
Retrieves the position of the specified substring within a string.

Deprecated: This command is not recommended for use in new scripts. Use the InStr function instead.

StringGetPos, OutputVar, InputVar, SearchText , Occurrence, Offset



The name of the output variable in which to store the retrieved position relative to the first character of InputVar. Position 0 is the first character.


The name of the input variable, whose contents will be searched. Do not enclose the name in percent signs unless you want the contents of the variable to be used as the name.


The string to search for. Matching is not case-sensitive unless StringCaseSense has been turned on.


If blank or omitted, it defaults to L1. Otherwise, specify one of the following options to affect which occurrence will be found if SearchText occurs more than once within InputVar.

Ln: The search will start looking at the left side of InputVar and will continue rightward until the nth match is found.

Rn: The search will start looking at the right side of InputVar and will continue leftward until the nth match is found. If n is omitted (or if Occurrence is 1), it defaults to R1.

For example, to find the fourth occurrence from the right, specify R4. Note: If n is less than or equal to zero, no match will be found.


If blank or omitted, it defaults to 0. Otherwise, specify the number of characters on the leftmost or rightmost side (depending on the parameter above) to skip over. For example, the following would start searching at the tenth character from the left: StringGetPos, OutputVar, InputVar, abc, , 9. This parameter can be an expression.


ErrorLevel is set to 1 if the specified occurrence of SearchText could not be found within InputVar, or 0 otherwise.


For this and all other commands, OutputVar is allowed to be the same variable as InputVar.

Unlike StringMid and InStr(), 0 is defined as the position of the first character for StringGetPos.

The retrieved position is always relative to the first character of InputVar, regardless of whether Occurrence and/or Offset are specified. For example, if the string "abc" is found in 123abc789, its reported position will always be 3 regardless of the method by which it was found.

If the specified occurrence of SearchText does not exist within InputVar, OutputVar will be set to -1 and ErrorLevel will be set to 1.

Use SplitPath to more easily parse a file path into its directory, filename, and extension.

The built-in variables A_Space and A_Tab contain a single space and a single tab character, respectively. They are useful when searching for spaces and tabs alone or at the beginning or end of SearchText.

InStr(), RegExMatch(), IfInString, If Var [not] in/contains MatchList, StringCaseSense, StringReplace, SplitPath, StringLeft, StringRight, StringMid, StringTrimLeft, StringTrimRight, StringLen, StringLower, StringUpper, If Var is [not] Type


Retrieves and analyzes the position of a substring.

Haystack := "abcdefghijklmnopqrs"
Needle := "def"
StringGetPos, pos, Haystack, %Needle%
if (pos >= 0)
    MsgBox, The string was found at position %pos%.

Divides up the full path name of a file into components. Note that it would be much easier to use StrSplit(), StringSplit or a parsing loop to do this, so the below is just for illustration.

FileSelectFile, file, , , Pick a filename in a deeply nested folder:
if (file != "")
    pos_prev := StrLen(file)
    pos_prev += 1 ; Adjust to be the position after the last char.
        ; Search from the right for the Nth occurrence:
        StringGetPos, pos, file, \, R%A_Index%
        if ErrorLevel
        length := pos_prev - pos - 1
        pos_prev := pos
        pos += 2  ; Adjust for use with StringMid.
        StringMid, path_component, file, %pos%, %length%
        MsgBox Path component #%A_Index% (from the right) is:`n%path_component%