I'm trying to grab the value of a variable from a script tag on a page. Below is an example of the script tag from this page.
<script language="JavaScript"> var tiPageName; tiPageName = "NFC / RFID Overview Tab-EN"; </script>
I've written this which does loop through the script tags and find the one related to tiPageName but I can't find a way to isolate just this: NFC / RFID Overview Tab-EN. Is there a way to do this by using the DOM structure of the DOM, or do I need to use Regex to grab it?
pwb:=GetIE() Script_Tags:=pwb.document.all.tags("script") ;get all script tags on page while A_Index < Script_Tags.length If InStr(Script_Tags[A_Index].Outerhtml,"tiPageName") MsgBox , % Script_Tags[A_Index].innerTEXT