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AHK, WinAPI & DllCall's

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AutoHotkey, WinAPI & DllCall's
!!! Support will be discontinued here !!!

You can find the latest version here [>>> AutoHotkey, WinAPI & DllCall's <<<]
[AHK] x64 Unicode | [WIN] 10 Pro (Version 1709)
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Add Keyboard Input Functions \ BlockInput
Add Keyboard Input Functions \ GetKBCodePage
Add Keyboard Input Functions \ GetKeyboardLayout
Add Mouse Input Functions \ GetCapture
Add Mouse Input Functions \ GetDoubleClickTime
Add Mouse Input Functions \ ReleaseCapture
Add Mouse Input Functions \ SetDoubleClickTime
Add Mouse Input Functions \ SwapMouseButton
[AHK] x64 Unicode | [WIN] 10 Pro (Version 1709)
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How can I use BlockInput in Windows 7?

I used the function but the mouse pointer can be moved further.

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You need to run the script with admin privileges. Also, you might want to use AHK's blockInput command, as it has more options.



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Is there another possibility to block mouse input without admin privileges?

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Is there another possibility to block mouse input without admin privileges?


SetBatchLines, -1

#SingleInstance force

OnExit, RemoveHooks
mouseHook := SetWindowsHookEx(14, RegisterCallback("MouseHook"))


global mouseBlock := True
sleep 3000
mouseBlock := False 

	; mouse has different WM_Messages for each down/up event on each button
	; check the wm_  messages in ahk manual or google to find the one you need if you only want
	; to block a particular button 
	; eg wParam = WM_MOUSEMOVE := 0x200 for mouse movement
MouseHook(nCode, wParam, lParam)
	Critical 1000

	If !nCode
		; Input is blocked and this is a user pressed / released button	
		if (mouseBlock && !(NumGet(lParam+12) & 0x10))  ; LLKHF_INJECTED key not sent via sendinput
			return -1 ; this causes other hooks in the chain to ignore the input
   	Return CallNextHookEx(nCode, wParam, lParam) ; make sure other hooks in the chain receive this event if we didn't process it

SetWindowsHookEx(idHook, pfn)
   Return DllCall("SetWindowsHookEx", "int", idHook, "Uint", pfn, "Uint", DllCall("GetModuleHandle", "Uint", 0), "Uint", 0)

   Return DllCall("UnhookWindowsHookEx", "Uint", hHook)

CallNextHookEx(nCode, wParam, lParam, hHook = 0)
   Return DllCall("CallNextHookEx", "Uint", hHook, "int", nCode, "Uint", wParam, "Uint", lParam)

Obviously you can also have the hook always block stuff without the 'mouseBlock' variable and just install/remove the hook when you want to block stuff.

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Add Multimedia Functions \ timeGetTime
Fix Time Functions \ GetTickCount
Fix Time Functions \ GetTickCount64
[AHK] x64 Unicode | [WIN] 10 Pro (Version 1709)
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Add National Language Support Functions \ GetDurationFormat
Add System Information Functions \ GetComputerName
Add System Information Functions \ GetProductInfo
Add System Information Functions \ GetSystemDirectory
Add System Information Functions \ GetSystemRegistryQuota
Add System Information Functions \ GetSystemWindowsDirectory
Add System Information Functions \ GetSystemWow64Directory
Add System Information Functions \ GetUserName
Add System Information Functions \ GetWindowsDirectory
Fix Array-Begin from 0 to 1
[AHK] x64 Unicode | [WIN] 10 Pro (Version 1709)
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Add String Functions \ CharLower
Add String Functions \ CharLowerBuff
Add String Functions \ CharUpper
Add String Functions \ CharUpperBuff
Fix return (delete , and %)
[AHK] x64 Unicode | [WIN] 10 Pro (Version 1709)
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Is there another possibility to block mouse input without admin privileges?


how can i use it ?

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Add File Management Functions \ GetFileAttributes
Add File Management Functions \ GetFileSize
Add File Management Functions \ GetFileSizeEx
Add File Management Functions \ GetTempPath
[AHK] x64 Unicode | [WIN] 10 Pro (Version 1709)
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Add Error Handling Functions \ FormatMessage
Add Error Handling Functions \ GetLastError
Add PSAPI Functions \ GetModuleFileNameEx
Fix c++ codes
[AHK] x64 Unicode | [WIN] 10 Pro (Version 1709)
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Change License
Fix Bugs
Add Error handling
Add Directory Management Functions \ CreateDirectory
Add Directory Management Functions \ RemoveDirectory
Add Directory Management Functions \ SetCurrentDirectory
Add Mouse Input Functions \ ClipCursor
Add System Information Functions \ GetUserNameEx

Please report any bugs or mistakes.
New update with bugfixes, error handlings and new Functions coming soon
[AHK] x64 Unicode | [WIN] 10 Pro (Version 1709)
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