Problem Installing v2 on Windows 11 Error: (0x8009000F) Object already exists. - Solved (link in post)

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Problem Installing v2 on Windows 11 Error: (0x8009000F) Object already exists. - Solved (link in post)

08 Nov 2023, 17:44

tl;dr: Link to reddit post with the solution that worked for me:

Making this post because I couldn't find a solution in these forums that worked for me. Wanted to help anyone else having the same problem.

I couldn't get v2.0.10 to install on my Windows 11 machine. I had a prior installation of v1 that I uninstalled before downloading and trying to install v2 from the AHK download page.

The error I got looked like this:

Error: (0x8009000F) Object already exists.
254: {
256: If !DllCall("Advapi32\CryptAcquireContext", "ptr*", prov , "str", Name, "ptr", 0, "uint", 1, "uint", 8)
▶ 258: Throw OSError()
259: If !DllCall("Advapi32\CryptGenKey", "ptr", prov , "uint", 2, "uint", 0x4000001, "ptr*", CryptKey())
261: Throw OSError()
The current thread will exit.

Call stack:
*#1 (258) : [EnableUIAccess_CreateCert] Throw OSError()
*#1 (218) : [EnableUIAccess] cert := EnableUIAccess_CreateCert(CertName, hStore)
*#1 (1066) : [Installation.Prototype.MakeUIA] EnableUIAccess(newPath)
*#1 (500) : [Installation.Prototype.Apply] item(this)
*#1 (560) : [Installation.Prototype.InstallFull] this.Apply()
*#1 (393) : [Install_Main] inst.%method%(params*)
*#1 (1168) : [] Install_Main()
> Auto-execute

I tried the solutions that were in the Reddit post linked above, but none of them worked until I used the instructions that Cheeserole posted. After following those instructions, I was able to successfully install v2.0.10.

I hope someone finds that helpful.

[Mod edit: Moved topic from 'Ask for Help (v2)'. ]
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Re: Problem Installing v2 on Windows 11 Error: (0x8009000F) Object already exists. - Solved (link in post)

08 Nov 2023, 21:14

Welcome to this AutoHotkey forum!

To me, your post appears to be an answer rather than a question. Perhaps it belongs in tutorials or another board.

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