Now here is my complete set of functions to the Statusbar:
; SB_Segments: Initiates a Status Bar and divides it into segments. Depends on "VarSetCapacity" and "InsertInteger".
; Usage: You put the positions of your segments into a string like this "10,20,100,200,-1". The numbers determins the right edge of the segment, "-1" means 'make a final segment filling the remaining space until the rightmost border'
; If the string is empty ("") you'll only see the size grip (see sample below)
; Sample: SB_Segments("20,44,200,350,450,-1")
; To get the correct GUI for a status bar you should have to do a 'Gui +LastFound' before calling 'SB_Segments'
; To resize the Statusbar with the Gui:
; guisize:
; SendMessage, 5, 0, 0,, ahk_id %BarHWND% ; 5 is WM_SIZE
; return
global BarHWND
; WS_CHILD (0x40000000) + WS_VISIBLE (0x10000000) = 0x50000000:
BarHWND := DllCall("CreateStatusWindow", int, 0x50000000, str, "", UInt, WinExist(), UInt, 5555)
if (segs = "") {
VarSetCapacity(parts, 4) ; Create 'parts' and make it 4 Byte times n segments large
SendMessage, 0x404, 1, &parts,, ahk_id %BarHWND% ; Sends the number of segments and its positions to the status bar
return, BarHWND
} else {
n = 0
loop, Parse, segs, CSV ; How many segments are needed -> n
VarSetCapacity( parts, 4*n ) ; Create 'parts' and make it 4 Byte times n segments large
loop, Parse, segs, CSV ; Fill the var 'parts' with content (the postitons)
InsertInteger( A_LoopField, parts, 4 * ( A_Index - 1 ) ) ; Reserves 4 Bytes per run in the string "parts"
SendMessage, 0x404, %n%, &parts,, ahk_id %BarHWND% ; Sends the number of segments and its positions to the status bar
return, BarHWND
; SB_Icon: Adds an icon to a specific segment within a status bar
; SEG is the number of the segment (the first segment is 1, the second 2...)
; NAME is the filename of the graphic to show
; Sample: SB_Icon(1, "icon.ico") This puts the file 'icon.ico' into the first segment of your status bar
SB_Icon(seg, name)
global BarHWND
seg-- ; subs 1 from the segment, because it starts with zero
hicon := DllCall("LoadImage", UInt, NULL, Str, name, UInt, 1, Int, 16, Int, 16, UInt, 0x10|0x2000)
if hicon
SendMessage, 0x40F, seg, hicon,, ahk_id %BarHWND% ; 0x40F is SB_SETICON
; SB_Text: Puts a text into a segment of your status bar
; SEG is the number of the segment (the first segment is 1, the second 2...)
; TEXT is the text to display. Put it into doublequotes
; Sample: SB_Text(1,"Hello World!")
SB_Text(seg, text)
global BarHWND
SendMessage, 0x401, %seg%, &text,, ahk_id %BarHWND% ; 0x401 is SB_SETTEXT
InsertInteger(pInteger, ByRef pDest, pOffset = 0, pSize = 4)
; To preserve any existing contents in pDest, only pSize number of bytes starting at pOffset
; are altered in it. The caller must ensure that pDest has sufficient capacity.
mask := 0xFF ; This serves to isolate each byte, one by one.
Loop %pSize% ; Copy each byte in the integer into the structure as raw binary data.
DllCall("RtlFillMemory", UInt, &pDest + pOffset + A_Index - 1, UInt, 1, UChar, (pInteger & mask) >> 8 * (A_Index - 1))
mask := mask << 8 ; Set it up for isolation of the next byte.
; ----- Sample with empty bar (shows only the size grip)
#singleinstance force
gui, +resize
gui, show, h50 w200
; add statusbar control:
gui, +lastfound
SendMessage, 5, 0, 0,, ahk_id %BarHWND% ; 5 is WM_SIZE
I put the code here to link it with the wiki.