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(yet another) Mouse Wrapper. This one supports multi-heads

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I've got a fairly non-standard setup and none of the exist apps worked for me. they wrap the primary monitor or don't allow dragging of windows etc... so i decided to write my own using AHK... before I bothered to search for forums :/

Fortunately all was not wasted because even those that do exist here don't seem to handle odd, let alone multiple display setups that well.

So here's the result:

MouseWrapper v1.2

 * MouseWrapper v1.2
 * Description:
 *  Allows full mouse-wrapping in virtually any single or multi-monitor environment.
 *  Double-clicking the Tray icon shows a floating tooltip that gives you boundry information
 *  You can toggle the Tooptip, Vertical and Horizontal wrapping and can pause the wrapper.
 *  Basic configuration options are stored in a file that you can edit.
 *  The mouse position and display configuration polling times can only be set via the file.
 * Changelog:
 *  v1.2
 *   Screen configuration is checked periodically for alterations.
 *   Added Tooltip info and tray menu toggles
 *   Added option for vertical wrapping
 *  v1.1
 *   No longer relies on Hard offsets.
 *  v1.0
 *   Initial Release
 * Known Issues/Todo:
 *  Cannot wrap on edge of a smaller monitor if that edge is inline with a larger monitor's.
 *   Example: if you have 1280x1024 and 1024x768 in Right & Left position, you cannot wrap
 *    vertically on the 1024x768 screen since the top or bottom boundry is within 1280x1024
 *   Solution: actively track which monitor i'm in, how big it is and whether or not there is
 *    anything beyond it.
 *  If the tray menu is active the position polling etc halts.
 * Contact/Etc:
 *  Author: Paegus (paegus@gmail.com)
 *  Program: AutoHotKey (https://ahknet.autohotkey.com)
 *  Released under GNU General Public Licence

; ------------------ Details ------------------ ;

AppName = MouseWrapper
AppVer = 1.2

; ------------------ Default Settings ------------------ ;

Default_bHWrap = true
Default_bVWrap = false
bShowTip = false
Default_PollTimeMouse = 50
Default_PollTimeDisplay = 2000

; ------------------ Read existing settings if any ------------------ ;

SettingsFile = %AppName%.ini

IfExist %SettingsFile%
	; Read Settings
	FileReadLine bHWrap, %SettingsFile%, 1
	FileReadLine bVWrap, %SettingsFile%, 2
	FileReadLine PollTimeMouse, %SettingsFile%, 3
	FileReadLine PollTimeDisplay, %SettingsFile%, 4

	;MsgBox bHWrap : %bHWrap%`nbVWrap : %bVWrap%`nPollTimeMouse : %PollTimeMouse%`nPollTimeDisplay : %PollTimeDisplay%
	if bHWrap <> true
		if bHWrap <> false
			Error = Invalid value on line 1: %bHWrap%
			bHWrap := Default_bHWrap
	if bVWrap <> true
		if bVWrap <> false
			Error = %Error%`nInvalid value on line 2: %bVWrap%
			bVWrap := Default_bVWrap
	if PollTimeMouse is not integer
		Error = %Error%`nInvalid value on line 3: %PollTimeMouse%
		PollTimeMouse := Default_PollTimeMouse
	else if PollTimeMouse < 10
		Error = %Error%`nInvalid value on line 3: %PollTimeMouse%
		PollTimeMouse := Default_PollTimeMouse
	if PollTimeDisplay is not integer
		Error = %Error%`nInvalid value on line 4: %PollTimeDisplay%.
		PollTimeDisplay := Default_PollTimeDisplay
	else if PollTimeDisplay < 100
		Error = %Error%`nInvalid value on line 4: %PollTimeDisplay%.
		PollTimeDisplay := Default_PollTimeDisplay
	;MsgBox bHWrap : %bHWrap%`nbVWrap : %bVWrap%`nPollTimeMouse : %PollTimeMouse%`nPollTimeDisplay : %PollTimeDisplay%
	if Error
		MsgBox 262192, %AppName%: Error, %Error%

	; Set Defaults
	bHWrap := Default_bHWrap
	bVWrap := Default_bVWrap
	PollTimeMouse := Default_PollTimeMouse
	PollTimeDisplay := Default_PollTimeDisplay
	; Write Defaults
	FileAppend %bHWrap%`n, %SettingsFile%
	FileAppend %bVWrap%`n, %SettingsFile%
	FileAppend %PollTimeMouse%`n, %SettingsFile%
	FileAppend %PollTimeDisplay%`n, %SettingsFile%
	FileAppend `nLine 1: Horizontal Wrapping <true|false>`nLine 2: Vertical Wrapping <true|false>`nLine 3: Mouse Poll-time <milliseconds>`nLine 4: Display configuration Poll-time <milliseconds>, %SettingsFile%
	MsgBox 262208,%AppName%: Launch,This is the first time you've launched %AppName%.`nDefault settings loaded. The settings file is located at:`n`n%A_WorkingDir%\%SettingsFile%

; ------------------ Tray Icon & Tooltip ------------------ ;

Menu TRAY, Icon, %A_WinDir%\system32\main.cpl,,1
Menu TRAY, Tip, %AppName% v%AppVer%
Menu TRAY, NoStandard
Menu TRAY, Add, &About, MenuINFO
Menu TRAY, Add
Menu TRAY, Add, Mouse: %PollTimeMouse%ms, MenuNULL
Menu TRAY, Disable, Mouse: %PollTimeMouse%ms
Menu TRAY, Add, Disp: %PollTimeDisplay%ms, MenuNULL
Menu TRAY, Disable, Disp: %PollTimeDisplay%ms
Menu TRAY, Add
Menu TRAY, Add, &Tooltip, MenuTTT
Menu TRAY, Add, &X-Wrap, MenuTHW
Menu TRAY, Add, &Y-Wrap, MenuTVW
Menu TRAY, Add, &Pause, MenuPAUSE
Menu TRAY, Add, &Edit, MenuEDIT
Menu TRAY, Add, &Reload, MenuRELOAD
Menu TRAY, Add
Menu TRAY, Add, &Quit, MenuQUIT
Menu TRAY, Default, &About
if bShowTip = true
	Menu TRAY, Check, &Tooltip
if bHWrap = true
	Menu TRAY, Check, &X-Wrap
if bVWrap = true
	Menu TRAY, Check, &Y-Wrap

; ------------------ Inner Workings ------------------ ;

CoordMode Mouse, Screen

#SingleInstance force

	SetTimer ScreenUpdate, %PollTimeDisplay%
	SetTimer ScreenWrap, %PollTimeMouse%

; ------------------ Tray Menus ------------------ ;


	if bShowTip = true
		bShowTip = false
		Menu TRAY, UnCheck, &Tooltip
		bShowTip = true
		Menu TRAY, Check, &Tooltip

	if bHWrap = true
		bHWrap = false
		Menu TRAY, UnCheck, &X-Wrap
		bHWrap = true
		Menu TRAY, Check, &X-Wrap

	; Update File
	FileDelete %SettingsFile%
	FileAppend %bHWrap%`n, %SettingsFile%
	FileAppend %bVWrap%`n, %SettingsFile%
	FileAppend %PollTimeMouse%`n, %SettingsFile%
	FileAppend %PollTimeDisplay%`n, %SettingsFile%
	FileAppend `nLine 1: Horizontal Wrapping <true|false>`nLine 2: Vertical Wrapping <true|false>`nLine 3: Mouse Poll-time <milliseconds>`nLine 4: Display configuration Poll-time <milliseconds>, %SettingsFile%

	if bVWrap = true
		bVWrap = false
		Menu TRAY, UnCheck, &Y-Wrap
		bVWrap = true
		Menu TRAY, Check, &Y-Wrap

	; Update File
	FileDelete %SettingsFile%
	FileAppend %bHWrap%`n, %SettingsFile%
	FileAppend %bVWrap%`n, %SettingsFile%
	FileAppend %PollTimeMouse%`n, %SettingsFile%
	FileAppend %PollTimeDisplay%`n, %SettingsFile%
	FileAppend `nLine 1: Horizontal Wrapping <true|false>`nLine 2: Vertical Wrapping <true|false>`nLine 3: Mouse Poll-time <milliseconds>`nLine 4: Display configuration Poll-time <milliseconds>, %SettingsFile%

	MsgBox 262208,%AppName%: Info,%AppName% v%AppVer%`n`nCreated by Paegus (peagus@gmail.com)`n`nUsing AutoHotKey v%A_AhkVersion%`n`nhttp://www.autohotkey.com

	if A_IconTip = %AppName% v%AppVer%
		Menu TRAY, Icon, %A_WinDir%\system32\SHELL32.dll,110,1
		Menu TRAY, Tip, %AppName% v%AppVer%`n    -  PAUSED  -
		Menu TRAY, Check, &Pause
		Menu TRAY, Icon, %A_WinDir%\system32\main.cpl,,1
		Menu TRAY, Tip, %AppName% v%AppVer%
		Menu TRAY, UnCheck, &Pause

	run notepad %A_WorkingDir%\%SettingsFile%


	ExitApp 0

; ------------------ Core Functions ------------------ ;

	SysGet Monitors, MonitorCount

	iBorderLeft = 0
	iBorderRight = 0
	iBorderTop = 0
	iBorderBottom = 0
	TipString = Monitors...

	Loop, %Monitors%
	    SysGet Monitor, Monitor, %A_Index%
		if MonitorLeft < %iBorderLeft%
			;MsgBox %A_Index%'s Left %MonitorLeft% < %iBorderLeft%
			iBorderLeft := MonitorLeft
		if MonitorRight > %iBorderRight%
			;MsgBox %A_Index%'s Right %MonitorRight% > %iBorderRight%
			iBorderRight := MonitorRight - 1
		if MonitorTop < %iBorderTop%
			;MsgBox %A_Index%'s Top %MonitorTop% < %iBorderTop%
			iBorderTop := MonitorTop
		if MonitorBottom > %iBorderBottom%
			;MsgBox %A_Index%'s Bottom %MonitorBottom% > %iBorderBottom%
			iBorderBottom := MonitorBottom - 1

		if bShowTip = true
			TipString = %TipString%`n%A_Index%: %MonitorLeft%`,%MonitorTop% x %MonitorRight%`,%MonitorBottom%

	MouseGetPos PosX, PosY
	if bHWrap = true
		if PosX <= %iBorderLeft%
			NPosX := iBorderRight - 1
			MouseMove %NPosX%, %PosY%, 0
		else if PosX >= %iBorderRight% 
			NPosX := iBorderLeft + 1
			MouseMove %NPosX%, %PosY%, 0
	if bVWrap = true
		if PosY <= %iBorderTop%
			NPosY := iBorderBottom - 1
			MouseMove %PosX%, %NPosY%, 0
		else if PosY >= %iBorderBottom% 
			NPosY := iBorderTop + 1
			MouseMove %PosX%, %NPosY%, 0

	if bShowTip = true
		ToolTip Boundries...`nX: %iBorderLeft% < %PosX% > %iBorderRight%`nY: %iBorderTop% < %PosY% > %iBorderBottom%`n%TipString%

; ------------------ End ------------------ ;


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Not really interested in mouse wrappers but...

Tested it, with both vertical and horizontal warping on, on a dual monitor setup, with second monitor on and off, different resolutions (primary 1280*1024, secondary 1024*768, Radeon9600, winXP).

No problem to report, so congratulations for the nice scripting.

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whoa, genius! great coding! I only miss one feature: With the Y-wrap, I want it to work with the top edge, but it should block the bottom edge. How is it done?

Menu items like "top", "bottom", "left" and "right edge" may be more helpful than "X-Wrap" and "Y-Wrap", dont you think?

me lance
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I know this is an older script but it's by far the best mouse wrapper I've found. Thanks for the great coding!