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Tutorial for Newbies - US/UK/DE/FR/...

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Posted Image [Tutorial for Newbies] by jaco0646

Posted Image [Tutorial für Anfänger] by BoBo (translation)

Posted Image [Tutoriel pour les débutant] by Razlin (translation)


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Should be sticked?

Edit: See also the new link which includes a quiz:
<!-- m -->http://www.autohotke...topic47791.html<!-- m -->

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jaco0646 is the author of the original tutorial (btw, thx again - and (s)he's a Moderator), let's leave it up to him/her 8)

:!: Ladies and Gentlemen, please don't hesitate to translate this minitut into your own (favourite) language if its not available already :!:

Thx 4 Ur effort. :D