Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.1.22 28th Oct 2018

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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.1.22 28th Oct 2018

30 Nov 2018, 16:55

Hi evilC,

Quick question about updating to your latest build. I'm currently running 0.1.18 on a bunch of stations with lots of custom work, what's the best way to deploy without having to rebuild? Can I simply copy over the folder structure and overwrite?

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.1.22 28th Oct 2018

01 Dec 2018, 08:39

Yes, you can overwrite.
Profiles are stored in UCR.ini, and the distribution ZIP should not contain an INI, so it should be safe to overwrite.
You might want to take backups of all your UCR.ini files
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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.1.22 28th Oct 2018

02 Dec 2018, 16:22


I’m happy with the way things are going now, but I’d like to migrate over to your c# version sometime soon. Is there a resource I can look at on how to best do that without rebuilding?

Thanks again!

Ps, any development on getting HTC controller input support?
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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.1.22 28th Oct 2018

11 Dec 2018, 12:56

Hey i need some help with something. I created a virtual xbox 360 controller using UCR and VXbox but i want to set up the triggers to be on different axes (i think that is the correct plural form of the word axis) so i can press them both at the same time. I read your post about it and i downloaded JoystickWrapper but i have no idea what to do with it and how to achieve this so yeah if you can help me or create a noob guide i will be very thankful.
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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.1.22 28th Oct 2018

11 Dec 2018, 13:46

evilC wrote:
11 Dec 2018, 13:38
Clarify "set up the triggers to be on different axes" . You haven't mentioned what your input device is
Ofc sorry I am using mouse and keyboard. Btw forgot to mention that i am using this controller to play with a friend on parsec so i also have X360ce (idk what it does exactly but yeah). We want to play a way out and it uses the triggers as aim and shoot and so depend on how you set up x360ce (if one trigger is on one axis and the other is on the inverted axis you basically can't press the both triggers together cuz they cancel each other out). Technically i can probably remap controls in game but yeah i wanna learn how to make the triggers work even if pressed together. Thanks for the fast response btw thanks for creating UCR (or being involved in creating it) and yeah .
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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.1.22 28th Oct 2018

11 Dec 2018, 13:56

I have no idea what you mean. Merged triggers only occur when READING an xbox controller via the wrong API (DirectInput instead of XInput).
Seeing as you are using mouse + keyboard to read input, then that is not at play here.
When sending output to vXbox (You are using vXbox right? Not vJoy), there is one axis for each trigger.
I have no idea why you would be using both UCR and X360ce at the same time, you should not need X360ce at all.
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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.1.22 28th Oct 2018

11 Dec 2018, 14:02

Well Idk Parsec requires X360ce on one computer (the hosting one) and a controller (in our case virtual controller) on the other. So we use UCR to map the virtual controller. Idk
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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.1.22 28th Oct 2018

11 Dec 2018, 14:21

Ok then i guess i have misunderstood the the software needed. Thanks for the help. Btw is there an advantage to the newer version of UCR cuz i tried it before this one, couldn't make it work cuz it was showing no imput and output devices so i chose this one.
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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.1.22 28th Oct 2018

11 Dec 2018, 18:16

That is a common issue with the new version - the DLLs have not been properly unblocked - they get flagged by Windows Download Protection.
Newer versions come with a built-in unblocker, but there have been problems with it. You can always run Get-ChildItem -Path '.' -Recurse | Unblock-File as admin in a powershell prompt to unblock all dlls in all subfolders.
As to what to use - whatever gets the job done, but in general I would recommend the new version
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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.1.22 28th Oct 2018

17 Dec 2018, 16:04

Is it possible map the xbox home button? if yes, how?
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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.1.22 28th Oct 2018

18 Dec 2018, 13:57

The Xbox "guide" button is not exposed by default via XInput, there is a "secret" endpoint which can access it, but I cannot seem to get the sample code to work.
The attached Classes\GuiControls\IOClasses\XInput.ahk and Threads\ProfileInputThread.ahk should in theory add support for that button to UCR, but for some reason does not seem to work :(
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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.1.22 28th Oct 2018

18 Dec 2018, 17:20

Thanks for answering
I've set up my generic pad on UCR as vXbox and it's working fine except for the guide button :(
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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.1.22 28th Oct 2018

22 Dec 2018, 10:07


I'm trying to setup a 2nd Keyboard as a vJoy "macro"board (i want the buttons on my 2nd Keyboard to be vJoy buttons while having my main keyboard still being active and normal)

However i encountered a lot of bugs and problems... i tried around with AHK / HID Macros (HID Macros seemed to be the only program that detects my 2nd keyboard as individual instead of merging both 1st and 2nd keyboards)
i was very unlucky and I'm frustrated not getting it to work...

I'm using UCR a while now for my joysticks and macros and all i can say is that THIS IS AN AWESOME PROGRAM

My problem: when i try to edit my 2nd keyboard with "button to button" option in UCR and i want button <a> to be vJoy button <1> that works, BUT when i click a button on the 1st keyboard it also triggers the remap....
So... i cant find an option in UCR to let the program differentiate between Keyb1 and Keyb2...

My question: is it possible to change that? (maby via script editing? I'm very bad ad scripting so it would be awesome if i could avoid this option)

Solution I'm hoping for: UCR should only detect buttons from my 2nd Keyboard
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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.1.22 28th Oct 2018

31 Dec 2018, 00:58

Thanks for all your efforts so far with this utility. I'm eagerly awaiting the C++ version but in the mean time I have what I hope is a simple question.

How would I go about changing the ButtonInitalizer.ahk plugin to hold the key instead of briefly press it ?

eg. how would I modify ButtonInitalizer.ahk to have holdpress and holdrelease functionality ?
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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.1.22 28th Oct 2018

09 Jan 2019, 17:50

Hi Guys,
First off - thank you evilC for a very handy software.
And here is the situation.
I'm trying to merge two controllers just to play a game which does not support more than one controller. Nothing new here. As far as I know vJoy does not let FFB to come back to physical device. Since my game is rally sim I struggle with lack of FFB.
My idea (question) is to override signal from my original pedals connected to steering wheel with the signal from my separate USB pedals. I mean - do not use virtual joystick at all - use only software like UCR to remap specific axes/buttons in physical device.
My stuff:
Logitech Driving Force Pro (using only wheel)
custom made separate USB Pedals and Button Box
Sim - Sebastien Loeb Rally Evo
If that could be possible - would be great.
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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.1.22 28th Oct 2018

17 Jan 2019, 11:22

Hi all!
Please help me to manage some problems with UCR.
I've been trying to create a virtual xbox controller and to remap its buttons to my kb+m. I installed vjoy, UCR and x360ce. I created a new profile in UCR (SCPVBus installed) but it didnt create a virtual xbox controller (in Set Up Controllers Menu vjoy device is shown only). Reinstallation didnt help. I even installed xbox one controller driver for windows ("even" cause it's not mentioned in manuals) but it didnt help. I've set up all the buttons already (when i press input buttons, they light up blue in UCR), lol, I just need to force windows to recognize virtual gamepad.
Can the problem be related to my UCR version (it's 32-bit, my OS is 64)?
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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.1.22 28th Oct 2018

01 Feb 2019, 01:25

I think I have manage to set up the Xbox 360 controller but I am still having trouble with just a virtual controller. I'm trying to play a game that doesn't support Xbox 360. I can't for the life of me figure it out. When I put the vjoy in and choose a button there is a 1 to 128 to choose from how old are earth do I know which one is trigger or start?

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