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Dota 2 Invoker Script

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Posted Image
This script will help you play Invoker in Dota 2, it will invoke a certain spell with 1 key instead of doing the combination
Each spell takes 1 second to invoke and also i used the key's alt and alt + x to invoke the spells, the script is fairly simple so if anyone wants to change the key's or timing it should be really easy

#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
#Warn ; Recommended for catching common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

Alt:: ; Ghost Walk
Send, Q
Sleep 250
Send Q
Sleep 250
Send W
Sleep 250
Send R

Alt & 1:: ; Tornado
Send, W
Sleep 250
Send W
Sleep 250
Send Q
Sleep 250
Send R

Alt & 2:: ; Emp
Send, W
Sleep 250
Send W
Sleep 250
Send W
Sleep 250
Send R

Alt & 3:: ; Deafening Blast
Send, Q
Sleep 250
Send W
Sleep 250
Send E
Sleep 250
Send R

Alt & 4:: ; Sunstrike
Send, E
Sleep 250
Send E
Sleep 250
Send E
Sleep 250
Send R

Alt & 5:: ; Meteor
Send, E
Sleep 250
Send E
Sleep 250
Send W
Sleep 250
Send R

Alt & 6:: ; Cold Snap
Send, Q
Sleep 250
Send Q
Sleep 250
Send Q
Sleep 250
Send R

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Here's a script i made for invoker + dota but first what u need to add to your config.cfg
Edit: It's much better to make the game do QWE for you because it will do it on 0.09 delay each orb so its basically instantaneous.

bind "KP_0" "dota_ability_execute 0;dota_ability_execute 1;dota_ability_execute 2"
bind "KP_1" "dota_ability_execute 1;dota_ability_execute 1;dota_ability_execute 1"
bind "KP_2" "dota_ability_execute 1;dota_ability_execute 1;dota_ability_execute 0"
bind "KP_3" "dota_ability_execute 1;dota_ability_execute 1;dota_ability_execute 2"
bind "KP_4" "dota_ability_execute 0;dota_ability_execute 0;dota_ability_execute 0"
bind "KP_5" "dota_ability_execute 0;dota_ability_execute 0;dota_ability_execute 1"
bind "KP_6" "dota_ability_execute 0;dota_ability_execute 0;dota_ability_execute 2"
bind "KP_7" "dota_ability_execute 2;dota_ability_execute 2;dota_ability_execute 2"
bind "KP_8" "dota_ability_execute 2;dota_ability_execute 2;dota_ability_execute 0"
bind "KP_9" "dota_ability_execute 2;dota_ability_execute 2;dota_ability_execute 1"

More you can add to your config.cfg for comfort (use F1-F4 to level up QWER)

bind "F1" "dota_ability_learn_mode;dota_ability_execute 0;dota_ability_learn_mode;"
bind "F2" "dota_ability_learn_mode;dota_ability_execute 1;dota_ability_learn_mode;"
bind "F3" "dota_ability_learn_mode;dota_ability_execute 2;dota_ability_learn_mode;"
bind "F4" "dota_ability_learn_mode;dota_ability_execute 5;dota_ability_learn_mode;"

And heres the beast code Posted Image ofc it takes some memory (mental) power to work it but it works great Posted Image

#IfWinActive, DOTA 2
spell_k_1 = {numpad4} ;QQQ
spell_k_2 = {numpad7} ;EEE
spell_k_3 = {numpad9} ;EEW
spell_k_4 = {numpad8} ;EEQ
spell_k_5 = {numpad3} ;WWQ
getaway_k_1 = {numpad5} ;QQW
getaway_k_2 = {numpad2} ;WWQ
getaway_k_3 = {numpad0} ;QWE
getaway_k_4 = {numpad6} ;QQE
getaway_k_5 = {numpad1} ;WWW

spell_%cur_spell% = 0
spell_cd_%cur_spell% = 0
getaway_%cur_getaway% = 0
getaway_cd_%cur_getaway% = 0

;----------------Start of Spell Script Global Variables---------------------
Cooldowns and priorities are defined below.
The key bindings for this script are defined in the Key Bindings section at
the start of script.

;Set the number of spells you have here
num_spell = 5

;Tweak cooldowns here
spell_cd_1 = 5000
spell_cd_2 = 4000
spell_cd_3 = 3000
spell_cd_4 = 2000
spell_cd_5 = 1000

;Set your spell priority here, 1 being highest, 10 being lowest
spell_p_1 = 1
spell_p_2 = 2
spell_p_3 = 3
spell_p_4 = 4
spell_p_5 = 5

;Initializes spell availability array to 1 (off cooldown)
While A_Index <= num_spell
r_spell_%A_Index% = 1
;----------------End of Spell Global Variables---------------------

;----------------Get Away Script Global Variables---------------------
Cooldowns and priorities are defined below.
The key bindings for this script are defined in the Key Bindings section at
the start of script.

;Set the number of getaways you have here
num_getaway = 5

;Tweak cooldowns here
getaway_cd_1 = 5000
getaway_cd_2 = 4000
getaway_cd_3 = 3000
getaway_cd_4 = 2000
getaway_cd_3 = 1000

;Set your getaways priority here, 1 being highest, 3 being lowest
getaway_p_1 = 1
getaway_p_2 = 2
getaway_p_3 = 3
getaway_p_4 = 4
getaway_p_5 = 5

;Initializes getaways availability array to 1 (off cooldown)
While A_Index <= num_getaway
r_getaway_%A_Index% = 1
;----------------End of Get Away Global Variables---------------------


;-----------Start of Spell 1 Script--------------------

;Set your Spell HotKey here
cur_spell := spellLogic(cur_spell, cur_key, cur_cool)
Send , %cur_key%

r_spell_%cur_spell% = 0
neg_cur_cool := -cur_cool
SetTimer , spell_%cur_spell% , %neg_cur_cool%

;---------------Subroutine group to reset cooldowns--------------------

r_%A_ThisLabel% = 1

;--------------End of subroutine group to reset cooldowns---------------

spellLogic(cur_spell, ByRef cur_key, ByRef cur_cool)

/*Initiates cur_spell to your highest priority spell
in the case of all spells being off cooldown
cur_spell := spell_p_1

/*Assigns the value of cur_spell to the first available
spell according to priority
While A_Index <= num_spell
spell_number := spell_p_%A_Index%
if (r_spell_%spell_number% = 1)
cur_spell := spell_number

;Sets the spell's corresponding key and cooldown
cur_key := spell_k_%cur_spell%
cur_cool := spell_cd_%cur_spell%

Return cur_spell
;------------End of Spell Script-----------------

;-----------Start of Get Away Script--------------------

;Set your Heal Other HotKey here (currently set to ctrl + r)
cur_getaway := getawayLogic(cur_getaway, cur_key, cur_cool)
Send , %cur_key%

r_getaway_%cur_getaway% = 0
neg_cur_cool := -cur_cool
SetTimer , getaway_%cur_getaway% , %neg_cur_cool%

;---------------Subroutine group to reset cooldowns--------------------
r_%A_ThisLabel% = 1

;--------------End of subroutine group to reset cooldowns---------------

getawayLogic(cur_getaway, ByRef cur_key, ByRef cur_cool)

/*Initiates cur_getaway to your highest priority getaway
in the case of all getaways being off cooldown
cur_getaway := getaway_p_1

/*Assigns the value of cur_getaway to the first available
getaway according to priority
While A_Index <= num_getaway
getaway_number := getaway_p_%A_Index%
if (r_getaway_%getaway_number% = 1)
cur_getaway := getaway_number

;Sets the getaway's corresponding key and cooldown
cur_key := getaway_k_%cur_getaway%
cur_cool := getaway_cd_%cur_getaway%

Return cur_getaway
;------------End of Get Away Script-----------------

Edit: Probably best to check out what your priority spells would be and put them up accordingly.
of course depends if you play mainly exort quas or other forms

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Can u add Treads & Armlet script? ;)

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Can u add Treads & Armlet script? wink.png


It's quite simple, this one does it instantaneously so you get 37.5 hp/s when you use it

#IfWinActive, DOTA 2
armlet_k = 1 
treads_k = 2

Send, %treads_k%
Send, %treads_k%
Send, %armlet_k% ;Remember to have it off
Send, %treads_k%
Send, %armlet_k%


I use 1-6 as inventory items, 1 armlet and 2 for treads, then first side button of mouse to activate it.


It's also set so that you can keep your boots in strength at all times (it needs to be in strength to work)


How it works:

Changes to Agility,

Turns on Armlet

Changes to Strength,

Turns off Armlet


What you gain:

75 hp+

2 second cooldown on armlet on/off

so u get 37.5 hp/s with this



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you can try my script for invoker:

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Could someone please explain the script in the 2nd post? 

For example, I understand the .cfk file is so that the game itself presses the keys, but what is KP_? is it a name of a key like shift or alt or control? 

Also in the .cfk file i see 'q' 'w' 'e' pressed but i don't see 'r' pressed, do we have to press r ourselves? 

I don't understand a lot of the .ahk script and what it's doing. Could someone please explain

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Could someone please explain the script in the 2nd post? 

For example, I understand the .cfk file is so that the game itself presses the keys, but what is KP_? is it a name of a key like shift or alt or control? 

Also in the .cfk file i see 'q' 'w' 'e' pressed but i don't see 'r' pressed, do we have to press r ourselves? 

I don't understand a lot of the .ahk script and what it's doing. Could someone please explain

in the .cfg file you add numpad_x (KP_x) to do a certain action for you (QQQ) etc. and yes you need to press R yourself, its made in that way. its a way to have 10 spells on 1 or 2 buttons.

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hi sactus, would you mind to zip all script? to be honest i dont really understand how to use it.. thank you so much

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Hello guys =)


i tried the first post with 12345 / shift 12345 but its only works if i stand still not attecking or walking (only the shift ones)




+2:: ; Emp
Send, E
Sleep 10
Send E
Sleep 10
Send E
Sleep 10
Send Q


some one know how to fix it? would be rly great! thanks

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You can easily generate a custom script for invoker here.  -   http://www.invokerguide.com

Installation Instructions:
1. Select keys are all 10 spells , 0-9  or a-z

2. Get the config file
3. Follow instructions mentioned in the config file.

Invoker AutoCast Script generator :- http://www.invokergu...com/script.html