Fishing bot

Post gaming related scripts
Posts: 2
Joined: 17 Apr 2017, 11:17

Fishing bot

17 Apr 2017, 11:27


I'm looking for someone who can make a fishing bot on a game called Graalonline which is a 2D-based online-game.

-You throw down your fishing line with S(you get like 1-2 delay until a fishing bar appears.)

- When the fishingbar is showing you must try to hit a red dot which is randomly placed in this bar(you must hit once or more, it's random.)

- When you succeed you get your fish

Im wondering if someone can create this bot with some kind of image/pixel search? Message me for more info.
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Joined: 28 Apr 2015, 05:41

Re: Fishing bot

19 Apr 2017, 15:06

what mod/graal do you play?

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