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IronAHK (alpha): cross platform .NET rewrite of AutoHotkey

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The disassembly looks normal. Do you have an old version of Gtk# installed? Try changing the example code to:

MsgBox, 0, Title, Text, 100

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Well, I happen to have an old Gtk# version installed. I guess tomorrow I'll update.
Thanks :)

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Here is a fix for the feature infogulch requested.

public static int InStr(string Haystack, string Needle, string CaseSensitive, int StartingPos, int Count)
    StringComparison type = CaseSensitive == null ?
        StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase : StringComparison.Ordinal;
    int x = StartingPos;

    if (StartingPos < 0)
        StartingPos = Math.Abs(StartingPos);
        while (--Count > 0)
            StartingPos = Haystack.LastIndexOf(Needle, StartingPos + 1, type);
        while (--Count > 0)
            StartingPos = Haystack.IndexOf(Needle, StartingPos + 1, type);

    return x < 1 ? -StartingPos : StartingPos;

It is based off of a function he and I were racing to create. Sadly, he won. I was not sure whether to return a negative or positive offset when a negative StartingPos was sent, but I went with negative.

The function in AutoHotkey:

_InStr(Haystack, Needle, CaseSensitive = False, StartingPos = 1, Count = 1) {
	If (StartingPos < 1) {
		DllCall("msvcrt.dll\_strrev", "Str", Haystack, "CDecl Str")
		DllCall("msvcrt.dll\_strrev", "Str", Needle, "CDecl Str")
		StartingPos := Abs(StartingPos)
	While (--Count > 0)
		StartingPos := InStr(Haystack, Needle, CaseSensitive, StartingPos + 1)
	Return StartingPos

Religion is false. >_>

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Even though I updated Gtk# for .NET to 2.12.9-2, I still get an error message.
If I uninstall it I'm able to run the test script, but I need Gtk# for MonoDevelop.

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I want to learn. I will stay here.

Best Regards

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Should the COM library work yet?

I get this error when trying to compile. The .ahk is saved as UTF-8. I've tried with the original COM and the unicode one for Ahk_L.

<0>: ==> Could not look up method COM_Init

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The COM_L Library isn't designed to work with IronAHK. However, in the op Titan wrote:

Future changes will include ... Easier integration with other .NET assembles and COM

Also, I was wondering Titan, are you planning on extending object support to reflect javascript more? For instance:
ages[] := x ; extend array

; change so that the following works

ages[2] := x ; extend array
And I suppose I could study JSON more, but are you planning on implementing any sort of metafunctions - like AHKL?

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Should the COM library work yet?

The COM_L Library isn't designed to work with IronAHK

Specifically the StdLib mechanism does not yet work because I haven't decided where the directories should be on Unix, ~/ahk, /usr/lib/ahk $AHKLIBPATH, or all three places? Until then you can try manually including the COM script or copying the code to your file. From what I remember it heavily relies on DllCall at memory addresses which is also currently unimplemented. I will make this a target for the next release however.

are you planning on extending object support to reflect javascript more?

Arrays can only be extended by one using [], an idea taken from PHP which does not work in JavaScript. Objects can be freely extended with any keys like ages["bob"] := x (equivalent to ages.bob := x). There are technical reasons for this which will be documented at some point but it is also to distinguish the functionality of the two types.

are you planning on implementing any sort of metafunctions - like AHKL?

I haven't used AHKL or studied its features but there are plans for extension methods.

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:lol: Nice one

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don't duplicate, iterate!

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haven't decided where the directories should be on Unix, ~/ahk, /usr/lib/ahk $AHKLIBPATH, or all three places?

I would appreciate if it is going to be configurable.
[*:2nwmvl6a]+ additional paths: $AHKADDPATH
[*:2nwmvl6a]o user library: /usr/lib
[*:2nwmvl6a]o standard library: %A_AhkPath%/lib in that order. The user can configure the envpath only.

The addpath is adding paths to the normal environment, for commands such Run etc. Also the library is searched in one of these pathes. Thats the idea (I do not really feel confident with this yet).

No signature.

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Oh my goodness. IronAHK is like some kind of wet dream. Fantastic!

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So this <!-- m -->http://www.autohotke...ic.php?p=241769<!-- m --> should be a thing of the past because it makes AHK 64 bit so the registry will get written to without complication or having to do this or that.. Right?

And with the bytecode compile, I should be able to digitally sign my apps without them getting corrupted... Right??

And now this <!-- m -->http://www.autohotke...pic.php?t=27146<!-- m --> was a sad waist of super Micha's time... Right???

Wow, the power of .NET in an easy to learn and understand AHK programming language, we all owe you our first born!

Now, before I upgrade all my clients to this, I will just need some way to make sure they have .NET 2.0 or higher.

I will compile and test and let you know if I find any problems.

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I found a script, written by someone esle, that does not work,
#SingleInstance force



DateTimeStamp = %A_Year%%A_Mon%%A_DD%000000

HMS = 00:00:00.0

StringLeft, Day, A_DD, 1

If Day = 0

   StringRight, Day, A_DD, 1

Else Day := A_DD

Gui, Color, EEAA99

Gui, +Lastfound -Caption +AlwaysOnTop

WinSet, TransColor, EEAA99

Gui, Font, s10

Gui, Add, Button, w50 gUp, UP

Gui, Add, Button, w50 gDown x+30 ym, DOWN

Gui, Add, Text, x+10, %A_DDDD%`n%A_MMM%. %Day%

Gui, Font, w1000 s30

Gui, Add, Text, xm vtime, %HMS%

Gui, Font, s10

Gui, Add, Text, xm cBlue vAHK gAHK, AHK

Gui, Font, w400

Gui, Add, Button, x+15 vStop gStop, EXIT

Gui, Add, DDL, w22 x+5 vColor gColor

, Clear||Default|Aqua|Blue|Fuchsia|Gray|Green|Lime|Maroon|Navy|Olive|Purple|Red|Silver|Teal|White|Yellow

Gui, Add, Text, x+50, %A_YYYY%

Gui, Show, x60 y40, StopWatch


SetTimer, Focus

SetTimer, Blink, 500










SetTimer, Count, 100

up = 1

TimerOn = 1

SetTimer, Blink, Off

GuiControl, Show, time

GuiControl,, Stop, STOP



SetTimer, Count, 100

up = 0

TimerOn = 1

SetTimer, Blink, Off

GuiControl, Show, time

GuiControl,, Stop, STOP



Gui, Submit, NoHide

If Color = Clear


   Color = EEAA99

   Gui, -Caption


Else Gui, +Caption

Gui, Color, %Color%



   Gui, Show, AutoSize


   If (w2 >= w1)





Run, http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=13884








If up



   If tenth > 9


      DateTimeStamp += 1, seconds

      tenth = 0

      FormatTime, HMS, %DateTimeStamp%, HH:mm:ss






   If tenth < 0


      DateTimeStamp += -1, seconds

      tenth = 9

      FormatTime, HMS, %DateTimeStamp%, HH:mm:ss


   If (red != 1) AND (HMS = "00:00:00") AND (tenth = 0)



      Gui, Font, Norm cRed w1000 s30

      GuiControl, Font, time

      red = 1

      up = 1



GuiControl,, time, %HMS%.%tenth%








If timerOn


   SetTimer, Count, Off

   timerOn = 0

   If red = 1


      Gui, Font, Norm cBlack w1000 s30

      GuiControl, Font, time

      red = 0





   GuiControlGet, ButtonName,, Stop

   If ButtonName = Exit


   DateTimeStamp = %A_Year%%A_Mon%%A_MDay%000000

   HMS = 00:00:00.0

   tenth = 0

   GuiControl,, time, %HMS%

   GuiControl,, Stop, EXIT

   SetTimer, Blink, On









If toggle

 toggle = 0

Else toggle = 1

GuiControl, Hide%toggle%, time








GuiControlGet, focus, Focus

If (focus = "ComboBox1") AND (expand != 1)


   GuiControl, Move, Color, w70

   Control, ShowDropDown,, ComboBox1, StopWatch

   expand = 1


Else If (focus != "") AND (focus != "ComboBox1") AND (expand = 1)


   GuiControl, Move, Color, w22

   expand = 0



If (focus = "Static3") AND (Static3 != 1)


   Static3 = 1

   Gui, Font, Norm s10 w1000 c6495ED underline

   GuiControl, Font, AHK


Else If (focus != "Static3") AND (Static3 = 1)


   Static3 = 0

   Gui, Font, Norm s10 w1000 cBlue

   GuiControl, Font, AHK



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from CMD,

c:\ironAHK>IronAHK.exe decript.ahk
(0): ==> Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
decript.ahk (138): ==> Unclosed block
Could not execute: compilation failed

After some google time for "Object reference not set to an instance of an object. ", I tried the fix here, <!-- m -->http://www.smarterto...com/downloads/U ... acutil.zip<!-- m --> AND after getting C:\Program Files\Microsoft.NET\Primary Interop Assemblies\adodb.dll from another PC and puting it on mine, I got this.

705\gacutil /i C:\Program Files\Microsoft.NET\Primary Interop Assemblies\adodb.dll
Falure initializing gacutil

I will PM you the code from decript.ahk because it's private.