
Returns the string (usually a single character) corresponding to the character code indicated by the specified number.

String := Chr(Number)



Type: Integer

A Unicode character code between 0 and 0x10FFFF.

Return Value

Type: String

The string corresponding to Number. This is always a single Unicode character, but for practical reasons, Unicode supplementary characters (where Number is in the range 0x10000 to 0x10FFFF) are counted as two characters. That is, the length of the return value as reported by StrLen may be 1 or 2. For further explanation, see String Encoding.

If Number is 0, the return value is a string containing a binary null character, not an empty (zero-length) string. This can be safely assigned to a variable, passed to a function or concatenated with another string. However, some built-in functions may "see" only the part of the string preceding the first null character.


The range and meaning of character codes depends on which string encoding is in use. Currently all AutoHotkey v2 executables are built for Unicode, so this function always accepts a Unicode character code and returns a Unicode (UTF-16) string.

Common character codes include 9 (tab), 10 (linefeed), 13 (carriage return), 32 (space), 48-57 (the digits 0-9), 65-90 (uppercase A-Z), and 97-122 (lowercase a-z).



Reports the string corresponding to the character code 116.

MsgBox Chr(116) ; Reports "t".