Trim / LTrim / RTrim

Trims characters from the beginning and/or end of a string.

NewString :=  Trim(String , OmitChars)
NewString := LTrim(String , OmitChars)
NewString := RTrim(String , OmitChars)



Type: String

Any string value or variable. Numbers are not supported.


Type: String

If omitted, spaces and tabs will be removed. Otherwise, specify a list of characters (case-sensitive) to exclude from the beginning and/or end of String.

Return Value

Type: String

These functions return the trimmed version of the specified string.


Trims all spaces from the left and right side of a string.

text := "  text  "
    "No trim:`t'" text "'
    Trim:`t'" Trim(text) "'
    LTrim:`t'" LTrim(text) "'
    RTrim:`t'" RTrim(text) "'"

Trims all zeros from the left side of a string.

MsgBox LTrim("00000123", "0")