
Changes the script's tray icon (which is also used by GUI and dialog windows).

TraySetIcon FileName, IconNumber, Freeze



Type: String

If omitted, the current tray icon is used, which is only meaningful for Freeze. Otherwise, specify the path to an icon or image file, a bitmap or icon handle such as "HICON:" handle, or an asterisk (*) to restore the script's default icon.

For a list of supported formats, see the Picture control.


Type: Integer

If omitted, it defaults to 1 (the first icon group in the file). Otherwise, specify the number of the icon group to use. For example, 2 would load the default icon from the second icon group. If negative, the absolute value is assumed to be the resource ID of an icon within an executable file. If FileName is omitted, IconNumber is ignored.


Type: Boolean

If omitted, the icon's frozen/unfrozen state remains unchanged.

If true, the icon is frozen, i.e. Pause and Suspend will not change it.

If false, the icon is unfrozen.


To freeze (or unfreeze) the current icon, use the function as follows: TraySetIcon(,, true).

Changing the tray icon also changes the icon displayed by InputBox and subsequently-created GUI windows. Compiled scripts are also affected even if a custom icon was specified at the time of compiling. Note: Changing the icon will not unhide the tray icon if it was previously hidden by means such as #NoTrayIcon; to do that, use A_IconHidden := false.

Slight distortion may occur when loading tray icons from file types other than .ICO. This is especially true for 16x16 icons. To prevent this, store the desired tray icon inside a .ICO file.

There are some icons built into the operating system's DLLs and CPLs that might be useful. For example: TraySetIcon "Shell32.dll", 174.

The built-in variables A_IconNumber and A_IconFile contain the number and name (with full path) of the current icon (both are blank if the icon is the default).

The tray icon's tooltip can be changed by assigning a value to A_IconTip.

#NoTrayIcon, TrayTip, Menu object