Notepad++ Colours

Scripting and setups with Notepad++ and AutoHotkey.
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Notepad++ Colours

17 Aug 2016, 08:31

For some reason cannot get any of the user defined languages (including AHK) to appear in the style configurator languages box. The colours are a little dark- if anyone knows a trick please post. :sick:
:arrow: itros "ylbbub eht tuO kaerB" a ni kcuts m'I pleH
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Re: Notepad++ Colours

17 Aug 2016, 11:43

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Re: Notepad++ Colours

18 Aug 2016, 02:41

Yes, thanks, it's all functioning except it's too dark- do you have AHK language in Preferences/Language Menu list?
There are a couple of subscribers on your thread with a similar issue, as do here.
Tried playing around with stuff here, nogo.
Anyway, it's a N++ feature just requested. :)
:arrow: itros "ylbbub eht tuO kaerB" a ni kcuts m'I pleH
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Re: Notepad++ Colours

03 Sep 2016, 09:45

There are a couple more issues with the N++ debugger:
  • The debugger will not connect until the following command from the run menu item is executed:

Code: Select all

AutoHotkey /debug Myscript.ahk
  • Once the breakpoint pane is hidden, there doesn't appear to be any way of unhiding it until the next N++ restart.
  • N++ 6.9.2 can produce an "index out of bounds (0)" when using the add breakpoint button. When several breakpoints are added with the button, it can happen that the first is deleted on the next press of the button. Doesn't happen when R-click add breakpoint, but symptomatic when N++ loses connection with DBGp.
  • The debugger is liable to crash N++ (Application Hang) but it is difficult to pinpoint any particular causal event:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\notepad++.exe

It's generally not a question of if, but when. Bummer when there are watches and breakpoints set and N++ has not updated recent changes or files are not saved etc.. :wtf:

Somehow all of the N++ user defined languages got knocked out of the menus. Must make backups sometime. :!:

Edit: Noticed this from the help:
•Notepad++ becomes unstable if property_get fails, which is particularly problematic in light of the above. As a workaround, AutoHotkey sends an empty property instead of an error code when a non-existent or invalid variable is requested.
Since the clean up some of the code in the program, the debugger and N++ have been playing nice. :)
:arrow: itros "ylbbub eht tuO kaerB" a ni kcuts m'I pleH

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