
Displays the specified text in a small window containing one or more buttons (such as Yes and No).

MsgBox Text, Title, Options
Result := MsgBox(Text, Title, Options)



Type: String

If omitted and "OK" is the only button present, it defaults to the string "Press OK to continue.". If omitted in any other case, it defaults to an empty string. Otherwise, specify the text to display inside the message box.

Escape sequences can be used to denote special characters. For example, `n indicates a linefeed character, which ends the current line and begins a new one. Thus, using text1`n`ntext2 would create a blank line between text1 and text2.

If Text is long, it can be broken up into several shorter lines by means of a continuation section, which might improve readability and maintainability.


Type: String

If omitted, it defaults to the current value of A_ScriptName. Otherwise, specify the title of the message box.


Type: String

If blank or omitted, it defaults to 0 (only an OK button is displayed). Otherwise, specify a combination (sum) of values or a string of one or more options from the tables below to indicate the type of message box and the possible button combinations.

In addition, zero or more of the following options can be specified:

Owner: To specify an owner window for the message box, use the word Owner followed immediately by a HWND (window ID).

T: Timeout. To have the message box close automatically if the user has not closed it within a specified time, use the letter T followed by the timeout in seconds, which can contain a decimal point. If this value exceeds 2147483 (24.8 days), it will be set to 2147483. If the message box times out, the return value is the word Timeout.

Values for the Options parameter

The Options parameter can be either a combination (sum) of numeric values from the following groups, which is passed directly to the operating system's MessageBox function, or a string of zero or more case-insensitive options separated by at least one space or tab. One or more numeric options may also be included in the string.

Group #1: Buttons

To indicate the buttons displayed in the message box, add one of the following values:

Function Dec Hex String
OK (that is, only an OK button is displayed) 0 0x0 OK or O
OK, Cancel 1 0x1 OKCancel, O/C or OC
Abort, Retry, Ignore 2 0x2 AbortRetryIgnore, A/R/I or ARI
Yes, No, Cancel 3 0x3 YesNoCancel, Y/N/C or YNC
Yes, No 4 0x4 YesNo, Y/N or YN
Retry, Cancel 5 0x5 RetryCancel, R/C or RC
Cancel, Try Again, Continue 6 0x6 CancelTryAgainContinue, C/T/C or CTC

Group #2: Icon

To display an icon in the message box, add one of the following values:

Function Dec Hex String
Icon Hand (stop/error) 16 0x10 Iconx
Icon Question 32 0x20 Icon?
Icon Exclamation 48 0x30 Icon!
Icon Asterisk (info) 64 0x40 Iconi

Group #3: Default Button

To indicate the default button, add one of the following values:

Function Dec Hex String
Makes the 2nd button the default 256 0x100 Default2
Makes the 3rd button the default 512 0x200 Default3
Makes the 4th button the default
(requires the Help button to be present)
768 0x300 Default4

Group #4: Modality

To indicate the modality of the dialog box, add one of the following values:

Function Dec Hex String
System Modal (always on top) 4096 0x1000 N/A
Task Modal 8192 0x2000 N/A
Always-on-top (style WS_EX_TOPMOST)
(like System Modal but omits title bar icon)
262144 0x40000 N/A

Group #5: Other Options

To specify other options, add one or more of the following values:

Function Dec Hex String
Adds a Help button (see remarks below) 16384 0x4000 N/A
Makes the text right-justified 524288 0x80000 N/A
Right-to-left reading order for Hebrew/Arabic 1048576 0x100000 N/A

Return Value

Type: String

This function returns one of the following strings to represent which button the user pressed:

If the dialog could not be displayed, an empty string is returned. This typically only occurs as a result of the MsgBox limit being reached, but may occur in other unusual cases.

Error Handling

An Error is thrown on failure, such as if the options are invalid, the MsgBox limit has been reached, or the message box could not be displayed for some other reason.


A message box usually looks like this:


To determine which button the user pressed, use the function's return value. For example:

Result := MsgBox("Would you like to continue? (press Yes or No)",, "YesNo")
if Result = "Yes"
    MsgBox "You pressed Yes."
    MsgBox "You pressed No."

if MsgBox("Retry or cancel?",, "R/C") = "Retry"
    MsgBox("You pressed Retry.")

To customize the names of the buttons, see Changing MsgBox's Button Names.

Note: Pressing Ctrl+C while a message box is active will copy its text to the clipboard. This applies to all message boxes, not just those produced by AutoHotkey.

Using MsgBox with GUI windows: A GUI window may display a modal message box by means of the OwnDialogs option. A modal message box prevents the user from interacting with the GUI window until the message box is dismissed. In such a case, it is not necessary to specify the System Modal or Task Modal options from the table above.

When the OwnDialogs option is not in effect, the Task Modal option (8192) can be used to disable all the script's windows until the user dismisses the message box.

If the OwnerHWND option is specified, it takes precedence over any other setting. HWND can be the HWND of any window, even one not owned by the script.

The Help button: When the Help button option (16384) is present in Options, pressing the Help button will have no effect unless both of the following are true:

  1. The message box is owned by a GUI window by means of the OwnDialogs option.
  2. The script is monitoring the WM_HELP message (0x0053). For example: OnMessage(0x0053, WM_HELP). When the WM_HELP function is called, it may guide the user by means such as showing another window or message box.

The Close button (in the message box's title bar): Since the message box is a built-in feature of the operating system, its X button is enabled only when certain buttons are present. If there is only an OK button, clicking the X button is the same as pressing OK. Otherwise, the X button is disabled unless there is a Cancel button, in which case clicking the X is the same as pressing Cancel.

Maximum 7 ongoing calls: The thread displaying a message box can typically be interrupted, allowing the new thread to display its own message box before the previous call returns. A maximum of 7 ongoing calls to MsgBox are permitted, but any calls beyond the 7th cause an Error to be thrown. Note that a call to MsgBox in an interrupted thread cannot return until the thread is resumed.

InputBox, FileSelect, DirSelect, ToolTip, Gui object


Shows a message box with specific text. A quick and easy way to show information. The user can press an OK button to close the message box and continue execution.

MsgBox "This is a string."

Shows a message box with specific text and a title.

MsgBox "This MsgBox has a custom title.", "A Custom Title"

Shows a message box with default text. Mainly useful for debugging purposes, for example to quickly set a breakpoint in the script.

MsgBox ; "Press OK to continue."

Shows a message box with specific text, a title and an info icon. Besides, a continuation section is used to display the multi-line text in a more clear manner.

MsgBox "
    The first parameter is displayed as the message.
    The second parameter becomes the window title.
    The third parameter determines the type of message box.
  )", "Window Title", "iconi"

Use the return value to determine which button the user pressed in the message box. Note that in this case the MsgBox function call must be specified with parentheses.

result := MsgBox("Do you want to continue? (Press YES or NO)",, "YesNo")
if (result = "No")

Use the T (timeout) option to automatically close the message box after a certain number of seconds.

result := MsgBox("This MsgBox will time out in 5 seconds.  Continue?",, "Y/N T5")
if (result = "Timeout")
    MsgBox "You didn't press YES or NO within the 5-second period."
else if (result = "No")

Include a variable or sub-expression in the message. See also: Concatenation

var := 10
MsgBox "The initial value is: " var
MsgBox "The result is: " var * 2
MsgBox Format("The result is: {1}", var * 2)