main:Add, Text, x25  y127 w470 h20, Around 2000 and 4000 is recommended for Time delay between the commands.
Gui, Main:Add, Text, x25  y157 w470 h20, Note that F1 or F3 can NOT be used as test keys.
Gui, Main:Add, Text, x15  y447 w180 h20, Autohtokey Forum Links:
Gui, Main:Add, Link, x15  y467      h20, <a href="">Send and Click Tool %Version%</a>
Gui, Main:Add, Link, x15  y487      h20, <a href="">SnowFlake Profile Page</a>
Gui, Main:Add, Text, x380 y427 h20, AHK Version %A_AhkVersion%
Gui, Main:Add, Text, x380 y447 h20, System:  %A_OSVersion%
Gui, Main:Add, Text, x380 y467 h20, Version: %Version%
Gui, Main:Add, Text, x380 y487 h20, Date: %A_DD%/%A_MM%/%A_YYYY%
; ========================================================================================
Gui, Main:Tab,2
; Config Tab
Gui, Main:Add, Button, x15  y37  w100 h30 gStart            , Select a Window
Gui, Main:Add,   Text, x20  y77  w90  h20                   , Selected Window :
Gui, Main:Add,   Edit, x115 yp-2 w250 h20 vwinid
Gui, Main:Add,   Text, x50  y117 w60  h20                   , Time Delay :
Gui, Main:Add,   Edit, x115 yp-2 w70  h20 vWaitTime Number  , 2000
Gui, Main:Add,   Text, x30  y157 w80  h20                   , Enter Test Key :
Gui, Main:Add, Hotkey, x115 yp-2 w20  h20 vkex              , Q
Gui, Main:Add, Button, x15  y187 w100 h30 gCord             , Select Mouse Coordinates
Gui, Main:Add,   Text, x60  y227 w50  h20                   , Mouse X :
Gui, Main:Add,   Edit, x115 yp-2 w50  h20 Vxx Number
Gui, Main:Add,   Text, x60  y257 w50  h20                   , Mouse Y :
Gui, Main:Add,   Edit, x115 yp-2 w50  h20 Vyy Number
Gui, Main:Add,  Radio, x15  y300 w110 h30 Checked vRadio_all, Test all send/click commands
Gui, Main:Add,  Radio, x136 y300 w110 h30 gRadio_advanced   , Select Commands (Advanced Mode)
Gui, Main:Add, Button, x15  y350 w100 h30 gsave             , Run
; ========================================================================================
Gui, AdvanceClick:Add, Text,     x165  y10  w170 h20     , Click Advanced Mode Settings
Gui, AdvanceClick:Add, GroupBox, x5   y35  w470 h515     , Click Commands
Gui, AdvanceClick:Add, CheckBox, x15  y67  w100 h30      , Test click
Gui, AdvanceClick:Add, CheckBox, x15  y107 w100 h30 vMC1 , Test MouseClick
Gui, AdvanceClick:Add, CheckBox, x15  y147 w150 h30 vMC2 , Test MouseClickDrag Fast
Gui, AdvanceClick:Add, CheckBox, x15  y187 w170 h30 vMC3 , Test MouseClickDrag Slow
Gui, AdvanceClick:Add, CheckBox, x15  y227 w130 h30 vMC4 , Test ControlClick
Gui, AdvanceClick:Add, CheckBox, x15  y267 w130 h30 vMC5 , Test Send Click
Gui, AdvanceClick:Add, CheckBox, x15  y307 w130 h30 vMC6 , Test SendRaw Click
Gui, AdvanceClick:Add, CheckBox, x15  y347 w130 h30 vMC7 , Test SendPlay Click
Gui, AdvanceClick:Add, CheckBox, x15  y387 w130 h30 vMC8 , Test SendEvent Click
Gui, AdvanceClick:Add, CheckBox, x15  y427 w130 h30 vMC9 , Test SendInput Click
Gui, AdvanceClick:Add, CheckBox, x15  y467 w130 h30 vMC10, Test ControlSend Click
Gui, AdvanceClick:Add, CheckBox, x15  y507 w160 h30 vMC12, Test ControlSendRaw Click
Gui, AdvanceClick:Add, CheckBox, x235 y67  w160 h30 vMC13, Test ControlClick v2
Gui, AdvanceClick:Add, CheckBox, x235 y107 w160 h30 vMC14, Test PostMessage Click
Gui, AdvanceClick:Add, CheckBox, x235 y147 w160 h30 vMC15, Test SendMessage Click
Gui, AdvanceClick:Add, CheckBox, x235 y187 w160 h30 vMC16, Test DllCall Mouse_event
; ========================================================================================
Gui, AdvanceSend:Add, Text,     x95 y10  w170 h20     , Send Advanced Mode Settings
Gui, AdvanceSend:Add, GroupBox, x5  y35  w330 h400    , Send Commands
Gui, AdvanceSend:Add, Checkbox, x15 y65  w100 h30 vKS1, Test Send
Gui, AdvanceSend:Add, Checkbox, x15 y+10 w100 h30 vKS2, Test SendRaw
Gui, AdvanceSend:Add, Checkbox, x15 y+10 w150 h30 vKS3, Test SendInput
Gui, AdvanceSend:Add, Checkbox, x15 y+10 w170 h30 vKS4, Test SendPlay
Gui, AdvanceSend:Add, Checkbox, x15 y+10 w130 h30 vKS5, Test SendEvent
Gui, AdvanceSend:Add, Checkbox, x15 y+10 w130 h30 vKS6, Test ControlSend
Gui, AdvanceSend:Add, Checkbox, x15 y+10 w130 h30 vKS7, Test ControlSendRaw
Gui, AdvanceSend:Add, Checkbox, x15 y+10 w260 h30 vKS8, Test Dllcall keybd_event
Gui, AdvanceSend:Add, Checkbox, x15 y+10 w160 h30 vKS9, Test Send Wscript(COM)
; ========================================================================================
Gui, Main:Show, w520 h530 Center, Send And Click Tool %Version%

  MsgBox, 4160, Select a the Commands, Select the Commands you want Send and Click Tool %Version% to test.
  IfMsgBox OK
   Gui, AdvanceClick:Show, w480 h555, Click Advanced Mode
   Gui, AdvanceSend:Show, w340 h440, Send Advanced Mode
  RunHotkey := 0    ; Reset to prevent hotkey use until Run Button pressed.

  MsgBox, 4160, Select a Window, To start Press OK then`nPlace your cursor over the window you want to select. then press Space key to get the Title.
  IfMsgBox No
   goto, Start   
  keywait, Space, D
  keywait, Space
  WinGetActiveTitle, winidX
  MsgBox, 4132, A Window have been selected, You have selected the following Window: `n`n %winidX% `n`nAre you satisfied with it?
  IfMsgBox No
   goto, Start   
  GuiControl,, winid, %winidX%
  Gui, Submit  
  Gui,Show, w520 h530 Center, Send and Click Tool %Version%
  RunHotkey := 0    ; Reset to prevent hotkey use until Run Button pressed.

  MsgBox, 4160, Select Coordination, Press OK then`nPress Space key to select the mouse X and Y coordination you want the test the Clicks on.
  keywait, Space, D
  keywait, Space
  mousegetpos, XXX, YYY
  MsgBox, 4132,Coordination have been set, You have set the following X and Y Coordinations`n`nX = %XXX%`n`nY = %YYY%`n`nAre you satisfied with it?
  IfMsgBox No
   goto, Cord
  GuiControl,, xx, %XXX%
  GuiControl,, yy, %YYY%
  Gui, Submit  
  Gui, Show, w520 h530 Center, Send and Click Tool %Version%
  RunHotkey := 0    ; Reset to prevent hotkey use until Run Button pressed.

save:    ; Run Button, Do all Checks here since we have hotkeys disabled until Run is clicked.
  Gui, Submit
  Gui, AdvanceSend:Submit
  Gui, AdvanceClick:Submit
  if (winid = "")            ; Check Window
   MsgBox, 16, A Window is not selected!, Please select a window to use Send and Click Tool.
   Gui, Main:Show, w520 h530 Center, Send and Click Tool %Version%
  if (xx = "")               ; Check Coords
   MsgBox, 16, Coords not selected!, Please select Mouse Coords to use Click Test.
   Gui, Main:Show, w520 h530 Center, Send and Click Tool %Version%
  if (radio_all)             ; Check Radio Button
   MC1 := MC2 := MC3 := MC4 := MC5 := MC6 := MC7 := MC8 := MC9 := MC10 := MC11 := MC12 := MC13 := MC14 := MC15 := MC16 := MC17 := 1
   KS1 := KS2 := KS3 := KS4 := KS5 := KS6 := KS7 := KS8 := KS9 := 1
  if !(WaitTime >= 10)       ; Check Delay
   GuiControl,, WaitTime, 10
   Gui, Submit
  if (Kex = "")  ; Check kex value because using backspace will set hotkey to nothing!
   GuiControl,, Kex, Q    ;set to default
   Gui, Submit
  MsgBox, 4148, Final Information, Window Selected = %winid%`n`n Key to send = %kex% `n`nWait time between send commands = %WaitTime%`n`nMouse X coordinate = %XXX%`n`nMouse Y coordinate = %YYY%
  IfMsgBox No
   Gui,Show, w520 h530 Center, Send and Click Tool %Version%
  MsgBox, 4160, Select option, Select if you want to send the key or click the coordinates`n`nF1 = Tests the mouse click commands`n`nF3 = Tests the Send commands`n`nEscape will exit/quit Send and Click Tool %Version%
  RunHotkey := 1

$F1::             ; Press F1 to run Click test.
  KeyWait, F1
  if !RunHotkey
  RunHotkey := 0
ClickTest: ; ========================================================================================
  sleep, WaitTime
  ToolTip, Running Click Test,0,0
  WinActivate, %winid%
  WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, ON, %winid%
  IF (MC1)
   ToolTip, Testing Click,0,0
   sleep, WaitTime
   Click, %XX%, %YY%
  IF (MC2)
   ToolTip, Testing MouseClick,0,0
   sleep, WaitTime
   MouseClick, Left, %XX%, %YY%
  IF (MC3)
   ToolTip, Testing MouseClickDrag Fast,0,0
   sleep, WaitTime
   MouseClickDrag, left, 0, XX, YY, 0, 20
  IF (MC4)
   ToolTip, Testing MouseClickDrag Slow,0,0
   sleep, WaitTime
   MouseClickDrag, left, 0, XX, YY, 0, 30
  IF (MC5)
   ToolTip, Testing ControlClick,0,0
   sleep, WaitTime
   ControlClick, x%XX% y%YY%, %winid%, Left
  IF (MC6)
   ToolTip, Testing Send Click,0,0
   sleep, WaitTime
   Send, {Click %XX%, %YY%}
  IF (MC7)
   ToolTip, Testing SendRaw Click,0,0
   sleep, WaitTime
   SendRaw, {LButton}
  IF (MC8)
   ToolTip, Testing SendPlay Click,0,0
   sleep, WaitTime
   SendPlay, {LButton}
  IF (MC9)
   ToolTip, Testing SendEvent Click,0,0
   sleep, WaitTime
   SendEvent, {LButton}
  IF (MC10)
   ToolTip, Testing SendInput Click,0,0
   sleep, WaitTime
   SendInput, {LButton}
  IF (MC11)
   ToolTip, Testing ControlSend Click,0,0
   sleep, WaitTime
   ControlSend,,{Click %XX%, %YY%},%winid%
  IF (MC12)
   ToolTip, Testing ControlSendRaw Click,0,0
   sleep, WaitTime
   ControlSendRaw,,{Click %XX%, %YY%},%winid%
  IF (MC13)
   ToolTip, Testing ControlClick v2 Left Mouse,0,0
   AFK_Click(XX,YY, winid)
   sleep, 500
  IF (MC14)
   ToolTip, Testing PostMessage Click,0,0
   sleep, WaitTime
   PostMessage, 0x201, 0x00000000, 0x01f0010f, , %winid% ; Down
   sleep, 500
   PostMessage, 0x202, 0x00000000, 0x01f0010f, , %winid% ; UP
  IF (MC15)
   ToolTip, Testing SendMessage Click,0,0
   sleep, WaitTime
   SendMessage, 0x201, 0x00000000, 0x01f0010f, , %winid% ; Down
   sleep, 500
   SendMessage, 0x202, 0x00000000, 0x01f0010f, , %winid% ; UP
  IF (MC16)
   ToolTip, Testing DllCall Mouse_event,0,0
   sleep, WaitTime
  MouseMove, XX, YY
  dllcall("mouse_event", Uint, 0x02, Uint, 0, Uint, 0, Uint, 0, UPtr, 0) ; Down
  sleep, 500
  dllcall("mouse_event", Uint, 0x04, Uint, 0, Uint, 0, Uint, 0, UPtr, 0) ; UP
  ToolTip, Click Test Done,0,0
  sleep, WaitTime
  WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, OFF, %winid%
  MsgBox, 4160, Select option, Select if you want to send the key or click the coordinates`n`nF1 = Tests the mouse clicks`n`nF3 = Tests the Send commands`n`nCtrl + Escape will show the Send And Click Tool %Version% Gui`n`n
  RunHotkey := 1
; ========================================================================================
$F3::              ; Press F3 to run Send test.
  KeyWait, F3
  if !RunHotkey
  RunHotkey := 0
  sleep, WaitTime
  ToolTip, Running Send Test,0,0
  WinActivate, %winid%
  WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, ON, %winid%
  IF (KS1)
   ToolTip, Testing %Kex% With Send,0,0
   sleep, WaitTime
   Send, %Kex%
  IF (KS2)
   ToolTip, Testing %Kex% With SendRaw,0,0
   sleep, WaitTime
   SendRaw, %Kex%
  IF (KS3)
   ToolTip, Testing %Kex% With SendInput,0,0
   sleep, WaitTime
   SendInput, %Kex%
  IF (KS4)
   ToolTip, Testing %Kex% With SendPlay,0,0
   sleep, WaitTime
   SendPlay, %Kex%
  IF (KS5)
   ToolTip, Testing %Kex% With SendEvent,0,0
   sleep, WaitTime
   SendEvent, %Kex%
  IF (KS6)
   ToolTip, Testing %Kex% With ControlSend,0,0
   sleep, WaitTime
   ControlSend,,%Kex%, %winid%
  IF (KS7)
   ToolTip, Testing %Kex% With ControlSendRaw,0,0
   sleep, WaitTime
   ControlSendRaw,,%Kex%, %winid%
  IF (KS8)
   ToolTip, Testing %Kex% With Dllcall keybd_event,0,0
   VK := Format("0x{:02X}", GetKeyVK(Kex))
   SC := Format("0x{:03X}", GetKeySC(Kex))
   sleep, WaitTime
   dllcall("keybd_event", UChar, VK, UChar, SC, Uint, 0, UPtr, 0) ; Down
   sleep, 500
   dllcall("keybd_event", UChar, VK, UChar, SC, Uint, 2, UPtr, 0) ; UP
  IF (KS9)
   ToolTip, Testing %Kex% With Wscript will send 1,0,0
   sleep, WaitTime

  ToolTip, Send Test Done
  sleep, WaitTime
  WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, OFF, %winid%
  MsgBox, 4160, Select option, Select if you want to send the key or click the coordinates`n`nF1 = Tests the mouse clicks`n`nF3 = Tests the Send commands`n`nCtrl + Escape will show the Send And Click Tool %Version% Gui`n`n
  RunHotkey := 1

AFK_Click(X, Y, WinTitle="", WinText="", ExcludeTitle="", ExcludeText=""){
  SetControlDelay -1
  hwnd:=ControlFromPoint(X, Y, WinTitle, WinText, cX, cY, ExcludeTitle, ExcludeText)
  PostMessage, 0x201, 0, cX&0xFFFF | cY<<16,, ahk_id %hwnd% ; WM_LBUTTONDOWN
  PostMessage, 0x202, 0, cX&0xFFFF | cY<<16,, ahk_id %hwnd% ; WM_LBUTTONUP
  PostMessage, 0x203, 0, cX&0xFFFF | cY<<16,, ahk_id %hwnd% ; WM_LBUTTONDBLCLCK
  PostMessage, 0x202, 0, cX&0xFFFF | cY<<16,, ahk_id %hwnd% ; WM_LBUTTONUP

ControlFromPoint(X, Y, WinTitle="", WinText="", ByRef cX="", ByRef cY="", ExcludeTitle="", ExcludeText=""){
  static EnumChildFindPointProc=0
  if !EnumChildFindPointProc
   EnumChildFindPointProc := RegisterCallback("EnumChildFindPoint","Fast")
  if !(target_window := WinExist(WinTitle, WinText, ExcludeTitle, ExcludeText))
   return false
  VarSetCapacity(rect, 16)
  VarSetCapacity(pah, 36, 0)
  NumPut(X + NumGet(rect,0,"int"), pah,0,"int")
  NumPut(Y + NumGet(rect,4,"int"), pah,4,"int")
  control_window := NumGet(pah,24) ? NumGet(pah,24) : target_window
  cX:=NumGet(pah,0,"int"), cY:=NumGet(pah,4,"int")
  return control_window

^Esc::Gui, Main:Show, w520 h530 Center, Send and Click Tool %Version%

  if (winid !="")   ; Turn off AllwaysOnTop in case script is closed while test is running.
   WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, OFF, %winid%
I have tested this tool and click command works in my game.
But whenever i write a script using the click command it doesnt work in the game...

I have tired several autoclickers from other websites none of them work in my game expect murgee autoclicker because it has a "brute" click option. But murgee auto clickers requires you to buy the product every time you update windows or reformat the your PC .... so i dont wanna buy that auto clicker.

Can someone help me modify the script in the tool ? I dont understand the code at all.

All i want is a script that clicks in several specified places with a delay between the clicks.
Than waits 30 seconds and starts the loop to keep clicking on those places.
I just need someone to add this function to the script above and show me where they added it so can i change the click coordinates and delay myself.

:headwall: Otherwise can anyone else figure out why the click command and send input work in this script on my game
but when i write a simple script for clicking and sendinput it doesn't work on this game but works fine in other windows,
Just like all the auto clickers i have tired.
I have already tired running stuff as admin.

Thank you
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Re: need help modifying this script made by someone else

18 Nov 2017, 22:12

Some games require larger sleeps between presses before the key is registered correctly, I'm not sure what you've already tried but I've put together a simple test script which may be useful

Code: Select all

if not A_IsAdmin
  Run *RunAs "%A_ScriptFullPath%"
#SingleInstance, force
SetKeyDelay, 50,50 ;sets a delay between each key press and the duration of the press

f1:: ;test click
click,down ;send mouse down
sleep 50 ;50 ms delay
click,up ;send mouse up

f2:: ;test keys, if anything gets sent in your game, you will know which one worked.
send send.
sendinput sendinput.
sendplay sendplay.
sendevent sendevent.
In your game press F1 to simulate a click, and with a chat box open press F2 to try 4 different send modes.
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Re: need help modifying this script made by someone else

20 Nov 2017, 12:32

Did you include this bit of the code in your script?

Code: Select all

if not A_IsAdmin
  Run *RunAs "%A_ScriptFullPath%"
This makes sure that the script is running as Admin, which is one of the primary causes of scripts not working with games.

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