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duplicate line

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in my text editor, the hotkey ctrl+y duplicates the current line

is it possible to do it globally?


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Well heres some code to produce the same effect, if thats what you're after:
SetKeyDelay, -1
Temp := ClipboardAll
Clipboard =
Send {End}+{home}^c
ClipWait, 2
Send {End}{Enter}%Clipboard%
Clipboard := Temp
Untested but I'm sure it'll work fine

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thanks, it works good!
thanks, it works good
thanks, it works good

but as you can see, it doesnt repaste the !, dunno why
also, it doesnt work when the cursor is at the begining of the line

any fixes?

PS: is it possible the script to recognize whether there is space for new line or not and only then work?

I mean, clicking ctrl+y in the address bar sends an ENTER that makes the browser visit the webpage

it should only work 1) when the cursor is vertical (text) and 2) only when it is possible to write multiple lines in the edit control


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but as you can see, it doesnt repaste the !

Put {Raw} before the %Clipboard% part in Send.

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but as you can see, it doesnt repaste the !, dunno why

It's because ! is interpretted as Alt (as + is Shift or ^ is Ctrl).
So use SendRaw:
Send {End}{Enter}
SendRaw %Clipboard%

also, it doesnt work when the cursor is at the begining of the line

In Notepad, Notepad++ or WordPad no problems ...

was little faster :)
Pekka Vartto

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can you tell me please why it doesnt work in greek? all the scripts that copy and paste text, dont work well

εςφξεςφ εςιφξες
åòöîåòö åòéöîåò ; this is supposed to be the duplicate line of the above

also, can you tell me please how to make it not to work in specific windows

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also, can you tell me please how to make it not to work in specific windows

use IfWinActive?

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I've tried to tweaked the script a little and replaced the send of the enter key by a linefeed... But it still gets recognised as if you pressed enter in the IE and Firefox behavior...

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can you tell me please why it doesnt work in greek? all the scripts that copy and paste text, dont work well

Switch the window to Greek before copying. If it helps, then it's the problem of converting from ANSI to Unicode.

Some programs, when you paste text in them, require the text from the clipboard to be in Unicode. If the text is in ANSI, Windows automatically transcodes it. In case the window where you copied the text was in Greek, the Greek codepage will be used and the Greek letters will be coded correctly. If the window was in English, Windows uses the English codepage, and the national characters are lost.

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yes, switching language before copying works, but its waste of time to do it each time

is there any workaround?

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you could use a send command to switch the language because ALT-SHIFT (in the italian version, it could be different, because some hotkeys are different between versions) is the default command to switch the language. Obviously there are some problems because this depends from the language you have set and from how many languages do you use. I don't know if there is a command to switch or a function in some dll.

Hope it helps a bit!

Bye! :shock: :)

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look here

Bye! :shock: :)

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yes, switching language before copying works, but its waste of time to do it each time

There's no need to do it manually. You can switch the language by sending the WM_INPUTLANGCHANGEREQUEST message to the window. Check if the window is in English, if so, switch it to Greek, copy (or cut), and switch back to English.
  WinGet, WinID,, A
  ThreadID:=DllCall("GetWindowThreadProcessId", "UInt", WinID, "UInt", 0)
  InputLocaleID:=DllCall("GetKeyboardLayout", "UInt", ThreadID)
    SendMessage, 0x50,, Greek,, A
    Send, ^{vk43}                      ; Ctrl-C
    SendMessage, 0x50,, Eng,, A
    Send, ^{vk43}
The code above presumes that the input locale ID for Greek is 0x4080408 and the virtual key code of C is 0x43. If not so, correct them. To find out the input locale ID, use this (the active window should be in Greek):
  SetFormat, Integer, H
  WinGet, WinID,, A
  ThreadID:=DllCall("GetWindowThreadProcessId", "UInt", WinID, "UInt", 0)
  InputLocaleID:=DllCall("GetKeyboardLayout", "UInt", ThreadID)
  MsgBox, %InputLocaleID%

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I didn't first notice it, but now I wonder why Conquer used Clipboard instead of normal Paste key combination Ctrl+V?

Send {End}{Enter}^v
you don't need to use raw and also Greek chars gets copied like normally :)
Pekka Vartto

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I didn't first notice it, but now I wonder why Conquer used Clipboard instead of normal Paste key combination Ctrl+V?


Send {End}{Enter}^v
you don't need to use raw and also Greek chars gets copied like normally :)

this code

SetKeyDelay, -1
Temp := ClipboardAll
Clipboard =
Send {End}+{home}^c
ClipWait, 2
Send {End}{Enter}^v
Clipboard := Temp


Send {End}{Enter}^v
Send {End}{Enter}^v
etc, not the current line

do I miss something?