
Displays an input box to ask the user to enter a string.

InputBoxObj := InputBox(Prompt, Title, Options, Default)



Type: String

If blank or omitted, it defaults to no text. Otherwise, specify the text, which is usually a message to the user indicating what kind of input is expected. If Prompt is long, it can be broken up into several shorter lines by means of a continuation section, which might improve readability and maintainability.


Type: String

If omitted, it defaults to the current value of A_ScriptName. Otherwise, specify the title of the input box.


Type: String

If blank or omitted, the input box will be centered horizontally and vertically on the screen, with a default size of about 380x200 pixels, depending on the OS version and theme. Otherwise, specify a string of one or more of the following options, each separated from the next with a space or tab:

Xn and Yn: The X and Y coordinates of the dialog. For example, x0 y0 puts the window at the upper left corner of the desktop. If either coordinate is omitted, the dialog will be centered in that dimension. Either coordinate can be negative to position the dialog partially or entirely off the desktop (or on a secondary monitor in a multi-monitor setup).

Wn and Hn: The width and height of the dialog's client area, which excludes the title bar and borders. For example, w200 h100.

Tn: Specifies the timeout in seconds. For example, T10.0 is ten seconds. If this value exceeds 2147483 (24.8 days), it will be set to 2147483. After the timeout has elapsed, the input box will be automatically closed and InputBoxObj.Result will be set to the word Timeout. InputBoxObj.Value will still contain what the user entered.

Password: Hides the user's input (such as for password entry) by substituting masking characters for what the user types. If a non-default masking character is desired, include it immediately after the word Password. For example, Password* would make the masking character an asterisk rather than the black circle (bullet).


Type: String

If blank or omitted, it defaults to no string. Otherwise, specify a string that will appear in the input box's edit field when the dialog first appears. The user can change it by backspacing or other means.

Return Value

Type: Object

This function returns an object with the following properties:


An input box usually looks like this:


The dialog allows the user to enter text and then press OK or CANCEL. The user can resize the dialog window by dragging its borders.

A GUI window may display a modal input box by means of OwnDialogs option. A modal input box prevents the user from interacting with the GUI window until the input box is dismissed.

Gui object, MsgBox, FileSelect, DirSelect, ToolTip, InputHook


Allows the user to enter a hidden password.

password := InputBox("(your input will be hidden)", "Enter Password", "password").value

Allows the user to enter a phone number.

IB := InputBox("Please enter a phone number.", "Phone Number", "w640 h480")
if IB.Result = "Cancel"
    MsgBox "You entered '" IB.Value "' but then cancelled."
    MsgBox "You entered '" IB.Value "'."