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Formal request to Polyethene

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Guest wrote:

@LarryC: you (still?) don't understand that AutoHotkey_L is 96.23%* the same as AutoHotkey (basic)

Yes, you are rite, but what about compatibly with V2? Is that not the next logical newer/advancement/update?
Maybe I am wrong,(see next quote) but assuming that is the next AHK after ahk_L is deemed outdated.

Guest wrote:

just switch and nobody will be able to tell the difference.

If ahk_l was just ahk and presented as such - farmer LarryC would have downloaded and installed it and be the same happy user he is today. He wouldn't know nor care about objects & com - he just be a happy user. now is he only consued

Could not if you wrote that to be sarcastic, may be true.

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@LarryC: wasn't meant as sarcasm, I think it is true - the extra info just looks scary - if that was just presented in the changelog or history many newbies wouldn't notice but experienced programmers looking at the documentation would see the advanced features...

And yes, AHK v2 will not be backwards compatible BUT it will also solve many confusing issues that you see in Ask for Help all the time, when to use %% around variable and when not to use %%.
The difference between functions and commands will vanish (you can use either notation) and as commands are easier to read for beginners that makes it easier to figure out as well. It removes duplicate commands/functions so there is only one command to do something not two or three as w have now - so fewer things to look up as well.

There probably will be a "translate my AutoHotkey v1 script to a AutoHotkey v2 script" script as well, there is already a crude version by Frankie, no doubt that will be fine tuned once v2 is ready.

I don't know if AutoHotkey_L will be developed further if AutoHotkey v2 is actually ready, I believe L did mention he'd fix bugs and include new features if they were easy to port back from v2 to v1. But there is no reason why you shouldn't have both installed, and as you currently see people translating basic scripts to _l scripts people will start translating basic/_l scripts to v2 scripts once that is stable, if you look in the custom section you already can see some v2 scripts.

I can understand you're worried you will loose your working scripts but I think you won't be when the times comes and you try v2 (which may be a very very very long time for all we know)

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@c: Funny indeed [...] and 2) I'm pretty sure this thread was started by Sumon. :D

Touché, good sir (or madam). The link in his sig points to his specific reply within Sumon's main post. .

I had originally posted my post separately but one of the mods merged it with sumon's.
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It is my my concept of the politics of AHK over the last while, that everything was fine until the point was reached where Lexikos was finally forced to switch to a non-backward compatibility V2. He specifically mentioned that. This resulted in the King maker to remove Lexikos, and appoint Poly as the CEO, someone who would preserve AHK basic. (hence Polyethene is "busy", and always will be).
But I am probably well wrong, total speculation, not backed up by any facts, not even a good allegation.
So my point is, and always has been, better off with both, rather than losing one or the other. The winning one not be the one programmers want.

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Larry, I would also like to point out the time when the 'hacker' wiped ahk.net.... He took more than 24 hours to actually report the fact of what happened. I am assuming poly is the type of person that does stuff in silence, not giving any warning until the final product.
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What? Mini-war in the community? Since when? I've never seen any draft papers going around the forum or heard any onomonapedic-gunshots. You must have some-how fashioned a time machine and was able to get the internet back during the Civil War, somehow tunnel the internet through the time machine, and back to present time. There is no war or even a disagreement on a large scale of that matter. This community is exactly what it is called.... a community. It always is and will always be, no matter any minor set-back.

uh what? you couldn't be more wrong..

if you admit that you've been gone from the forum for a long time, then perhaps you shouldnt be making such statements

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@LarryC: nobody forced anybody to do anything. C lost interest, before that L had already started with his version and later v2 (there has to be a "break" in order for it to solve "confusion" - and if you present it well on the SITE and the FORUM people can use either v1 or v2 which ever they prefer, newbies in the future should start with v2 - but if you are happy with v1 just stick to it). Later C asked who wanted to take over the website, P offered and to be honest he is probably the only one interested + skilled enough to do so. Even if he is busy.

@Eedis: no need for such remarks, just stop it.

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Guest wrote:

people can use either v1 or v2 which ever they prefer, newbies in the future should start with v2 - but if you are happy with v1 just stick to it

That is wonderful, v1 (ahk_L and 97% basic) is just the greatest thing there is. Hope it never goes. For some reason I thought AHK as we know it, would evolve into V2, but your words are reassuring. Thank You.

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@Eedis: no need for such remarks, just stop it.

What such remarks? You make that out like I said something bad or disrespectful. And I think you're missing the point of a mini-war. A war would consist of two initial sides fighting over who would take dominance. There is no fighting here, there is only discussions and minor arguments. It may be a perceptual thing or something, I don't know, but my perception is that there hasn't ever been a 'mini-war'. I gess some people aren't mature enough (not directing that towards anyone inparticular) to have a discussion or debae without being completely arrogant and smug. Everyone has admitted to no RIGHT answer, that it is only suggestions and opinions, so if you were to believe in a war, I would believe you to be one of the smug and arrogant people.

Also, not directed at you particularly, was just curious at the ooint of hiding behind a guest name to debate such topics. In a debate of this kind, I would think having your identity known would much greater benefit you.
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I suppose nothing has been announced yet because an update (to the site, forum or anything related) is being worked on and is planned for release upon the announcements?

Quite right. A decision has been made and the details are being worked out. Unfortunately Polyethene seems to be busy at the moment, thus the delay in details and therefore official announcement.

Keep on rollin'.

Quoting my earlier announcement in this matter. As Polyethene has been inactive for a period of time, there has unfortunately been a delay in getting things moving. However, now he is back and the plan (regarding the "main version issue") that will be rolled out is as follows:

[*:1dolljk2]AutoHotkey 1.1.08 (previously known as AutoHotkey_L) and future stable releases of Lexikos branch* will be considered the main branch of the AutoHotkey language/utility. It will be the main download on the site. (*I hope my terminology is correct here?)
[*:1dolljk2]The latest release of AutoHotkey may be referred to as simply AutoHotkey (or 1.1).
[*:1dolljk2]All "old" documentation is still considered accurate given the fact that 1.1.08 is backwards compatible. However, many improvements have been made which make some parts of the documentation obsolete, and some features are not yet documented in the old documentation. Therefore - the documentation will be phased out and replaced by a documentation that improves the overall comprehensiveness of the language, and is consistent with the latest official release.
[*:1dolljk2]To clarify version requirements for scripts, I recommend using version numbers (along with an eventual _L). Over time, it is my hope that newcomers don't need ever worry about "which version?", and that overall script & library compatibility will be improved as a result of this. Remember: The latest version is recommended (and can thus be assumed that people will have), so version requirement will not be mandatory for 1.1, but being "Basic compatible" may still be considered a benefit for a time to come.
I am aware there may be a few complaints and confusions during the transition, but I have full confidence that this will be great for AutoHotkey both in the short and long run! Polyethene has trusted me, because I have trusted you all. I'm by no means a software expert - but the voices of many have reassured me that this is right.

So: Change begins now, huzzah!

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To polyethene and sumon: thank you guys a lot! :D

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Huzzah! Thanks for the update sumon. :)
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Excellent :!:

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Good to hear! Thanks for the update.

Glad there is an agreement on a path forward.