Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.1.22 28th Oct 2018

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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.0.7 13th Mar 2016

02 Apr 2016, 11:59

Confirmed, I can repro that. Thanks for the bug report.
Interestingly, it only happens with joystick buttons as inputs. Therefore, I think it is probably part of the code that emulates up events for joystick buttons. AHK joystick button hotkeys fire the up event immediately after the down event, even if the button is held.
I will log it as a bug, but I had a look at the code and see no obvious reason why this happens. It's also impossible to debug in UCR, as that part of the code runs in another thread, so I will need to mock some stuff up to test what is happening.
tl:dr - don't expect a quick fix.
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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.0.7 13th Mar 2016

03 Apr 2016, 22:47

Thanks for the reply and for sharing this script. I've searched around a lot and this really is the only app I've found that has all of the remapping features that I've been looking for. You're doing some really exceptional work here and I really appreciate that you're sharing it. Keep up the great work!

Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.0.7 13th Mar 2016

12 Apr 2016, 16:22


i have an issue using vjoy with UCR.

I have created a vjoy device with 2 axes. The device is enabled.
when i launch UCR, i have this message :

Mouse and Keyboard hooks have been disabled

Exception was caused in thread id:6220
line : 41
lineFile : ucr\libraries\vjoy\cvjoyinterface.ahk

if I disable the virtual device, UCR opens up without problem.

I am using UCR 0.0.7
and the lastest version of vjoy 2.1.6

Is it a known issue?
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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.0.7 13th Mar 2016

13 Apr 2016, 03:02

Ok it works perfeclty on another computer.

The main difference is that I have a Razer Tartarus plugged in, I will try to unplug it and let you know.

edit : unplugging the Tartarus did nothing more.
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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.0.7 13th Mar 2016

14 Apr 2016, 13:41

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you...

Does this error happen when you have no plugins added to UCR?

My flatmate has a razer tartarus, but I am not at home during the week - will try to test it this weekend.
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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.0.7 13th Mar 2016

18 Apr 2016, 06:28

evilC wrote: Does this error happen when you have no plugins added to UCR?
No UCR opens normally when no plugin is added.

But the error occurs as soon as I add one with joystick involved.
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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.0.7 13th Mar 2016

19 Apr 2016, 03:30

I think I'm having the same problem. As soon as I try to add a plugin which maps to an axis, it gives that error right after clicking ok for the plugin name. For the button to button plugin, the error occurs which pressing the binding.
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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.0.7 13th Mar 2016

19 Apr 2016, 06:06

Do any of you have AHK installed?

If so, please try this test script:

You will need to change the joy variable to match your joystick number and axis
eg if you are trying to bind joystick 3, axis Y then change joy to "3JoyY"

Code: Select all

#singleinstance force
joy := "2JoyX"
Loop {
	Tooltip % GetKeyState(joy)
	sleep 100
What I am interested in, is does the value remain the same, or does it keep changing, even when you are not touching the joystick?
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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.0.7 13th Mar 2016

19 Apr 2016, 10:58

evilC wrote:At what point after you add plugin does it crash?
In fact, i can't even add the plug in. It crashes right away.
I guess, it crashes when the vjoyinterface tries to get the status of the various vjoy devices to populate the combo in the plug in.
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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.0.7 13th Mar 2016

20 Apr 2016, 01:46

evilC wrote:What I am interested in, is does the value remain the same, or does it keep changing, even when you are not touching the joystick?
For me it usually stays the same (around 50), although it can switch between two values depending on where the stick is released (for example 53.542382 and 53.14899).
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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.0.7 13th Mar 2016

20 Apr 2016, 06:55

The reason that I am asking is that I suspect what may be happening is that the joystick "wobbles" slightly all the time.
This may cause events to get fired *while the plugin is still starting up*, which may cause the crash.
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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.0.7 13th Mar 2016

20 Apr 2016, 07:08

It crashes even with no controller connected though.
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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.0.7 13th Mar 2016

01 May 2016, 09:38

New release available - 0.0.8
This release is solely to do with memory management.

Note that the OneSwitch Pulse plugin currently does not use the new "Linked Profile" system, so changing profiles with that is not very quick.

Code: Select all

0.0.8 - 1st May 2016
+ Added memory management for profile Input Threads
  The "Input Threads" which handle detection of input (one for each profile)...
  ... now start and stop dynamically as profiles change.
  This is to limit the amount of memory UCR uses to a reasonable level.
  A Profile's Input Thread will now be unloaded on profile change if they are a ...
  ... "Linked Profile" of the new profile or the global profile.
  Profile A is considered a "Linked Profile" of Profile B if eg...
  ... a Profile Switcher plugin in Profile B is configured to point to Profile A.
  Plugins can call UpdateLinkedProfiles() on the parent Profile...
  ... to set their relationship to other Profiles (Add or remove a link).
= All debug output now prefixed with UCR|
  So if using DebugView, you can just filter for only UCR stuff using the string:
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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.0.7 13th Mar 2016

02 May 2016, 09:00

nespcbuild wrote:Hi evilC. This is an awesome app! I'm having a couple of strange issues with it though. I have two identical controllers and I've mapped them to the same vjoy device. On either controller, If I hold a button, then hold down another button before releasing the first button, the first button won't release on the vjoy device until I let go of the second button. I can repeat this all the way up to 9 buttons. Once I get up to the 10th button, no input is detected at all on the vjoy device until I release the last button. I don't know if it's related but my vjoy device is configured for 10 buttons. The other issue I have is that when I am holding a button down, the hat input often doesn't work on the vjoy device until I release the button. This doesn't happen all of the time, but it happens more often than not. Any idea why this is happening? Is there a setting that I can change to resolve this?
I had a look into this issue some more today and it seems that it is due to a limitation or nuance of AHK that I was not aware of.
I made a post asking for information about it here: https://autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=17366

If no quick and simple fix is forthcoming, I have an idea as to how to fix it, but it will involve a little coding.

It will have to be fixed though, as this is a pretty major show-stopper in terms of joystick functionality.
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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.0.7 13th Mar 2016

03 May 2016, 14:44

nespcbuild , I have released a build which fixes your issue

Code: Select all

0.0.9 - 3rd May 2016
= Fixed Issue #83
  The up event for a joystick button did not fire while a subsequently held button...
  ... was down, until you released the button.
  eg Hold button A, then B. Up event for A would not fire until B was released.
= Fixed Issue #84
  Output buttons were registering as Input buttons.
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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.0.7 13th Mar 2016

04 May 2016, 13:43

New release - 0.0.10
A really small (~5 lines) change but it gives us a nice new feature - Shift states.
The ProfileSwitcher plugin now has a "Press/Release" option, so if you set up two profiles, each with a profile switcher plugin that points to the other profile, and both bound to the same button - if you set one to press and one to release, then when you hold the button you are in the "shifted" profile, and when you release you are in the "normal" profile.
Obviously this then means that all the other buttons need to be added to the Shifted profile, even the ones you dont want to behave differently in shift mode, but I have plans to allow a profile to "inherit" the mappings from it's parent (ie when child is active profile, also keep mappings of parent profile active), so that you can easily set up shift states for some buttons (by putting them in the child profile), but leave others alone (by leaving them in the parent profile).

Code: Select all

0.0.10 - 4th May 2016
+ The ProfileSwitcher plugin now has a "Press/Release" option.
  This controls whether the profile switch happens on press or release of the button.
  You can use this to switch to another profile when you press a button...
  ... then switch back to the original profile when you release the button.
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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.0.7 13th Mar 2016

08 May 2016, 11:48

evilC wrote:nespcbuild , I have released a build which fixes your issue
Awesome! Can't wait to try it out. The shift states feature sounds pretty awesome too.
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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.0.7 13th Mar 2016

10 May 2016, 13:39

Released a new version - this fixes Arrow Keys (And other keys) being unbindable.

Code: Select all

0.0.11 - 10th May 2016
= The following keyboard keys are now bindable as inputs / outputs:
  PgUp, PgDn, End, Home, Left, Up, Right, Down, Insert, Delete
  Please note that some of your existingly configured bindings may change.
  eg Any binding set to NumpadLeft will now be Left arrow.
  This can be fixed by simply re-binding.
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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.0.7 13th Mar 2016

12 May 2016, 06:15

just a question :?:
is there any way to stop button sequence ?
for example: i press input button and output button sequence starts, then i press breaker button and sequence stops is it real ?

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