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CherryTomato <-- very cool productivity tool

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  • Last active: Nov 20 2012 06:10 PM
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CherryTomato helps you stay productive using the Pomodoro Technique.

Work in 25-minute intervals of full concentration. CherryTomato helps you by setting your Messenger and Skype status to "busy", letting your friends know not to disturb you until you have a break.

Keep track of your productivity by rating each 25-minute interval. CherryTomato shows you a statistics of your application and website usage to remind you what you have been doing.

<!-- m -->http://www.beatpoints.com/cherrytomato<!-- m -->

Just try this out, you will not regret it, trust me this has ahk community quality! :lol:

Check also this YouTube video: <!-- m --><!-- m -->

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This has also AutoHotkey community quality
Workbreak timer by Totalbalance
<!-- m -->http://www.autohotke...topic26876.html<!-- m -->

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Yes, this I know and also used already, but later I stopped using it. CherryTomato I just discovered yesterday and wanted to share it here. I think it is at least worth giving it a try.

If you watched the video I posted above, the ticking clock sound in the background is a key concept here, so CherryTomato is like using a simple kitchen clock in software form, plus some nice information about those 25 minute time slots, like keyboard and mouse activity and percentage you spent on each window.

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Just FYI...
While I agree cherry is a great application, the dev. switched to OSX so won't update it much. It seems that it gives errors when compiling, so a 3rd party fixing is unlikely.

I also posted a request for improvement at DC here.

If someone made this in ahk (with added global shortcuts) I'd be grateful.

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Just FYI...
While I agree cherry is a great application, the dev. switched to OSX so won't update it much. It seems that it gives errors when compiling, so a 3rd party fixing is unlikely.

Does this mean it's not fully working on OS X? That is my preferred OS.

I'm into productivity too and I am currently using this tool which is quite similar to CherryTomato. However, it's just plain time tracking, monitoring and management with a web UI for all your statistics. No fancy extras.

It's great to see some good alternatives though. After all, what we all want is productivity in our respective workplaces.