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Fast Mouse Control

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  • Last active: Jul 23 2010 05:19 PM
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SendMouse_LeftClick() { ; send fast left mouse clicks
    DllCall("mouse_event", "UInt", 0x02) ; left button down
    DllCall("mouse_event", "UInt", 0x04) ; left button up

SendMouse_RightClick() { ; send fast right mouse clicks
    DllCall("mouse_event", "UInt", 0x08) ; right button down
    DllCall("mouse_event", "UInt", 0x10) ; right button up

SendMouse_MiddleClick() { ; send fast middle mouse clicks
    DllCall("mouse_event", "UInt", 0x20) ; middle button down
    DllCall("mouse_event", "UInt", 0x40) ; middle button up

SendMouse_RelativeMove(x, y) { ; send fast relative mouse moves
    DllCall("mouse_event", "UInt", 0x01, "UInt", x, "UInt", y) ; move

SendMouse_AbsoluteMove(x, y) { ; send fast absolute mouse moves
    ; Absolute coords go from 0..65535 so we have to change to pixel coords
    static SysX, SysY
    If (SysX = "")
        SysX := 65535//A_ScreenWidth, SysY := 65535//A_ScreenHeight
    DllCall("mouse_event", "UInt", 0x8001, "UInt", x*SysX, "UInt", y*SysY)

SendMouse_Wheel(w) { ; send mouse wheel movement, pos=forwards neg=backwards
    DllCall("mouse_event", "UInt", 0x800, "UInt", 0, "UInt", 0, "UInt", w)
Tested with:
#Include SendMouse.ahk
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen


    MouseGetPos, mx, my
    ToolTip, %mx% %my%
    Sleep, 2000

    MouseGetPos, mx, my
    ToolTip, %mx% %my%
    Sleep, 2000

    Sleep, 2000
    Sleep, 2000


Also tested in this thread: <!-- m -->http://www.autohotke...pic.php?t=58286<!-- m -->

Schön wär's, wenn's schön wär!

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:D pretty fast, but what do you use it for?

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At first it was an attempt to find a fast way asked for in the linked thread. But I plan to use it in situations where SetMouseDelay, 0 will lead to unexpected behaviour (one instance detected already).

At this time there is nothing to support my hope it will help.

Schön wär's, wenn's schön wär!

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Is there a way to send a mouse wheel tilt left or right?

Do you know how to detect Logitech mouse mouse wheel tilts in XP?

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Do you know how to detect Logitech mouse mouse wheel tilts in XP?

You'll need to install SetPoint. Windows XP cannot natively detect mouse wheel tilts.

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This speeds up the mouse? ... does it make it so when drawing a line in certain apps, there will no longer be dots drawn instead of a line if you move the mouse quickly? ....

If not then what is it?

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I've just used this function in a game, and it's very fast!
; Result = 470 clicks in 10 seconds

; Result = 11840 clicks in 10 seconds
Thank you wolf_II 8)

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I'm getting far fewer clicks than 1000 in 10 seconds. I'm only getting around 520 in 10 seconds. Is this due to my processor, or am I missing something?

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I'm getting far fewer clicks than 1000 in 10 seconds. I'm only getting around 520 in 10 seconds. Is this due to my processor, or am I missing something?

Ignore this, I figured it out. I was using it to do something in firefox.. as soon as i switched to IE it worked. Thanks for this script!

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I've just used this function in a game, and it's very fast!

; Result = 470 clicks in 10 seconds

; Result = 11840 clicks in 10 seconds
Thank you wolf_II 8)

how exactly is this script used and installed? i want to try it out on a game and I use chrome.

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How to use it in an not focused window ?