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iSwitchw - cosmetically enhanced edition

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Hi all,

Below is a version of keyboardfreak's popular Incrementally Switch Windows script, with some minor code changes (clearly marked in the script) which lead to some major changes in appearance.

* Window has no border
* Font is much larger
* Window is semi-transparent
* No textbox
* No text labels
* No title bar
* See only what you need

I am posting it here because the original thread is huge already, and because this is actually a sub-version and not the original

Screenshot (Google in the background):

Posted Image

; iswitchw - Incrementally switch between windows using substrings
; [MODIFIED by ezuk, 3 July 2008, changes noted below. Cosmetics only.] 
; Required AutoHotkey version: 1.0.25+ 
; When this script is triggered via its hotkey the list of titles of 
; all visible windows appears. The list can be narrowed quickly to a 
; particular window by typing a substring of a window title. 
; When the list is narrowed the desired window can be selected using 
; the cursor keys and Enter. If the substring matches exactly one 
; window that window is activated immediately (configurable, see the 
; "autoactivateifonlyone" variable). 
; The window selection can be cancelled with Esc. 
; The switcher window can be moved horizontally with the left/right 
; arrow keys if it blocks the view of windows under it. 
; The switcher can also be operated with the mouse, although it is 
; meant to be used from the keyboard. A mouse click activates the 
; currently selected window. Mouse users may want to change the 
; activation key to one of the mouse keys. 
; If enabled possible completions are offered when the same unique 
; substring is found in the title of more than one window. 
; For example, the user typed the string "co" and the list is 
; narrowed to two windows: "Windows Commander" and "Command Prompt". 
; In this case the "command" substring can be completed automatically, 
; so the script offers this completion in square brackets which the 
; user can accept with the TAB key: 
;     co[mmand] 
; This feature can be confusing for novice users, so it is disabled 
; by default. 
; For the idea of this script the credit goes to the creators of the 
; iswitchb package for the Emacs editor 
; User configuration 

; set this to yes if you want to select the only matching window 
; automatically 
autoactivateifonlyone = 

; set this to yes if you want to enable tab completion (see above) 
; it has no effect if firstlettermatch (see below) is enabled 
tabcompletion = 

; set this to yes to enable digit shortcuts when there are ten or 
; less items in the list 
digitshortcuts = 

; set this to yes to enable first letter match mode where the typed 
; search string must match the first letter of words in the 
; window title (only alphanumeric characters are taken into account) 
; For example, the search string "ad" matches both of these titles: 
;  AutoHotkey - Documentation 
;  Anne's Diary 
firstlettermatch = 

; set this to yes to enable activating the currently selected 
; window in the background 
activateselectioninbg =  

; number of milliseconds to wait for the user become idle, before 
; activating the currently selected window in the background 
; it has no effect if activateselectioninbg is off 
; if set to blank the current selection is activated immediately 
; without delay 
bgactivationdelay = 300 

; show process name before window title. 
showprocessname = 

; Close switcher window if the user activates an other window. 
; It does not work well if activateselectioninbg is enabled, so 
; currently they cannot be enabled together. 
closeifinactivated = 

if activateselectioninbg <> 
    if closeifinactivated <> 
        msgbox, activateselectioninbg and closeifinactivated cannot be enabled together 

; List of subtsrings separated with pipe (|) characters (e.g. carpe|diem). 
; Window titles containing any of the listed substrings are filtered out 
; from the list of windows. 
filterlist = asticky|blackbox

; Set this yes to update the list of windows every time the contents of the 
; listbox is updated. This is usually not necessary and it is an overhead which 
; slows down the update of the listbox, so this feature is disabled by default. 
dynamicwindowlist = 

; path to sound file played when the user types a substring which 
; does not match any of the windows 
; set this to blank if you don't want a sound 
nomatchsound = %windir%\Media\ding.wav 

if nomatchsound <> 
    ifnotexist, %nomatchsound% 
        msgbox, Sound file %nomatchsound% not found. No sound will be played. 

; Global variables 
;     numallwin      - the number of windows on the desktop 
;     allwinarray    - array containing the titles of windows on the desktop 
;                      dynamicwindowlist is disabled 
;     allwinidarray  - window ids corresponding to the titles in allwinarray 
;     numwin         - the number of windows in the listbox 
;     idarray        - array containing window ids for the listbox items 
;     orig_active_id - the window ID of the originally active window 
;                      (when the switcher is activated) 
;     prev_active_id - the window ID of the last window activated in the 
;                      background (only if activateselectioninbg is enabled) 
;     switcher_id    - the window ID of the switcher window 
;     filters        - array of filters for filtering out titles 
;                      from the window list 

AutoTrim, off 

;this section modified by ezuk, 03 July 2008
Gui, +LastFound +AlwaysOnTop -Caption   
Gui, Color, black,black
WinSet, Transparent, 180
Gui,Font,s30 cYellow bold,Calibri
Gui, Add, ListBox, vindex gListBoxClick x-2 y-2 w810 h602 AltSubmit -VScroll
;end of modifications by ezuk

if filterlist <> 
    loop, parse, filterlist, | 
        filters%a_index% = %A_LoopField% 

; I never use the CapsLock key, that's why I chose it. 

search = 
numallwin = 0 
GuiControl,, Edit1 
GoSub, RefreshWindowList 

WinGet, orig_active_id, ID, A 
prev_active_id = %orig_active_id% 

Gui, Show, Center h600 w800, Window Switcher 
; If we determine the ID of the switcher window here then 
; why doesn't it appear in the window list when the script is 
; run the first time? (Note that RefreshWindowList has already 
; been called above). 
; Answer: Because when this code runs first the switcher window 
; does not exist yet when RefreshWindowList is called. 
WinGet, switcher_id, ID, A 
WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, On, ahk_id %switcher_id% 

    if closeifinactivated <> 
        settimer, CloseIfInactive, 200 

    Input, input, L1, {enter}{esc}{backspace}{up}{down}{pgup}{pgdn}{tab}{left}{right} 

    if closeifinactivated <> 
        settimer, CloseIfInactive, off 

    if ErrorLevel = EndKey:enter 
        GoSub, ActivateWindow 

    if ErrorLevel = EndKey:escape 
        Gui, cancel 

        ; restore the originally active window if 
        ; activateselectioninbg is enabled 
        if activateselectioninbg <> 
            WinActivate, ahk_id %orig_active_id% 


    if ErrorLevel = EndKey:backspace 
        GoSub, DeleteSearchChar 

    if ErrorLevel = EndKey:tab 
        if completion = 
            input = %completion% 

    ; pass these keys to the selector window 

    if ErrorLevel = EndKey:up 
        Send, {up} 
        GoSuB ActivateWindowInBackgroundIfEnabled 

    if ErrorLevel = EndKey:down 
        Send, {down} 
        GoSuB ActivateWindowInBackgroundIfEnabled 

    if ErrorLevel = EndKey:pgup 
        Send, {pgup} 

        GoSuB ActivateWindowInBackgroundIfEnabled 

    if ErrorLevel = EndKey:pgdn 
        Send, {pgdn} 
        GoSuB ActivateWindowInBackgroundIfEnabled 

    if ErrorLevel = EndKey:left 
        direction = -1 
        GoSuB MoveSwitcher 

    if ErrorLevel = EndKey:right 
        direction = 1 
        GoSuB MoveSwitcher 

    ; FIXME: probably other error level cases 
    ; should be handled here (interruption?) 

    ; invoke digit shortcuts if applicable 
    if digitshortcuts <> 
        if numwin <= 10 
            if input in 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0 
                if input = 0 
                    input = 10 

                if numwin < %input% 
                    if nomatchsound <> 
                        SoundPlay, %nomatchsound% 

                GuiControl, choose, ListBox1, %input% 
                GoSub, ActivateWindow 

    ; process typed character 

    search = %search%%input% 
    GuiControl,, Edit1, %search% 
    GoSub, RefreshWindowList 

Gosub, CleanExit 


; Refresh the list of windows according to the search criteria 
; Sets: numwin  - see the documentation of global variables 
;       idarray - see the documentation of global variables 
    ; refresh the list of windows if necessary 

    if ( dynamicwindowlist = "yes" or numallwin = 0 ) 
        numallwin = 0 

        WinGet, id, list, , , Program Manager 
        Loop, %id% 
            StringTrimRight, this_id, id%a_index%, 0 
            WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %this_id% 

            ; FIXME: windows with empty titles? 
            if title = 

            ; don't add the switcher window 
            if switcher_id = %this_id% 

            ; show process name if enabled 
            if showprocessname <> 
                WinGet, procname, ProcessName, ahk_id %this_id% 

                stringgetpos, pos, procname, . 
                if ErrorLevel <> 1 
                    stringleft, procname, procname, %pos% 

                stringupper, procname, procname 
                title = %procname%: %title% 

            ; don't add titles which match any of the filters 
            if filterlist <> 
                filtered = 

                    stringtrimright, filter, filters%a_index%, 0 
                    if filter = 
                        ifinstring, title, %filter% 
                           filtered = yes 

                if filtered = yes 

            ; replace pipe (|) characters in the window title, 
            ; because Gui Add uses it for separating listbox items 
            StringReplace, title, title, |, -, all 

            numallwin += 1 
            allwinarray%numallwin% = %title% 
            allwinidarray%numallwin% = %this_id% 

    ; filter the window list according to the search criteria 

    winlist = 
    numwin = 0 

    Loop, %numallwin% 
        StringTrimRight, title, allwinarray%a_index%, 0 
        StringTrimRight, this_id, allwinidarray%a_index%, 0 

        ; don't add the windows not matching the search string 
        ; if there is a search string 
        if search <> 
            if firstlettermatch = 
                if title not contains %search%, 
                stringlen, search_len, search 

                index = 1 
                match = 

                loop, parse, title, %A_Space% 
                    stringleft, first_letter, A_LoopField, 1 

                    ; only words beginning with an alphanumeric 
                    ; character are taken into account 
                    if first_letter not in 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z 

                    stringmid, search_char, search, %index%, 1 

                    if first_letter <> %search_char% 

                    index += 1 

                    ; no more search characters 
                    if index > %search_len% 
                        match = yes 

                if match = 
                    continue    ; no match 

        if winlist <> 
            winlist = %winlist%| 
        winlist = %winlist%%title%`r%this_id% 

        numwin += 1 
        winarray%numwin% = %title% 

    ; if the pattern didn't match any window 
    if numwin = 0 
        ; if the search string is empty then we can't do much 
        if search = 
            Gui, cancel 
            Gosub, CleanExit 
        ; delete the last character 
            if nomatchsound <> 
                SoundPlay, %nomatchsound% 

            GoSub, DeleteSearchChar 

    ; sort the list alphabetically 
    Sort, winlist, D| 

    ; add digit shortcuts if there are ten or less windows 
    ; in the list and digit shortcuts are enabled 
    if digitshortcuts <> 
        if numwin <= 10 
            digitlist = 
            digit = 1 
            loop, parse, winlist, | 
                ; FIXME: windows with empty title? 
                if A_LoopField <> 
                    if digitlist <> 
                        digitlist = %digitlist%| 
                    digitlist = %digitlist%%digit%%A_Space%%A_Space%%A_Space%%A_LoopField% 

                    digit += 1 
                    if digit = 10 
                        digit = 0 
            winlist = %digitlist% 

    ; strip window IDs from the sorted list 
    titlelist = 
    arrayindex = 1 

    loop, parse, winlist, | 
        stringgetpos, pos, A_LoopField, `r 

        stringleft, title, A_LoopField, %pos% 
        titlelist = %titlelist%|%title% 

        pos += 2 ; skip the separator char 
        stringmid, id, A_LoopField, %pos%, 10000 
        idarray%arrayindex% = %id% 

    ; show the list 
    GuiControl,, ListBox1, %titlelist% 
    GuiControl, Choose, ListBox1, 1 

    if numwin = 1 
        if autoactivateifonlyone <> 
            GoSub, ActivateWindow 
            Gosub, CleanExit 

    GoSub ActivateWindowInBackgroundIfEnabled 

    completion = 

    if tabcompletion = 

    ; completion is not implemented for first letter match mode 
    if firstlettermatch <> 

    ; determine possible completion if there is 
    ; a search string and there are more than one 
    ; window in the list 

    if search = 
    if numwin = 1 

        nextchar = 

        loop, %numwin% 
            stringtrimleft, title, winarray%a_index%, 0 

            if nextchar = 
                substr = %search%%completion% 
                stringlen, substr_len, substr 
                stringgetpos, pos, title, %substr% 

                if pos = -1 

                pos += %substr_len% 

                ; if the substring matches the end of the 
                ; string then no more characters can be completed 
                stringlen, title_len, title 
                if pos >= %title_len% 
                    pos = -1 

                ; stringmid has different position semantics 
                ; than stringgetpos. strange... 
                pos += 1 
                stringmid, nextchar, title, %pos%, 1 
                substr = %substr%%nextchar% 
                stringgetpos, pos, title, %substr% 
                if pos = -1 

        if pos = -1 
            completion = %completion%%nextchar% 

    if completion <> 
        GuiControl,, Edit1, %search%[%completion%] 


; Delete last search char and update the window list 

if search = 

StringTrimRight, search, search, 1 
GuiControl,, Edit1, %search% 
GoSub, RefreshWindowList 


; Activate selected window 

Gui, submit 
stringtrimleft, window_id, idarray%index%, 0 
WinActivate, ahk_id %window_id% 


; Activate selected window in the background 

guicontrolget, index,, ListBox1 
stringtrimleft, window_id, idarray%index%, 0 

if prev_active_id <> %window_id% 
    WinActivate, ahk_id %window_id% 
    WinActivate, ahk_id %switcher_id% 
    prev_active_id = %window_id% 


; Activate selected window in the background if the option is enabled. 
; If an activation delay is set then a timer is started instead of 
; activating the window immediately. 

if activateselectioninbg = 

; Don't do it just after the switcher is activated. It is confusing 
; if active window is changed immediately. 
WinGet, id, ID, ahk_id %switcher_id% 
if id = 

if bgactivationdelay = 
    GoSub ActivateWindowInBackground 
    settimer, BgActivationTimer, %bgactivationdelay% 


; Check if the user is idle and if so activate the currently selected 
; window in the background 

settimer, BgActivationTimer, off 

GoSub ActivateWindowInBackground 


; Stop background window activation timer if necessary and exit 

settimer, BgActivationTimer, off 


; Cancel keyboard input if GUI is closed. 

send, {esc} 


; Handle mouse click events on the list box 
if (A_GuiControlEvent = "Normal"
    and !GetKeyState("Down", "P") and !GetKeyState("Up", "P"))
    send, {enter} 

; Move switcher window horizontally 
; Input: direction - 1 for right, -1 for left 

direction *= 100 
WinGetPos, x, y, width, , ahk_id %switcher_id% 
x += %direction% 

if x < 0 
    x = 0 
   SysGet screensize, MonitorWorkArea 
   screensizeRight -= %width% 
   if x > %screensizeRight% 
      x = %screensizeRight% 

prevdelay = %A_WinDelay% 
SetWinDelay, -1 
WinMove, ahk_id %switcher_id%, , %x%, %y% 
SetWinDelay, %prevdelay% 


; Close the switcher window if the user activated an other window 

ifwinnotactive, ahk_id %switcher_id% 
    send, {esc} 


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Below is a version of keyboardfreak's popular Incrementally Switch Windows script, with some minor code changes (clearly marked in the script) which lead to some major changes in appearance.

Nice work! I didn't know there were people still using it. :)

I've already moved to other solutions for window switching, that's why the original script is not updated anymore, so it's OK to start a new thread for the improved script.

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Below is a version of keyboardfreak's popular Incrementally Switch Windows script, with some minor code changes (clearly marked in the script) which lead to some major changes in appearance.

Nice work! I didn't know there were people still using it. :)

I've already moved to other solutions for window switching, that's why the original script is not updated anymore, so it's OK to start a new thread for the improved script.

Cool! I'm glad you like it! :D

I use it in conjunction with Switcher, which is an expose clone. Switcher is good for visual switching, and iSwitchw rocks for textual switching. It's a winning combination. :)

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Great update! I've been using this for a while and really appreciate the style update. I'm an Enso user so I made a little change to match the style of Enso too... Lines 150 & 151 I changed to:
WinSet, Transparent, 190
Gui,Font,s26 c8EAA56,Adobe Garamond Pro
It matches really well now.

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Cool! I'm glad you like it!

I added a note to the beginning and end of the old thread for people to come here and try your script instead.

You may be more open to their improvement suggestions, since you actually use the script. :)

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I've already moved to other solutions for window switching, that's why the original script is not updated anymore, so it's OK to start a new thread for the improved script.

I use this script all the time together with topdesk for a more graphical approach. albeit this script kickass performance wise.

May i ask you what other solution for windowswitching you are using today?


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May i ask you what other solution for windowswitching you are using today?

I usually run a limited set of applications (browser, editor, total commander, consoles, etc), so I've dedicated my numeric keypad to application switching.

This way I can switch to any application by pressing a single key assigned to it (e.g. numpad up activates total commander). Pressing an activation key more than once toggles between the different instances of the same application (usually consoles) using GroupActivate.

The iswitchw script is useful if one runs dozens of applications at a time. I usually run less than 10, so for me it's an overkill.

Now I can switch to any of my running applications by pressing a single key, instead of pressing capslock, typing several characters, and pressing Enter. It's much more convenient and faster too.

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when using the up and down arrow keys to select the desired Listbox-Item, the window gets stuck after some keystrokes. Though temporarily activating activateselectioninbg shows that the arrow keys still work.

The arrow key work If i change the line
Gui, +LastFound +AlwaysOnTop -Caption
Gui, +AlwaysOnTop -Caption
But in this case the transparency is lost.

Can anyone help? Thanks in advance.
I'm new to this, so please be patient with me.


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If you could put thumbnails of the windows in there as well I would be very impressed.

but BEAutiful nonetheless

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Thunbnails will probably be too much.

Too much in terms of too hard to make?, too slow (responsive-wise) and use too much resources..

What would be a simpler option for those who get scared when they see 7/8 big blocks of text floating on their screen with no images whatsoever (like me :) ) would be to show the application icon along with the text.

One other feature (this one very simple) would be to make the listing window disappear when caps lock is pressed again. I tried a few things for this, but nothing worked for me.

Oh, I almost forgot. Great work with the script!

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thanks man for this script. i use it all the time.

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May i ask you what other solution for windowswitching you are using today?

I usually run a limited set of applications (browser, editor, total commander, consoles, etc), so I've dedicated my numeric keypad to application switching.

This way I can switch to any application by pressing a single key assigned to it (e.g. numpad up activates total commander). Pressing an activation key more than once toggles between the different instances of the same application (usually consoles) using GroupActivate.

That seems like a great idea, and really fits my usage pattern, too!

Do you have an AHK script you use to do this?

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That seems like a great idea, and really fits my usage pattern, too!

Do you have an AHK script you use to do this?

Well, it's nothing fancy. It's really basic AHK stuff. :)

ifwinexist, Total Commander
   Run, "%windir%\totalcmd\TOTALCMD.EXE"

and for group activate:

GroupAdd Consoles, ahk_class ConsoleWindowClass

  GroupActivate Consoles, r

and so on... I assign all my usual applications (browser, etc.) to numpad keys.

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That seems like a great idea, and really fits my usage pattern, too!

Do you have an AHK script you use to do this?

Well, it's nothing fancy. It's really basic AHK stuff. :)

and so on... I assign all my usual applications (browser, etc.) to numpad keys.

Thanks! I might make something like this for myself, too.

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iswitch has been extremely helpful in managing the 30+ windows I constantly have up and now it looks even cooler!

I added the following lines to activate the entire set of windows displayed:

Added F2 key to the list of keys checked for:
  Input, input, L1, {f2}{enter}{esc}{backspace}{up}{down}{pgup}{pgdn}{tab}{left}{right}
  if ErrorLevel = EndKey:f2
    ; msgBox, Testing nw=%numwin% 
    GuiControl, Choose, ListBox1, 1
    Loop, %numwin%
       if a_index > %numwin%
       GoSub ActivateWindowInBackground
       Send, {down}

    Gui, cancel