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how do i make a macro which makes the keyboard press 123456789 automatically in a loop till i stop it....
awaiting reply,

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here ya go

x := 1

   Send {%x%}

   if (x == 10)
      x := 1
      x := x + 1


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Could I get a script to calculate the 1 billion digits of π (pi)?
Awaiting answer, thnx

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Would not getting the exact value of pi be more desirable? :)

MsgBox pi = π

Thank you! <---In case I forget to say it. :)

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Would not getting the exact value of pi be more desirable? :)

MsgBox, 4,, pi = π.  Close enough?
IfMsgBox, Yes

Here's an algorithm for you...I just don't know how to code it. It'd be interesting to see if another could.

pi = sqrt(6/1 + 6/2^2 + 6/3^2 + ...)

So loop that enough times and the square root of that series should nudge up pretty close to π. A billion digits? Can AHK handle that?

Here's another one:

pi = 3 + (1/(6 + 3^2/(6 + 5^2/ (6 + 7^2/(6 + 9^2/(6 + 11^2/(....
Thank you! <---In case I forget to say it. :)

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<!-- m -->http://www.optimnem.co.uk/pi.php<!-- m -->
Any code that I post will be for AHK Basic.
I'm not always right, but I still try to help.

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pi = sqrt(6/1 + 6/2^2 + 6/3^2 + ...)

pi := 6/1
Loop, % 1000000000 - 1
	pi += 6/(A_Index^2)
pi := sqrt(pi)


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pi = sqrt(6/1 + 6/2^2 + 6/3^2 + ...)

pi := 6/1
Loop, % 1000000000 - 1
	pi += 6/(A_Index^2)
pi := sqrt(pi)


Not right... that formula is wrong. This one works though 3+(1/(6+3**2/(6+5**2/(6+7**2..., but Autohotkey is not capable of making it for too long. My guess was to try and make it in parts, but I'm not in the mood to think about that right now.
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pi = sqrt(6/1 + 6/2^2 + 6/3^2 + ...)

pi := 6/1
Loop, % 1000000000 - 1
	pi += 6/(A_Index^2)
pi := sqrt(pi)


Not right... that formula is wrong. This one works though 3+(1/(6+3**2/(6+5**2/(6+7**2..., but Autohotkey is not capable of making it for too long. My guess was to try and make it in parts, but I'm not in the mood to think about that right now.

The first formula is right. It's Euler's solution to the Basel problem, solved for pi. Euler proved that the summation as n goes from 1 to infinity of 1/n^2 is pi^2/6. Multiplying through by 6 would give us that pi^2 = the summation as n goes from 1 to infinity of 6/n^2. Taking the square root of both sides would produce pi = the square root of (6/1 +6/2^2 + 6/3^2...). It's the code that "Guest" wrote that's wrong. :)
Thank you! <---In case I forget to say it. :)

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How does that code differ from your posted algo (1st one)?

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How does that code differ from your posted algo (1st one)?

That code is calculating a bunch of nested square roots rather than the square root of the sum.

Edit: The code below works pretty good. It produces 3.141018. I tried 100000 loops and it locked up on me.
Loop, 10000
	pi += 1/(A_Index**2)
pi := sqrt(6*pi)
MsgBox, 4,, pi = %pi%...Close enough?
IfMsgBox, Yes

Thank you! <---In case I forget to say it. :)

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Is there a limit on how many loops AHK will run?
Thank you! <---In case I forget to say it. :)

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Well... Autohotkey just finished making 100000000 (yup 8 0's) and it return only 16 decimal places... Took over half a hour for that and returned this 3.1415926449823899. Anyone willing to try a greater amount of loops?

PS: I've used setformat for it to show 50 decimal places.
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That code is calculating a bunch of nested square roots rather than the square root of the sum.

No it's not....
pi := 6/1 ; Start off as 6
Loop, % 1000000000 - 1 ; Loop 1 less than a billion
   pi += 6/(A_Index^2) ; Add up 6/(A_Index^2)... the loop stops here
pi := sqrt(pi) ; Calc the final square root... square root is only calc'd once

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BTW, ^ is a bitwise-exclusive-or (^) in AHK, just in case that's trashing the formula.