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Wizardry Online - Auto Bonus Point ReRoller

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15 more hours of rolling and still not a single stop. I've been doing this for about 50-60 hours now, surely I should have had SOMETHING by now?!

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im having problems with this,

the pixelsearch make the problem as i have test several times.



Here, the pixelsearch make go fast as i wish,

but dont detect white so dont stop

    PixelSearch, colorX, colorY, 952, 545, 938, 527, 0xFFFFFF, 0, Fast RGB



In this case, detect the white  and stop, but go soooooo slow.

i change the sleep to several numbers but dont notice changes

(ej: Sleep 2150 to 150 , or 500, or 1000...  no diferents)

    PixelSearch, colorX, colorY, 952, 545, 938, 527, 0xFFFFFF




I cant understand the problem...

if i add the value them the program cant detect the white color?


This line work, detect white but working too slow

"PixelSearch, colorX, colorY, 952, 545, 938, 527, 0xFFFFFF, Fast RGB"


Just the only way i find to make the macro work fast is with the value,

but them .. stop to detecting white




Help pls.



working ^_^ , + 58 score for my cleric




What changes did you make?  Could you post the full script?



Could we get an answer to this please?

I aswell use a script from here, its working..its stop but.. its so slow..
ts wokring FAST for my buddy and stops at numbers over 20..

but for me its SLOW and takes about 6-10 secounds after every roll to restart the loop again.. ive changed all the numbers back and forth without any luck, Please help?

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RyuRyu's 1024x version is fast for me but the 1680x version that Noitek changed is slow, and neither have given me any rolls yet after maaany hours :( Noiteks sleep timer can't be changed either, it doesn't work. I don't see why they would be different when they are the same scripts, just for different click positions


Has anyone used either of them and had it work?

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RyuRyu's 1024x version is fast for me but the 1680x version that Noitek changed is slow, and neither have given me any rolls yet after maaany hours sad.png Noiteks sleep timer can't be changed either, it doesn't work. I don't see why they would be different when they are the same scripts, just for different click positions


Has anyone used either of them and had it work?


Ive been using this RyuRyu's 1024x but as i said.. its slow for me and i dont know why? it does stop at numbers over 20 tho..

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Noitek's version on RyuRyus script is slow for me too, and RyuRyu's is fast for me, it's pretty strange, it depends on the person using it it seems

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@Neverlevel: I am unable to utilize your roller unfortunately.


It is snagging at the OCR section. The bonus roll happens but it never proceeds past that point by clicking on Ok.

I have attempted it at your default resolution, as well as modifying all of the coords for 1080p resolution and attempted that as well.



Script for those who run at 1920x1080 resolution. The pixel searching SHOULD detect anything 20 or greater, but I am not 100% sure on that. I verified last night by getting a 48 roll while I slept.



;AutoRoll Macro for Wizardry Online Bonus Points.
;All x,y coordinates are for 1920x1080.
;Press the right key to start the macro.
;Press ESC to stop the macro.
;Macro *should automatically stop on 20 or higher.

BreakLoop = 0
White = 0xffffff

	;This section selects Character race/gender.
	;Remove semicolon for whatever race/gender you are rolling for.
	;click 720, 923, 5 ;Race Selection - Human (M)
	;click 732, 969, 5 ;Race Selection - Human (F)
	;click 877, 930, 5 ;Race Selection - Elf (M)
	;click 880, 970, 5 ;Race Selection - Elf (F)
	;click 1046, 939, 5 ;Race Selection - Dwarf (M)
	;click 1033, 978, 5 ;Race Selection - Gnome (F)
	;click 1186, 9385, 5 ;Race Selection - Porkul (M)
	click 1193, 980, 5 ;Race Selection - Porkul (F)

	sleep 60 ;A slight pause
	;Start the rolling
	click 890, 1040, 5 ;OK Button
	Sleep 2000 ;Wait until the roll is done
	PixelSearch, Px, Py, 941, 536, 947, 547, White, 0, Fast RGB ;Search this area of pixels for white text. Should stop at 20 or higher.
	if (ErrorLevel = 0)
		;Stop macro
	if (BreakLoop = 1)
		;Continue to next roll
	click 960, 570, 5 ;OK Button on bonus points dialog.
	sleep 60 ;Pause
	click 1023, 1041, 5 ;Cancel character and reroll another.
	sleep 60 ;Wait for Server

BreakLoop = 1


im using this script now, changed my resolution to fit and its working fine.. and its fast. not sure if it stops tho.. have to let it run a few hours and i respond then.

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im using this script now, changed my resolution to fit and its working fine.. and its fast. not sure if it stops tho.. have to let it run a few hours and i respond then.



Is there a version of this script anywhere for anything up to 1680x1050? it's as high as mine goes sadly :(


I've still had no luck with rolling an extra 7 hours.

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ok, I haven't check on this forum for a while and when I did, I came back to seeing people having trouble. Well, I tested my roller and it seem that SOE has patch a couple of stuff in. One, they patch it so that your roller will stop randomly. Second you will get randomly disconnect after a while. Third, the thing about being slow is, my script was timed to stop and check the result, but it seem SOE must of shorten the rolling processess randomly which mean, sometime the rolling process will be short and another time it is longer. If this happen change the number lower. Look below for example.



Loop {
MouseClick, left,  438, 654, 5 <-------------------------------------------- Race selection
Sleep, 200
MouseClick, left,  447, 723, 5
Sleep, 900 <-------------------------------------------------------------------change this number lower, range should be between 900-2400
PixelSearch, colorX, colorY, 490, 378, 502, 391, 0xFFFFFF
if !ErrorLevel
MouseClick, left,  513, 416, 5
Sleep, 200
MouseClick, left,  575, 726, 5
Sleep, 200



And yes my roller still work, it stop for me at 40. But sometime it stop randomly because of SOE's Patch.

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I actually just started using your macro today. I tried it on 2 PC's. One is a desktop running 1920x1080, the other is a laptop, so I used the 1024x768 one vanilla, just like you wrote it.


Both scripts are basically identical except for the resolution changes (coordinates).


My desktop, which is an i7, 8GB and an NVidia GTX 690 runs the rolls instantly... the 2nd a roll is done it's ready to go to the next one. I changes the co-ords to make it stop on 10/11/12 just to make sure it's working and it is. So I set them back to check for 20+


On my laptop, the delays and everything are set identically, only difference is its a slower machine with an Nvidia 460 Mobile Graphic chipset, 8 Gb, and a bit slower processor. On that machine it is SLOW. The roll finishes and it waits maybe 10 seconds, and then goes and does the next roll. It's not the delay (wait for roll to finish - set at 2150). I set it to 300, 600, 900, 1200... no difference. So my thinking is there must be some issue with the laptop performance, perhaps graphics, where it just takes longer to do the pixel check???


I'm not expert, but thought I would share my test with you. Macro works on both... just the laptop is super slow and the desktop is instant.


EDIT: I added the ",0 ,Fast" parameters at the end of my "PixelSearch" line on the script on my laptop and it runs just as fast as the desktop now. Instant! 


Still no good roll though, but only 5 hours or so running =)

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Thanks for working this code everyone, rolled a 46 thief today. This script (its ryu's script, slightly modded, i'll paste below) works perfect in my settings, standard 1024x768 resolution. Win7 64bit, lots of other processes running on my CPU. I left it running for several hours, remote desktoped with my iPhone and saw the 46 roll. Sweetness.

Delete the ;  for which ever race you want to select.

Loop {
;MouseClick, left,  281, 615, 5 ;(Race Selection) - >Human (M)
;MouseClick, left,  286, 655, 5 ;(Race Selection) - >Human (F)
;MouseClick, left,  437, 617, 5 ;(Race Selection) - >Elf (M)
;MouseClick, left,  438, 654, 5 ;(Race Selection) - >Elf (F)
MouseClick, left,  584, 617, 5 ;(Race Selection) - >Dwarf (M)
;MouseClick, left,  587, 657, 5 ;(Race Selection) - >Gnome (F)
;MouseClick, left,  737, 622, 5 ;(Race Selection) - >Porkul (M)
;MouseClick, left,  738, 657, 5 ;(Race Selection) - >Porkul (F)
Sleep, 200
MouseClick, left,  447, 723, 5
Sleep, 2550
PixelSearch, colorX, colorY, 490, 378, 502, 391, 0xFFFFFF
if !ErrorLevel
MouseClick, left,  513, 416, 5
Sleep, 200
MouseClick, left,  575, 726, 5
Sleep, 200


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ok, I haven't check on this forum for a while and when I did, I came back to seeing people having trouble. Well, I tested my roller and it seem that SOE has patch a couple of stuff in. One, they patch it so that your roller will stop randomly. Second you will get randomly disconnect after a while. Third, the thing about being slow is, my script was timed to stop and check the result, but it seem SOE must of shorten the rolling processess randomly which mean, sometime the rolling process will be short and another time it is longer. If this happen change the number lower. Look below for example.



Loop {
MouseClick, left,  438, 654, 5 <-------------------------------------------- Race selection
Sleep, 200
MouseClick, left,  447, 723, 5
Sleep, 900 <-------------------------------------------------------------------change this number lower, range should be between 900-2400
PixelSearch, colorX, colorY, 490, 378, 502, 391, 0xFFFFFF
if !ErrorLevel
MouseClick, left,  513, 416, 5
Sleep, 200
MouseClick, left,  575, 726, 5
Sleep, 200



And yes my roller still work, it stop for me at 40. But sometime it stop randomly because of SOE's Patch.

Didn't even notice this update, heh. I actually increased the sleep time because my mouse was clicking to fast and missing the "OK". Probably due to the amount of bandwidth I'm using at any time.

Anyways thanks for the awesome code.

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Cheers RyuRyu, your scripts working awesome for me now! I've got a 29 after 2-3 hours so I'm gonna keep going and see what I get

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Tried my version of the script on my laptop with 900MS for roll time and it hangs about 3-5 seconds during the "detect white" stage. Guessing it has somthing to do with cpu power or windows version.


Laptop is dual core,pc is i7


Laptop 32bit win7, pc 64bit win7

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Tried my version of the script on my laptop with 900MS for roll time and it hangs about 3-5 seconds during the "detect white" stage. Guessing it has somthing to do with cpu power or windows version.


Laptop is dual core,pc is i7


Laptop 32bit win7, pc 64bit win7


Changing the sleep time does nothing for me and I'm using an i7 with win7 x64

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Fixed the speed issue on my laptop and probably on my pc, I'll copy paste from this post to test.


Rolled a 45 so it defnietly works for the 40's range, which honestly is all anyone needs with the +10 cap on stats.

This might run too fast for some people, but works great on my laptop.


I doubled the the amount of clicks because it seemed to miss sometimes, this 90% solved that problem while retaining speed.

Thanks again everyone!


***Remove the two ; for whichever race you want to choose (this script clicks twice to ensure selection)


Loop {
;MouseClick, left,  281, 615, 5 ;(Race Selection) - >Human (M)
;MouseClick, left,  281, 615, 5 ;(Race Selection) - >Human (M) 2nd attempt
;MouseClick, left,  286, 655, 5 ;(Race Selection) - >Human (F)
;MouseClick, left,  286, 655, 5 ;(Race Selection) - >Human (F) 2nd attempt
;MouseClick, left,  437, 617, 5 ;(Race Selection) - >Elf (M)
;MouseClick, left,  437, 617, 5 ;(Race Selection) - >Elf (M) 2nd attempt
;MouseClick, left,  438, 654, 5 ;(Race Selection) - >Elf (F)
;MouseClick, left,  438, 654, 5 ;(Race Selection) - >Elf (F) 2nd attempt
MouseClick, left,  584, 617, 5 ;(Race Selection) - >Dwarf (M)
MouseClick, left,  584, 617, 5 ;(Race Selection) - >Dwarf (M) 2nd attempt
;MouseClick, left,  587, 657, 5 ;(Race Selection) - >Gnome (F)
;MouseClick, left,  587, 657, 5 ;(Race Selection) - >Gnome (F) 2nd attempt
;MouseClick, left,  737, 622, 5 ;(Race Selection) - >Porkul (M)
;MouseClick, left,  737, 622, 5 ;(Race Selection) - >Porkul (M) 2nd attempt
;MouseClick, left,  738, 657, 5 ;(Race Selection) - >Porkul (F)
;MouseClick, left,  738, 657, 5 ;(Race Selection) - >Porkul (F) 2nd attempt
Sleep, 10
MouseClick, left,  447, 723, 5
MouseClick, left,  447, 723, 5
Sleep, 2200
PixelSearch, colorX, colorY, 490, 378, 502, 391, 0xFFFFFF, 0, fast
if !ErrorLevel
MouseClick, left,  513, 416, 5
MouseClick, left,  513, 416, 5
Sleep, 10
MouseClick, left,  575, 726, 5
MouseClick, left,  575, 726, 5
Sleep, 10
