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sort a text file according to line length

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Hi, I'm having this idea to accomplish a task by sorting the lines of a file according to their length.
The file or files I will be using are probably 500Kb or more. And I wonder if autohotkey would be able to handle this or if someone knows one of those little command line programs that could do this, could you please point me too?
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that should not be a big problem. worst case you make a list of lines and lengths, then sort that, and read the final file in that order into another file.

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Thanks enguneer. Sounds like a good idea. I'll try to parse the file adding the line length at the beginning of each line, then I will sort it.

Thanks for the pointer, again.

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Use the F option of sort. :)
FileRead, text, %A_ScriptFullPath%
Sort, text, F SortFunc
MsgBox %text%

SortFunc(lineA, lineB, offset)
    ; Return positive if lineA is longer than line B.
    ; Return negative if lineA is shorter than line B.
    if StrLen(lineA) != StrLen(lineB)
        return StrLen(lineA)-StrLen(lineB)
    ; Use offset to try to preserve the order in the file when two lines are of equal length.
    return -offset
I had to laugh when I saw the result. :lol:

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Wow. Drooling!
Man, you guys are amazing. Thank you very much!

I had to laugh when I saw the result. Laughing

I wonder why. Anyway, when I just tested your script I had an impression that something was wrong, but no... it was doing what was supposed to do :wink: Great. I could help smiling.


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