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Diablo III WW Barb Script - Early stages (Beta version)

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  • What Does This Script do? / Quick notes


This Script will press 4 buttons for your choice, however often you choose. it is made because of a few requests i got after i released my CM Wizard Script

please note that this script is still in its very early stages and may very well be buggy, if you find any bugs or have suggestions, please post below

if you already saw my CM Script you will notice that the two posts look alot like eachother, i did this to save myself time and since the scripts are somewhat related, I think it makes sense



  • Features


Easily Customizeable, you choose for yourself which buttons are pressed and how often.


Saves your settings, so you won't have to fill that pesky GUI with information every time you start the script.


this is mainly meant as an assistant, since it is in so early stages of the script, i havent quite figured out the best way to use the timers.




  • How to use it
  1. start the exe file and choose your settings
  2. Enjoy. :D
  3. Post what you think about the script and any bugs / suggestions u might have :)
  4. Consider Donating
  5. If you havent already, check out my CM Wizard Script


  • Donate

Donations would really keep me motivated to keep improving the script and make new ones.

So if you enjoy this script and feel like you could spare a little cash, go ahead and Donate.

Click to donate using PayPal btn_donate_SM.gif

Or add me ingame for Diablo donations :) BattleTag Tannex#2899 EU server



  • Credits / Thanks

Thanks to tic (Tariq Porter) for his GDI+ Library.




I Will NOT Take responsibility for anything that happens using this script, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.



  • D​ownload

Windows complete script, has a few extra features, Download HereSource


  • The Script: 
    ;~ script properties
    #SingleInstance force
    SetBatchLines, -1
    SendMode, Input
    ;~ Gui stuff
    Gui 2: add, Tab2, w450 h200, Info|Keybindings|Timers|Complete
    Gui 2: add, Text, x15 y40 w435 h150, Hello and Welcome to my WW Barb script, i hope you will enjoy it.`nAnd I apologize for the horrible GUI`n`nThis Script will allow you to automate the pressing of 4 keys of your choice, while you hold right mouse button.`n`nEnjoy!
    Gui 2: Tab, Keybindings
    Gui 2: add, Text, x15 y40 , Diablo ingame keys for your 4 spells/abilities
    Gui 2: add, Edit, x25 y70 w100 vKey1 , 1st spell
    Gui 2: add, Edit, x205 y70 w100 vKey2 , 2nd spell
    Gui 2: add, Edit, x25 y100 w100 vKey3 , 3rd spell
    Gui 2: add, Edit, x205 y100 w100 vKey4 , 4th spell
    Gui 2: Tab, Timers
    Gui 2: add, Text, x15 y40 , enter below how often you want the different spells cast (in seconds)`nan example would be entering 40 will cast that spell every 39-40 seconds
    Gui 2: add, Edit, x25 y100 w100 vTimer1 , 1st spell
    Gui 2: add, Edit, x205 y100 w100 vTimer2 , 2nd spell
    Gui 2: add, Edit, x25 y130 w100 vTimer3 , 3rd spell
    Gui 2: add, Edit, x205 y130 w100 vTimer4 , 4th spell
    Gui 2: Tab, Complete
    Gui 2: add, Text, x15 y40 , Hotkey to terminate/exit script
    Gui 2: add, Hotkey, x205 y40 vExitKey , ^!Esc
    Gui 2: add, Button, gButtonDone, Done
    ;~ checking if the setup have already been complete and if yes, loads the configuration
    IfNotExist, WW.config
    Gui 2: show, , Diablo III WW Barb Script
    	FileReadLine, Key1, WW.config, 1
    	FileReadLine, Key2, WW.config, 2
    	FileReadLine, Key3, WW.config, 3
    	FileReadLine, Key4, WW.config, 4
    	FileReadLine, Timer1min, WW.config, 5
    	FileReadLine, Timer1max, WW.config, 6
    	FileReadLine, Timer2min, WW.config, 7
    	FileReadLine, Timer2max, WW.config, 8
    	FileReadLine, Timer3min, WW.config, 9
    	FileReadLine, Timer3max, WW.config, 10
    	FileReadLine, Timer4min, WW.config, 11
    	FileReadLine, Timer4max, WW.config, 12
    	FileReadLine, ExitKey, WW.config, 13
    	Hotkey, %ExitKey%, ExitSub
    	Random, cooldown, %Timer1min%, %Timer1max%
    	SetTimer, spell1, %cooldown%
    	Random, cooldown, %Timer2min%, %Timer2max%
    	SetTimer, spell2, %cooldown%
    	Random, cooldown, %Timer3min%, %Timer3max%
    	SetTimer, spell3, %cooldown%
    	Random, cooldown, %Timer4min%, %Timer4max%
    	SetTimer, spell4, %cooldown%
    ;~ initial setup (saves settings and calculates min and max cooldown for timers)
    Gui, submit
    Timer1 := Timer1*1000
    Timer1p := Timer1/100*5
    Timer1min := Timer1-Timer1p
    Timer1max := Timer1+Timer1p
    Timer2 := Timer2*1000
    Timer2p := Timer2/100*5
    Timer2min := Timer2-Timer2p
    Timer2max := Timer2+Timer2p
    Timer3 := Timer3*1000
    Timer3p := Timer3/100*5
    Timer3min := Timer3-Timer3p
    Timer3max := Timer3+Timer3p
    Timer4 := Timer4*1000
    Timer4p := Timer4/100*5
    Timer4min := Timer4-Timer4p
    Timer4max := Timer4+Timer4p
    FileAppend, %Key1%`n, WW.config
    FileAppend, %Key2%`n, WW.config
    FileAppend, %Key3%`n, WW.config
    FileAppend, %Key4%`n, WW.config
    FileAppend, %Timer1min%`n, WW.config
    FileAppend, %Timer1max%`n, WW.config
    FileAppend, %Timer2min%`n, WW.config
    FileAppend, %Timer2max%`n, WW.config
    FileAppend, %Timer3min%`n, WW.config
    FileAppend, %Timer3max%`n, WW.config
    FileAppend, %Timer4min%`n, WW.config
    FileAppend, %Timer4max%`n, WW.config
    FileAppend, %ExitKey%, WW.config
    Hotkey, %ExitKey%, ExitSub
    Random, cooldown, %Timer1min%, %Timer1max%
    SetTimer, spell1, %cooldown%
    Random, cooldown, %Timer2min%, %Timer2max%
    SetTimer, spell2, %cooldown%
    Random, cooldown, %Timer3min%, %Timer3max%
    SetTimer, spell3, %cooldown%
    Random, cooldown, %Timer4min%, %Timer4max%
    SetTimer, spell4, %cooldown%
    ;~ keypress functions
    state := GetKeyState("RButton", "P")
    if (state) {
    	Send, {%Key1% Down}
    	Send, {%Key1% Up}
    	Random, cooldown, %Timer1min%, %Timer1max%
    	SetTimer, spell1, %cooldown%
    state := GetKeyState("RButton", "P")
    if (state) {
    	Send, {%Key2% Down}
    	Send, {%Key2% Up}
    	Random, cooldown, %Timer2min%, %Timer2max%
    	SetTimer, spell2, %cooldown%
    state := GetKeyState("RButton", "P")
    if (state) {
    	Send, {%Key3% Down}
    	Send, {%Key3% Up}
    	Random, cooldown, %Timer3min%, %Timer3max%
    	SetTimer, spell3, %cooldown%
    state := GetKeyState("RButton", "P")
    if (state) {
    	Send, {%Key4% Down}
    	Send, {%Key4% Up}
    	Random, cooldown, %Timer4min%, %Timer4max%
    	SetTimer, spell4, %cooldown%
    ;~ exit hotkey
    ;~ FUNCTION(S)
    RandHold(x,y) {
    Random, hold, %x%, %y%
    Sleep %hold%

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Does this work anymore?

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it should, im not working on it tho, if any1 want i will give full permission to take over the development