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World of Warcraft - Window ID's

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So, okay. Currently using Window 7, and have the latest WoW edition. Scripting and what not is working fine, except for the window ID's (eg. wowid2).

Changing the names of the executable files does not work, nor does a few scripts I have tried; all the windows remain titled 'World of Warcraft'.

Any ideas?

Jackie Sztuk _Blackholyman
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Maybe you can trie something like WinSetTitle

Hope it helps :)


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why not just use the ahk_id of the window instead of the title?

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whats an example of WinSetTitle? how do i use it?

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I've managed to change the names of the windows, but I have to do it as quickly as possible as it launches using:

WinGet, WowWinId, List, World of Warcraft

WinSetTitle, World of Warcraft,, WowWinId1

WinSetTitle, World of Warcraft,, WowWinId2

However, using the script is a problem. Pressing keys doesn't work at all - doesn't send a single control movement through. Might anyone know how? I'm using the right scripts, but, it's just not working.

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Winget said

List: Retrieves the unique ID numbers of all existing windows that match the specified WinTitle, WinText, ExcludeTitle, and ExcludeText (to retrieve all windows on the entire system, omit all four title/text parameters). Each ID number is stored in an array element whose name begins with OutputVar's own name, while OutputVar itself is set to the number of retrieved items (0 if none). For example, if OutputVar is MyArray and two matching windows are discovered, MyArray1 will be set to the ID of the first window, MyArray2 will be set to the ID of the second window, and MyArray itself will be set to the number 2. Windows are retrieved in order from topmost to bottommost (according to how they are stacked on the desktop). Hidden windows are included only if DetectHiddenWindows has been turned on. Within a function, to create an array that is global instead of local, declare MyArray as a global variable prior to using this command (the converse is true for assume-global functions).

#SingleInstance, Force
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
DetectHiddenWindows, On

WinGet, winID, List, Warcraft ;<-- read all the wow window id's
Loop %winID% ;<-- this is the number of windows found
{    thisid := winID%A_Index% ;<-- create a string that can be displayed in a msgbox
     str = %str%,%thisid%`n
MsgBox,0x1020,,%str% ;<-- show the id's in the msgbox
This little script will show you the WoW windows that are running at the time. Load all your World of Warcraft windows and check them with this after they're all loaded.
You can also use this little routine in your own code to get the current window ID under the mouse cursor at any time.
     MouseGetPos, , , mwid
     ToolTip, the id of the window under the cursor is %mwid%
     Sleep 5000

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So, okay. Currently using Window 7, and have the latest WoW edition. Scripting and what not is working fine, except for the window ID's (eg. wowid2).

Changing the names of the executable files does not work, nor does a few scripts I have tried; all the windows remain titled 'World of Warcraft'.

Any ideas?

I'm not sure what you're trying to do, but I'm assuming you are trying to control a particular wow window when there is more than one wow instance running.

This worked for me:

ControlGet, sendWindow, Hwnd, , World of Warcraft

This snapshots the window handle of the current on-top wow window. I can then use %sendWindow% in ControlSend statements to send input to only that window, whether or not it is still on top.

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As a person that multiboxed in wow with ahk for two years, I say save yourself the pain and try isboxer for a week. It's definitely worth the money. DEFINITELY.

Use scantron for a reference code if you decide to do that.