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Listview column resizing

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Hello there,


i have an issue using AutoHDR


if i use LV_ModifyCol() - the titles are cut short







if i use Autohdr - LV_Modifycol("","autohdr"),  or even ;LV_Modifycol(autohdr)





and if i manually resize them i get a horizontal scrollbar (in spite of just Gui, Show)





now it states here:


AutoHdr: Adjusts the column's width to fit its contents and the column's header text, whichever is wider. If applied to the last column, it will be made at least as wide as all the remaining space in the ListView. It is usually best to apply this setting only after the rows have been added because that allows any newly-arrived vertical scroll bar to be taken into account when sizing the last column. This option has no effect when not in Report (Details) view.


so what is going wrong?

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If all parameters are omitted, the width of every column is adjusted to fit the contents of the rows

Have you tried it without parameters, i.e. LV_Modifycol()?

EDIT: Opps I see you did. Let me read the post again shy.png

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Have you tried it without parameters, i.e. LV_Modifycol()?

read my first post again

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After some coffee......grin.png


I think you have to tell it which column you are modifying:


LV_ModifyCol(1, "AutoHdr")

LV_ModifyCol(2, "AutoHdr")




Loop 8
    LV_ModifyCol(A_Index, "AutoHdr")

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that worked but now shows a horizontal scroll bar
Loop 8
    LV_ModifyCol(A_Index, "AutoHdr")
gui, show

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The columns are going to expand as much as it takes to display the data, even if it is beyond the width of the ListView Control.

That's why you are getting the scrollbar. Maybe set a fixed width for the first column? The other columns don't seem to vary as much.

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is there not a way to have the listview control resize to acommodate?

GuiControl or even Controlmove has the ability to resize the control but not to auto size it sad.png - the data that is going into this can vary ALOT on size, hence why i'm wanting this to be 100% automatic

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seems i missed something - i had r20 w700 in the gui,add,listview line-


removing those made it very small - but at least it's not absolute- is there a way to make the control autosize?

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http://www.autohotke...-column-widths/ ripped the code apart from this to make a horrific code but it works perfectly



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