Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.1.22 28th Oct 2018

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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.0.14 19th June 2016 - Profile Inheriting!

06 Jul 2016, 06:03

evilC wrote:I have heard of it failing to get the names of the joysticks, but in that instance, if you had two sticks (including vJoy) you would see:

Code: Select all

(ie numbers but no names)
Is that what you are seeing, or is there absolutely nothing?

There was absolutely nothing in the dropdown, not even the numbers with empty values.

I've started playing with been playing with another VJOY virtual joystick for experimentation and UCR sees this OK. The dropdowns are now populated with the 2 virtual joysticks but my 2 physical joysticks still fail to appear in the dropdown list. The physical joysticks are visible and can be calibrated in the Windows control panel.

Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.0.14 19th June 2016 - Profile Inheriting!

06 Jul 2016, 06:09

evilC wrote:I have heard of it failing to get the names of the joysticks, but in that instance, if you had two sticks (including vJoy) you would see:

Code: Select all

(ie numbers but no names)
Is that what you are seeing, or is there absolutely nothing?
Nothing showed up at all.

Interestingly, I installed another VJOY for testing( sorry), and it showed up in the UCR dropdown list for selection. My physical stick are still absent from the list. The are working normally in windows and can be seen and configured in control panel.

Any ideas?
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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.0.14 19th June 2016 - Profile Inheriting!

06 Jul 2016, 21:05

Hello EvilC,

I greatly appreciate the effort you have put into creating UJR and UCR. I have been testing UCR out the past couple of days and have a couple questions.

1. I would like to use vBox with UCR but I can't find any directions to create a virtual Xbox controller which will be recognized by UCR. How can I accomplish this? I have already installed vBox

2. When I use UCR with vJoy, it seems like an unmapped axis automatically shifts the default axis to pressing up and left. Is there a workaround for this, yet? Even changing the unmapped axis to keyboard shortcuts doesn't seem to work, until I have physically pushed the keyboard shortcuts every time I open UCR. Maybe this is a vJoy issue.

This software is working incredibly well for my needs. I now have so much more freedom inside the Oculus Rift.


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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.0.14 19th June 2016 - Profile Inheriting!

08 Jul 2016, 08:31

1) The XBox part of vJoy is still in it's infancy, so at the moment it is a manual install - once you follow this procedure, all vjoy devices will be xbox.
In the future, shaul is looking into letting us mix and match normal and xbox devices.
https://github.com/shauleiz/vXboxInterf ... tag/v1.0.0

2) Yeah, this is something that I need to do some work around. Shaul has implemented some stuff into vJoy that allows us to specify where an axis "rests" if it has received no input, but it is done via the registry, not via API calls like when you control a vjoy stick.
So if this really bugs you short-term, you can apply registry tweaks (See the vjoy docs for that), but long term I will look into a solution. What I may well do is add a plugin that just sets an axis to a given position (So you can set the position for axes that you aren't using) and then fix UCR so that when a profile becomes active, it updates each axis once so you do not have to initialize each axis yourself.
The latter part may be a bit harder though, I will have to look into it.

Edit: Added two new issues to the UCR bug tracker: https://github.com/evilC/UCR/issues/91 and https://github.com/evilC/UCR/issues/92
Please feel free to comment on these issues if you feel things should work a certain way.
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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.0.14 19th June 2016 - Profile Inheriting!

08 Jul 2016, 15:55

The part I am not understanding for vBox is how to convert the vJoy to Xbox controllers. I have installed ScpVbus, but the github page states:
"The feeder calls these functions in order to Plug-in vXbox devices", so do I need to do something in UCR to create the xbox controller? Maybe I am missing something obvious, but I still have a vJoy controller plugged in after installing the bus.

I think a plugin for unmapped axes/unaquired controllers would help many people in virtual reality since people will be using and switching to so many devices without axes. Right now UCR is enabling me to completely control the Oculus rift with my voice, so keep up the good work.

One issue I am coming across which may be unavoidable:

I am using a Ps4 controller via usb and I want to unplug the controller and continue using UCR with the same Ps4 controller via bluetooth. I am being forced to restart UCR before it recognizes the controller as the same device after I have connected it via bluetooth.
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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.0.14 19th June 2016 - Profile Inheriting!

08 Jul 2016, 16:37

once you apply the xbox patch, any vjoy controllers you added (via the vjoy config utility) should be xbox controllers

Regarding the PS4 controller, I am not sure it is the usb and bt versions are actually the "same" controller as far as UCR is concerned.
Presently UCR cannot support recognizing controllers plugged in after it starts due to a limitation in AHK.
At some point I plan to replace UCR's joystick input code (Or maybe help rewrite or modify AHK's joystick code), and at that point stuff like this may be possible, but until then, not really.
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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.0.14 19th June 2016 - Profile Inheriting!

09 Jul 2016, 03:51

Hi guys. EC just out of curiosity, when applying the Xinput patch to vjoy, does it deliver rumble to the joystick as well? Or does that still require writing a complicated "feeder"?
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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.0.14 19th June 2016 - Profile Inheriting!

09 Jul 2016, 07:44

No, no force feedback yet.
This is a subject which I have yet to touch upon.
I think Traffiken on the vJoy forums was maybe thinking about looking into what it would take to implement?
Not very high on my priorities list, I am afraid. So much more to work on...
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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.0.14 19th June 2016 - Profile Inheriting!

09 Jul 2016, 18:44

evilC wrote:once you apply the xbox patch, any vjoy controllers you added (via the vjoy config utility) should be xbox controllers
I feel like I am missing something very obvious. Which files need to be patched to convert the vjoy controllers to virtual xbox controllers? I have all the files from the github page.

Getting this to work is vital to what I am trying to accomplish. I think many developers in virtual reality will need to have UCR and vXbox once it is working well and easy to set up.
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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.0.14 19th June 2016 - Profile Inheriting!

10 Jul 2016, 06:34

Ohh dammit. Sorry, it looks like Shaul changed how things work and now UCR is not compatible with vXBox.

It seems that now there are two DLLs, one for regular vJoy and one for vXBox.
I will have to ask Shaul what is going on and if this is how it will be going forward, or if this is just temporary.

It may take some time, but it will get sorted. Apologies for the confusion.
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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.0.14 19th June 2016 - Profile Inheriting!

10 Jul 2016, 06:43

Also, news for those of you interested in writing UCR plugins...

I am currently looking into moving to the AHKStudio editor by Maestrith .I was previously using Scite, which hindered debugging of plugins because you had to set breakpoints in the plugin after you started debugging.

With AHKStudio, this is not a problem. This has also allowed me to separate out all the classes into one file each, so the UCR source is now much easier to navigate around.

Finally, I have removed the old plugin debugging system that let you debug one plugin, as with the new system you can debug any number of plugins at once.

Unfortunately, AHKStudio (At least the newer build that I am helping to test) is not really ready for public consumption yet, but I am working with Maestrith to iron out the kinks, so stay tuned...
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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.0.14 19th June 2016 - Profile Inheriting!

10 Jul 2016, 07:50

Ah, I found an older version of vXbox that should be somewhat compatible with UCR:

This version will replace "normal" vjoy support in UCR with vXBox support.
If you wish to change between them you can just quit UCR and swap out the vJoyInterface.dll that you swap out as part of the installation of vXBox

This isn't guaranteed to work I am afraid, but as I said, vXBox is still new and we are still deciding how best to make it easy for users to switch between vJoy and vXBox (or even allow both at same time).

[Edit] I just tested it and it does work, however because some of the axis scales seem to be a bit screwy, AxisToAxis mappers seem to give erratic output.
I fixed this by changing these lines in Plugins\Core\AxisToAxis.ahk:

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

if (value < 1)
	value := 1
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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.0.14 19th June 2016 - Profile Inheriting!

10 Jul 2016, 14:32

Thanks for looking into this issue evilC. I believe the problem may have something to do with my computer. I am willing to give up for now since it may be some time before vXbox is working well with UCR. My workaraound is using xouput to create the xbox controller in windows.

After installing the bus, I have tried replacing the vJoyInterface.dll located in Program files/vJoy. All the vJoy controllers remain vJoy controllers in Windows, though.
Last edited by billyisms on 10 Jul 2016, 14:52, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.0.14 19th June 2016 - Profile Inheriting!

10 Jul 2016, 14:42

yup, still does for me too
However, as soon as you move an input that is bound to a vJoy device, the Xbox device appears and starts working.
ie it does not acquire / create the xbox device until you move it for the first time.
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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.0.14 19th June 2016 - Profile Inheriting!

10 Jul 2016, 15:33

No such luck for me. Maybe it has something to do with me running a 64 bit operating system. I have replaced the dll files in both x86 and x64 folders and can still control the vjoy controller.
I have run the "test" in the later release of vXbox and it does create 4 xbox controllers on my system. It's alright if I can't get vXbox working with UCR just yet, because Xouput almost accomplishes what I need.
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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.0.14 19th June 2016 - Profile Inheriting!

16 Jul 2016, 13:32


Virtual XBox controller support
vXBox support in UCR is currently broken.
Shaul released a new version of the API, and it does not support controlling XBox devices via the existing command set.
I am in the process of trying to find out from Shaul what form the final version will take, and whether I will need to write new code to support vXBox.

Change in Editor
I am moving to AHKStudio as the editor for UCR.
I currently have an unreleased branch that is set up for use with Studio.
In this version, all the classes are split into separate files, so working with the UCR source is much easier.
This is feasible to do using Studio, because (unlike SciTE) you can place a breakpoint in any file before you start debugging, and it will stop when it hits that breakpoint.
In order to debug a plugin, you will have to place an #include statement in UCRDebug.ahk that points to the plugin file.

Exciting possibility re: blocking of physical joysticks
On the vJoy forum, there is a rather exciting discussion going on regarding some possible ways to "hide" physical joysticks from games, so that they only see the remapped virtual stick(s) - this would potentially allow us to do true "Remapping" of joysticks. Any results are likely a long way off, but we now have two potential solutions, whereas before we had none.

I start my new job on Monday, so my availability may be limited in the near future. I had planned on doing a lot more work on UCR during my time off, but I ended up helping Maestrith with Studio, as I would rather put off the refactor / optimization stage of UCR until I have a better editor.

Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.0.14 19th June 2016 - Profile Inheriting!

20 Jul 2016, 06:19

Is there a way to pick up the button pressed on a Logitech G940 while mode 2 or 3 is selected as a different button than the same button but when in mode1 (default)?

Thank you!
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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.0.14 19th June 2016 - Profile Inheriting!

20 Jul 2016, 09:37

I just stumbled across (UJR) Universal Joystick Remapper and subsequently this software (UCR) Universal Control Remapper which I'm very excited about because I have litterally spent weeks trying to figure out the best method of remapping controllers. So thank you evilC for creating both programs. I have a few questions though.

1. Will you continue work on both UJR & UCR or will UCR be the only program being developed going forward?

2. How do I map the D-Pad of my Xbox360 controller to a Vjoy POV Hat Switch using UCR? VJoy is set up with one 4 Directional POV Hat Switch but I can't figure out how to accomplish this in UCR. I've tried the button to button plug-in but it isn't working.

3. Does UCR accept input from command line? If so,
3A. Is there a way to open UCR in a minimized / hidden state?
3B. Is there a way to switch profiles via command line? I saw the profile switching but that would be too complicated for my situation (see below).

Background info - I have a child with special needs (autism) who really enjoys video games. He doesn't understand how to set each game up or configure the controller on a per game basis so I created batch file short cuts that launch his games and preconfigures his controller using various software (Xpadder, x360ce, ect.). He has a few games that give me issues which is why I stumbled on this forum in hopes of finding a solution. If your program were to accept command line, that would be great but I also understand it may be outside the scope of your original plan.

UCR Suggestions:
1. After adding a plug-in, allow the user to edit it's name instead of having to add/delete a new one.
2. Allow the user to move the plug-in's up or down for organizational purposes.
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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.0.14 19th June 2016 - Profile Inheriting!

20 Jul 2016, 09:47

1) UJR is no longer under development. All my efforts are going into UCR.

2) Make sure the vJoy POV hat is set to "Continuous" in the vJoy config utility.
I do seem to remember that there is maybe a bug with hat-to-hat mapping, and it is certainly a little cumbersome (You should not need 4 plugins to do it, you should be able to do it with one) so I would not worry too much if it is non-functional right now, I will look into it.

3a) No, but you could write an AHK script that launches UCR and minimizes it:
RunWait, UCR.exe , , Min

3b) No way at the moment, I could maybe look into something though.

Both your suggestions are already planned features - I recently put in the groundwork to be able to support this, it's just a case of wiring it all up.

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