
v3.1.0 - May 15, 2022

Changes and new features:

Dropped support for Windows XP.

Upgraded to SciTE/Scintilla 5.2.2 and Lexilla 5.1.6.

AutoHotkey v1.1.34 syntax definition updates.

AutoHotkey v2.0-beta support, including a completely rewritten new lexer.

Keyword definitions are now almost entirely sourced from the AutoHotkey documentation instead of maintained by hand.

Introduced new SciTE4AutoHotkey style format ( Version 1 styles are automatically converted when edited by the style editor. Older legacy styles are no longer supported.

Introduced new default Light/Dark styles (replacing the previous collection of built-in styles).

The code font is now independently configured and no longer depends on the selected style.

Enhanced the graphical settings and style editors to support more common options.

Merged numerous Debugger improvements and bug-fixes, courtesy of Lexikos.

SciTE4AutoHotkey is now registered as an "Open With" application for .ahk files.

Added Swedish translation (courtesy of Mikael Hiort).

Added Korean translation (courtesy of joyfuI).

Added mechanism for disabling global Toolbar buttons.

Added support for passing parameters to debugged scripts.

Known issues:

Calltip functionality has been temporarily removed as a side effect of the new syntax definition autogeneration, as well as SciTE limitations.

Help file word lookup is currently broken as a result of (not so) recent changes in AutoHotkey's CHM file.

Debugging AutoHotkey v2 scripts is known to sometimes produce crashes under certain circumstances.

AutoHotkey v2 AutoIndent only works when control flow statements are typed in lowercase.


The auto-updater now behaves properly if the update server is down instead of behaving erratically.

Many other miscellaneous fixes, optimizations, code modernisation and cleanup.

v3.0.06.01 - October 12, 2014

Changes and new features:

Upgraded to SciTE/Scintilla 3.5.1.

AutoHotkey v1.1.16 syntax definition updates.

AutoHotkey v2.0-a056 syntax definition updates.

Added 'Run selection' context menu command (requires AutoHotkey v1.1.17)


AutoHotkey v2 syntax highlighting: BIFs in command syntax (broken by v3.0.06)

v3.0.06 - August 18, 2014

Changes and new features:

Upgraded to SciTE/Scintilla 3.5.0.

Added new program icon [designed by kon].

Added support for auto-completion of built-in object methods/properties as well as CallTips.

Debugger: The current line marker color is now translucid instead of opaque cyan.

AutoHotkey v2: added object command syntax support.

AutoHotkey v2: introduced new syntax highlighting styles for object properties, methods, built-in properties and built-in methods.


Minor debugger refactoring.

Toolbar startup stability and reliability fixes.

v3.0.05.01 - April 5, 2014

Changes and new features:

Upgraded to SciTE/Scintilla 3.4.1.

Incremental search and replace were disabled, this makes the 'Find/Replace Next' button useful again.

An 'Unmark All' button was added to the Find command.


Toolbar startup stability and reliability fixes.

v3.0.05 - March 23, 2014

Changes and new features:

Added AutoHotkey v2 language support (enabled when a v2 platform is selected).

Added graphical style editor.

Upgraded to SciTE/Scintilla 3.4.0.

AutoHotkey v1.1.14 syntax definition updates.

Added new style format that is easier to process by tools.

ActiveWindowInfo: minor enhancements to user experience.

OpenInclude: %A_LineFile% is now supported.

Other miscellaneous improvements.


Fixed bug that broke inner folders in Extension packages.

Other miscellaneous bug-fixes.

v3.0.04.01 - December 24, 2013

Changes and new features:

Upgraded to SciTE/Scintilla 3.3.7.

AutoHotkey v1.1.13 syntax definition updates.

VisualStudio is now the default style (except on Windows XP due to its lack of the Consolas font).


New extension: Lua scripts are now created without UTF-8 BOM.

Toolbar: minor button size DPI tweak.

v3.0.04 - August 14, 2013

Changes and new features:

Upgraded to SciTE/Scintilla 3.3.4.

Added Extension support and framework.

Rewritten Active Window Info in script.

All tools now obey default.text.font instead of hardcoding Courier New.

Scriptlet Utility: major UI redesign.


Syntax definition: added missing A_FileEncoding and removed #AllowSameLineComments.

MsgBox Creator: minor bugfixes and cleanup.

Removed functionality:

AutoScriptWriter, due to it being outdated; use Pulover's Macro Creator instead. Tool, due to the discontinuation of said service.

SplashImage Maker, due to uselessness.

Compile_AHK II support, as it was obsoleted by new Ahk2Exe functionality.

v3.0.03 - June 21, 2013

Changes and new features:

Upgraded to SciTE/Scintilla 3.3.3.

AutoHotkey v1.1.11 support.

DPI awareness - many changes to make SciTE4AutoHotkey behave correctly on non-96-DPI systems.

Added a default.text.font property to easily set the default text font.


A bug affecting indentation settings was fixed.

A bug affecting breakpoint filenames was fixed.

v3.0.02 - January 20, 2013

Changes and new features:

Upgraded to SciTE/Scintilla 3.2.4.

Added ;{ and ;} code folding support.

Added experimental (and disabled by default) AutoHotkey v2 lexer.

Added standalone precompiled version of SciTE4AutoHotkey's custom SciLexer.dll.

Added new program icon in order to tell apart SciTE4AutoHotkey from other SciTE distributions.

Other miscellaneous improvements.


Fixed a certain updater bug that affected hotfixes.

Fixed expression lines beginning with ( being misdetected as continuation sections.

Fixed { / } brace matching.


Fixed hovering stability issues.

Fixed debugger command stability issues.

Added properties for controlling maximum object children and maximum data to retrieve.

Changed the object inspection window to support infinitely nested objects.

v3.0.01.01 - November 30, 2012

Changes and new features:


v3.0.01 - November 9, 2012

v3.0.00 - July 22, 2012

v3.0.00 (Release Candidate) - December 24, 2011

v3 beta 5(a) - April 9/10, 2011

v3 beta 4 - November 8, 2010

v3 beta 3 - August 20, 2010

v2.1 beta 2 - June 21, 2010

v2.1 beta 1 - June 3, 2010

v2.0 - March 1, 2009

Initial release.