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CLSID Registry Scanner [COM/ActiveX]

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>>>Download CLSID Registry Scanner.exe<<<

CLSID Registry Scanner will get all the CLSID Registry items from the computer & put them in a ListView format with the ability to filter based on the ProgID and/or Description. I thought it might be handy for the COM Object Reference thread:


NOTE - if you DoubleClick the status bar when there is an InProcServer, that directory will be opened.

NOTE - script written for AutoHotkey_L (L59)

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Played with it a bit
cant think of any friendlier tools and its super fast. I sure wish i could use ahk L at work
idea double click googles for references to the progid?
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:idea: double click googles for references to the progid?

I like the idea - do you have a good google query, or were you just thinking just google the ProgID? I know googling "Excel.Application object" will give the desired results...

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no i dont i can write it if you want and post what i mean
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Why doesn't Control Panel show up?


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Please update the Link
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Umm .. why did you pack the exe file?