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F1 as a hotkey

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I'm trying to write a script to repeatedly press F1 every 20msec for World or Warcraft.

Here is what I have and I'm not sure why it isn't working.

  GetKeyState, ScrollLockState, ScrollLock, T

  if (ScrollLockState = "U") {
  } else {
	Send $F1
	Sleep, 10 ; Sleep for 20 msec
	GetKeyState, state, $F1, P
	if state = U  ; The key has been released, so break out of the loop.

any help is appreciated.


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Umm you have couple of errors in your code but first,how do you want to code to work?
While holding F1 to repeatedly send F1 or just press it once and start sending F1 every 20 seconds.

The GetKeyState condition of F1 is useless because Send {F1) send down and up state so the GetKeyState will always break the loop

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Umm you have couple of errors in your code but first,how do you want to code to work?
While holding F1 to repeatedly send F1 or just press it once and start sending F1 every 20 seconds.

The GetKeyState condition of F1 is useless because Send {F1) send down and up state so the GetKeyState will always break the loop

While holding down F1 I want it to act like its being pressed repeatedly every .2 seconds.

So should I take out GetKeyState?

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  GetKeyState, ScrollLockState, ScrollLock, T

  if (ScrollLockState = "U") {


  } else {

	Send {F1}

	Sleep, 20 ; Sleep for 20 msec

	GetKeyState, state, F1, P

	if state = U  ; The key has been released, so break out of the loop.





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  GetKeyState, ScrollLockState, ScrollLock, T

  if (ScrollLockState = "U") {
  } else {
	Send {F1}
	Sleep, 20 ; Sleep for 20 msec
	GetKeyState, state, F1, P
	if state = U  ; The key has been released, so break out of the loop.

That works perfectly, thanks for your help.

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This is another way to make key repeatedly send itself while held:
#usehook ;*1

hotkey, f1, spam ;*2


spam: ;*3


   while getkeystate(a_thishotkey, "p") ;*4


	  sleep, 20 ;*5

	  sendinput, {%a_thishotkey%} ;*6




end::exitapp ;*7


1 Directs subsequent hotkeys to use the keyboard hook.

2 Uses Hotkey Command to create a f1 button hotkey tied to the spam subroutine.

3 Spam subroutine label. When called, any code below it will run.

4 While loop and getkeystate, will loop as long as the originating hotkey is held.

5 20ms sleep between loops.

6 Each loop run sends whichever hotkey originated the subroutine.

7 Emergency shutdown.

This code can be expanded by adding other hotkey command at thet top. The same subroutine will work for any number of keys ( provided they are pressed one at a time).
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