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Showing large icons/images in Listview

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This code shows you how to load icons of arbitrary size in ListView and show them with 32bit color palete. You can tweak isize & color.

#Singleinstance, force 

   ILC_COLOR := 0, ILC_COLOR4 := 0x4, ILC_COLOR8 := 0x8, ILC_COLOR16 := 0x10, ILC_COLOR24 := 0x18, ILC_COLOR32 := 0x20 
   isize := 128
   color := ILC_COLOR16

   Gui, Add, ListView, w600 h600 Icon HWNDhLV, icon 
   hIml := ImageList_Create(isize, isize, color, 100, 100) 

   loop, c:\windows\*
      hIcon := LoadIcon(A_LoopFileFullPath, 1, isize)     ; LR_LOADFROMFILE 
		if !hIcon
	  i := ImageList_AddIcon( hIml, hIcon ) 
      LV_Add("Icon" i+1, i " "A_LoopFileName) 
   Gui, Show, autosize 

ListView_SetImageList( hwnd, hIml, iImageList=0) { 
   SendMessage, 0x1000+3, iImageList, hIml, , ahk_id %hwnd% 
   return ErrorLevel 

   return DllCall("comctl32.dll\ImageList_Create", "int", cx, "int", cy, "uint", flags, "int", cInitial, "int", cGrow) 

ImageList_Add(hIml, hbmImage, hbmMask=""){ 
   return DllCall("comctl32.dll\ImageList_Add", "uint", hIml, "uint",hbmImage, "uint", hbmMask) 

ImageList_AddIcon(hIml, hIcon) { 
   return DllCall("comctl32.dll\ImageList_ReplaceIcon", "uint", hIml, "int", -1, "uint", hIcon) 

API_ExtractIcon(Icon, Idx=0){ 
   return DllCall("shell32\ExtractIconA", "UInt", 0, "Str", Icon, "UInt",Idx) 

API_LoadImage(pPath, uType, cxDesired, cyDesired, fuLoad) { 
   return,  DllCall( "LoadImage", "uint", 0, "str", pPath, "uint", uType, "int", cxDesired, "int", cyDesired, "uint", fuLoad) 

LoadIcon(Filename, IconNumber, IconSize) {
   if !ErrorLevel
         return h_icon

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Works nicely with .ico files but not with .jpg or .gif.

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I beleive the only thing that should be changed is:
ImageList_AddIcon to ImageList_Add and set flag to 0 instad 2...

Posted Image


#Singleinstance, force 

   ILC_COLOR := 0, ILC_COLOR4 := 0x4, ILC_COLOR8 := 0x8, ILC_COLOR16 := 0x10, ILC_COLOR24 := 0x18, ILC_COLOR32 := 0x20 
   isize := 200
   color := ILC_COLOR32 

   Gui, Add, ListView, w600 h600 Icon HWNDhLV, icon 
   hIml := ImageList_Create(isize, isize, color, 100, 100) 

   loop, C:\Windows\*.bmp 
      hIcon := API_LoadImage(A_LoopFileFullPath, 0, isize, isize, 0x10)     ; LR_LOADFROMFILE 
      i := ImageList_Add( hIml, hIcon ) 
      LV_Add("Icon" i+1, i " "A_LoopFileName) 
   Gui, Show, autosize 


ListView_SetImageList( hwnd, hIml, iImageList=0) { 
   SendMessage, 0x1000+3, iImageList, hIml, , ahk_id %hwnd% 
   return ErrorLevel 

   return DllCall("comctl32.dll\ImageList_Create", "int", cx, "int", cy, "uint", flags, "int", cInitial, "int", cGrow) 

ImageList_Add(hIml, hbmImage, hbmMask=""){ 
   return DllCall("comctl32.dll\ImageList_Add", "uint", hIml, "uint",hbmImage, "uint", hbmMask) 

ImageList_AddIcon(hIml, hIcon) { 
   return DllCall("comctl32.dll\ImageList_ReplaceIcon", "uint", hIml, "int", -1, "uint", hIcon) 

API_ExtractIcon(Icon, Idx=0){ 
   return DllCall("shell32\ExtractIconA", "UInt", 0, "Str", Icon, "UInt",Idx) 

API_LoadImage(pPath, uType, cxDesired, cyDesired, fuLoad) { 
   return,  DllCall( "LoadImage", "uint", 0, "str", pPath, "uint", uType, "int", cxDesired, "int", cyDesired, "uint", fuLoad) 

Posted Image

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Actually, I uploaded new version which doesn't make a difference. New LoadIcon load's everything.
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It seems that only bmp, ico and cur can be loaded???

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MSDN link

You must destroy all icons extracted by PrivateExtractIcons by calling the DestroyIcon function.

Regardless, it doesn't work in Win9x, since the function has first been implemented in Win2000. :(

Can it be replaced by an existing function, when used on such OS? I see the API_ExtractIcon function is not used in your script.

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Anyone figured out how to fix memory usage for this? I know you need DestroyIcon Function to free memory of items no longer used, but I don't know how to use it in ahk.
My script is sometimes using memory up until 500 MB or more :?

Thanks majkinetor anyway

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@ Drugwash & Gruffalo

An easy and even better workaround is to use EmptyMem by heresy.
Just call the function below after you load or unload your listviews.

	h := DllCall("OpenProcess", "UInt", 0x001F0FFF, "Int", 0, "Int", !PID ? DllCall("GetCurrentProcessId") : PID)
	DllCall("SetProcessWorkingSetSize", "UInt", h, "Int", -1, "Int", -1)
	DllCall("CloseHandle", "Int", h)

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I am using this script to display thumbnails for a small gallery.


I noticed when I resize the listview size the list of images do not adjust to match the new size of the listview. Is this script somehow getting the listview hieght and then fitting the images into the listview size?